Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day



ugh... losing... energy... only 2 more entries. I can DO IT!

we get to katrina's house and mostly wait for others to show up. molly was already there hangin out, sonya comes with some ice cream (woohoo! everyone loves ice cream...), and justin arrives empty handed. he didn't kno he had to bring anything but we already had puhlenty. we play a quick game of mad gab. wasn't as successful as the night before cuz those phrases were both strange and uncommon. how often do u hear the saying "chicken of the sea" in everyday convos? i know it referred to tuna but still. oh jasmine, being the cute innocent one, doesn't mean much when she honestly says something but we were getting into teams and she says something like "okay it's the 2 smart ones against the rest of you" or something. we started bustin up, well my team, cuz we were sposedly not the smart ones. haha jasmine had a blank look "what? i don't get it..." that was hilarious... then we had some dinner. YUM there was spaghetti and uh spaghetti and lasagna and bread and i love run on sentences and this very good green drink. it was kinda like the green hawaiian punch but tasted even better. katrina lead us in a prayer before we started eating. i got emotional when she prayed that i would have a good trip back home. back home? already?? i was really leaving the next day but i was ignoring the fact. i started crying...that was wasn't too bad tho. we all sat down and ate at the table. group pictures, eating, etc. justin was drilling thru bob's lasagna lol. no really it was good! i kinda stopped for a minute to look around the table cuz i wanted to sav our the moment. katrina noticed and asked if i wanted my vid camera. so i just went around the table saying hi to everyone with it LOL. quality filming. i wanted to use it more but i used it up so much already that day that the battery was almost out. okay the whole day kat, bob, jasmine, and i were trying to find time to see a movie. we finally thought we could do it after the dinner. but then we find out bob and jasmine had to leave. :( before she did, we watched the belgium and knotts video. hee hee it was so funny. we never saw the Knott's footage (knott's is another theme park more like 6flags than disney) so that was a first. yesenia's dad did most of the filming and we noticed that often the tape recorded yesenia's backside...hahaha. there was a whole park to film and here was yesenia... lol... so then bob left *sniff sniff*. we were gonna see Nemo but by the time we get there it was too late. so we're at the Krikorian or however u spell it staring at the options... the only thing left was From Justin to Kelly and we were NOT going to see that. justin didn't hesitate to suggest it... over... and over... we bump into sonya's sisters and their friend. haha stegosaurus! that was funny. "hey don't mess up her hair!... *mumbles* punk...". we are sitting around and justin gets restless. molly becomes his santa and starts asking for a parking lot, cars to crash in the parking lot.... then i become santa for awhile lol... lindsey chawlie whatever your name was! that was funny.

so um 20/30 minutes later we get picked up again and decide to rent a movie @ Hollywood Video c/o Sonya's card. iono how long we were there but a loong time. looking at various movies.... saw Ringu *shudder*... sonya wanted to see um y tu mama tambien or w/e sorry i dunno the exact title. i never saw it but molly said what it was about... and i was like okay no... however justin was interested and sonya changed her mind "never mind i dont want to see it with justin" LOL. meanwhile they are teasing me about how i was probably "in the mood" for it because bob and i told them about that vid game song. haha. now ever since 9th grade sonya had been telling me about this movie called the Labyrinth that she seemed to obsess over. especially because of David Bowie who's in it. i wanted to make sure that i'd see it when i came back so i could see what all the buzz was about. well this night was the last i'd spend with my friends and, even though she had the labyrinth at her house, it became an option to rent. we finally get in line with our first option as The Guru. we wanted to see a comedy. well wouldn't ya kno the guru was not available so we got the Labyrinth. woohoo? we walked to the Target where justin was gonna get picked up. oh yes and while we were in the video store sonya had been singing the Reading Rainbow song. i dunno who's idea it was to starting putting choreography to it but that's what she was doing. that was entertaining. graciously justin's mom gives us a ride back to katrina's house where we watch the movie. then justin left....

it was down to katrina, molly, sonya and i. so it was movie time! finally lol. now i'd love to give a plot summary and all.... but i'm sure u'd want to see it yourself. sonya knew everything word for word already so she was busy with her nose in the 5th HP book. in the dark. they asked if she wanted light and she refused. katrina had seen it once before but i dont think molly had ever. anyway the 3 of us were watching it, kat's dog jolie was inside begging for the food we were snacking on. she was so cute. the songs in the movie were so strange. they were just kind of spontaneous out of nowhere. i liked the trick with the crystal ball. oh and make a note of this: MOLLY was the one who noticed david bowie's "pants" first not me! "are those tights he's wearing??!!" "no those are leggings..." --me. haha sonya defensively says they are pants but goodness... then she said she couldn't believe that I was still in that mood... what did i do?! haha. it was bad cuz one of the characters.... what was his name the short dude that i never remembered his name correctly... haggle or hoggle w/e.... he was just at waist height of bowie (aka Jareth in the movie) and when haggle was speaking next jareth...haha....ha. the movie was really cool and all but i was losing my attention and starting to fall asleep. i moved around hoping that would make it better. not really. previously, justin discovered he could make a disposable camera flash w/o taking a picture (tres chouette) and sonya was imposing self injury to her hand to help me stay awake with the flashes. hee hee. thanks sonya! i mostly started to drift during the dialogue scenes where i thought i could just listen wit my eyes closed... it was such an 80s movie lol. apres le film, molly was on her way home. :( then sonya left too :'(. it was so overwhelming to say goodbye to so many people in one day.

it was pretty late when it was all over. kat and i went to her room for bed. i think it was around 12. she spent two hours signing my yearbook...aww.... so thoughtful :). i played back the video from bob's house and such. i also aligned a whole deck of playing cards and practiced my shuffling. which i am still not good at haha. yah well. we had a lot to talk about which was really great cuz i guess i didn't have a lot of time to just sit and talk with anyone there. at everyone elses house it was just like okay goodnight, sleep. which, mind you, was not bad either. haha. but in any case she finished her masterpiece after 2am, turned out the light and we were still talking. haha. i just enjoyed hearing about everything that went on at DHS, catching up on stuff i never heard about. and of course we reminisced a little... yes ms. cobos had the harrison ford shrine! oh i also discovered i say the world "like" WAY too much. like like like je l'ai deteste. i think it was cuz of living in Illinois where it was part of every other word conversation. :P reminiscing at the age of 18 wow... i'm 18?? wow. still doesn't feel like it. we finally went to sleep at 3.


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