Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me....

A week's supply of feathers! (and FIVE GOOOOLLLDDDEEENNN RINGS!)

including a new set of




hee hee. boy, my true love keeps repeating gifts. at least he gives me one new thing to compensate. :D


I went to a gift exchange ( aka white elephant)where I work. hee hee it was better than last year. not sure why. this year I got a "foot therapy" set. haha yeah thanks everyone, i get the hint! lol. my parents bought something for me to give. i didn't even know what it was! the person who got it knew what it was tho, so that's good. It was a bird hook hangar. hanger hook. something to do with hangers....


I'm going to drop off my sister at the movies to see Elf with her friend. Today I just realized I'm the only one without plans. A Friday, a Friday on vacation in fact, and I don't have plans. *SIGH*....

hee hee. i thought of going with them, but that's just spending more money... we'll see. Maybe I'll go shopping. :D

oh yeah...

and I got (almost) STRAIGHT As!!! hoorraayyy!!!

darn Geo class.


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