Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


My deepest DARKEST secret and other Quizzes

Your darkest secret is:
You cried during Finding Nemo

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Haha! Doesn't everybody know I cry at movies by now? Even the really corny movies. If the moment is special and I hear the music, I will TEAR.

You have a 93% chance of surviving a T-Rex Attack

You have a very good chance of surviving a T-Rex attack. You are very smart and know how to survive in the wild. You would be first in line if there was ever a real Jurassic Park.

Take this quiz at

Your arch-nemesis is:
Marie Antoinette

Because they hate cheese
The winner will be...
It’s a tie
Take this quiz at

I must form a strong defense at once! And hating cheese is just vulgar!


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