Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


questions. questions that cannot be answered. rhetorical. you know what i do when i have online time? i read other peoples blogs, i go on their websites. so don't be surprised or freaked out if you see me make a comment out of the blue. it's not really out of the blue... i've been here all along...

"Friends," said Pooh "are a very comforting sort of thing."

Friends are very complex people. can't live without them? sure i can. but that's not the best choice. sometimes i just want to curl up in a shell and hide. it's not like anyone cares anyway rite? i eat my A lunch by myself and nobody cares. i sit in the front corner of calc class and most of them dont' know my name. why make a difference? i can graduate and hope that college will be better. i can graduate and hope that my career will be better. but i can't do that can i. i guess i have to live for the moment. carpe diem rite. senior year's almost over, and i know a handful of good friends. but i'm not close to them. i usually feel like i'm intruding on their lives. they've had this niche for how many years? i wedge myself in. i had friends at my 2nd school. but i drifted away from them. and my first school, my friends there have had so many changes and adventures that i'm just the screen name on the monitor. whats the point of becoming any closer. college will change things all over again. at least i know what to expect. letters that are never replied to, too many things with too little time. it's distance that really seems to be the factor when it comes to stayin friends.

Just for future notice, I can slip in and out of serious blogs just like *snaps fingers altho can't really do it* that. the serious blogs seem to be the ones that are really on my mind and not just oooo what interesting thing happened today.


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