Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


i'm pooped. i was volunteering at a luncheon from 10-3. the food was very good. the cheesecake was ~magical~. *licks lips*. it seems like most people are at the point of deciding which college they are going to. i also hear about schools they've been rejected from. i'm sorry! i didn't get into the burnett honors college at UCF. thank GOD!!! of course if i got in i would be ecstatic because i would be one of "them", but i was so worried about balancing weighted general classes with engineering courses. i feel relieved now and i can kinda relate now to those who feel rejection on their shoulders. i think it musta been my test scores that had them decide not to take me. it's kinda strange because a friend that i know got in gpa wise is lower than me. then again her semester grades this year are better and her test scores are better. i dunno, i don't wanna analyze. all i know is all i hafta worry about now is picking an orientation date! woohoo!


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