Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


you know how ur head feels when you learn a completely new concept or try to listen to a really fluent french speaker for the first time? thats how my head feels now. confused. why? two of my friends have a very , shall we say, unique relationship. as of this moment i understand that i don't understand it. and actually, i think that's the best i'll be with it. so i'm content. i think the best way to get to know someone is individually anyway. u 2 are great friends either way hee hee.

ugh i think i ate too much chocolate. and i was mortified by my lunch period today. stacy was telling me about turtles that have diseases on their eyes! and my turtle on my keychain was getting abused. im gonna take it off tonite. its the kind where u squeeze it and the eyes bulge. well of course the friends at the table are the kind that squeeze it to its limit! the eyes were so big, and then they ripped them off. i was just grossed out. plus the turtle goo story from yesterday and turtle soups convos. yuck. i know they're all just kidding but after awhile i just feel disgusted.

i guess i really do care about turtles.


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