Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day



Wow i had so much fun, i dunno what it was, i just had a good time :D. it was last nite at the Contemporary Resort which is a hotel near the Magic Kingdom at Disney World (so close we could see space mountain). the monorail goes thru it and i was gonna go on it if i was bored, but it never got to that point lol. i guess at homecoming i did more walking around than dancing, and i danced *a lot* last nite. i could've just sat at the table and get my dessert on and watch others but...naaahh. i could've convinced myself that i was a *terrible* dancer and i would embarrass myself or "oh that booty dancing...i don't do that stuff" but hey i really didn't care (and yes i did do quite a bit of that). which reminds me, rap songs suck at a dance when i'm dancing like that cuz they are so frickin long and i get tired! lol. i want to thank keith for the last dance :). i saw every friend i wanted to see and they were all beautiful and handsome, i took a lot of pictures. i'll find out if they turned out okay when i go get them today. hey that rhymes... woohoo!! after prom we went to Downtown Disney, Kate was so kind enough to give me her prom glass after i broke the base of mine! ( hey! i didnt' kno it was in my lap when i stepped out of the van! :P). but anyway i will try to get another glass she can have... everything except Pleasure Island was closed at D. Disney, we were hoping the candy store was still open hee hee. we parked all the way on the west end of D.D. so of course we walk ALL the way to the other end... to see the giant lego display! as soon as i got past the Virgin Megastore i was like THAT’s it the shoes are coming off! they were really pretty shoes too, all silver with a giant ball on each shoe that looked like disco balls lol.... with my whole outfit i almost felt like Cinderella. what a coincidence being at disney! it was kinda fun looking around disney but i’d have to say the best part was resting at the bench as all the drunk people went by. “it’s your prom!” yeah we know... “you’re so pretty/beautiful!!” yeah we know... “wow don’t y’all look so pretty *wobbles on his feet while carrying his corona bottle in his right hand* he was funny we made fun of him for a while.... oh but my personal favorite “yeah woohoo prom high five!!” and i gave him a high five! lol eww drunk guy cooties... i almost thought he was going to punch me because he didn’t open his fist until the very last second LOL. i woulda beat him up with my heels... that is an example of my spontanaeity : P. right after the dance i still had so much adrenaline i could’ve gone for at least another hour but downtown disney tuckered me out. so i came home around 2:30am. Prom was SO worth the $50, glitter all over my body, and the one and a half hour hairdo! oh i haven’t talked about my hair, it’s really cool! i’m still wearing it haha. it’s an updo with those side curls and front curls.... that sounds weird but my hair was put in a pony tail first and then she (hairdresser) took sections of it and curled it into my head with SO MANY bobby pins... and she also pinned a silver chain on it to match. the chain itself took 12 bobby pins, i dont even know how many are in my head! that cost $50. so for the whole experience Prom cost me...around $240 (dance, shoes, hair, dress, dinner at Kobes) !! dang thats a lot... oh well lol go me! i hope those of u who went had a good time and those of u who have a prom coming up have just as good a time :).


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