Senior Bonfire! Or shall we say "Bond-fire". That was a great name to change it to DeShawn. You know i expected the actual fire to be alot bigger like on the football field. no, it was off to the side next to the tennis court (aka unofficial parking lot) in a pile of sand. There were smores , drinks, and the (drumroll please) ~time capsule~! I stuck in a license plate that says "Spdy 03" that has a turtle behind the writing. i also wrote all this stuff on the back. that'll be something i'll look forward to 10years from now! lol. There was also a truck that provided the music. Their bass was HORRIBLE. more treble than bass ain't good. of the 640ish seniors at my school about 40 came. (and i do believe that they were not all seniors at this school). Yet perhaps they were the "seniors" who never come to school. lol. this one guy was doing some marshmallow fishing action. it would lite up in the fire then go in the sand....then get eaten. EEWWW!! well, what else can i expect? next up, 10 days of spring break!
Curse those volunteers in the What's Next rm, I SHALL MAKE A PENNANT!!
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