it was my last day of ap history... and i cried! part of it was prompted by seeing the son (Nathan?) get shot in the Patriot but the other part was prolly cuz i was sad! those lil juniors gave me a "to a special high school graduate" card. aaaawwww... i wasn't even that close to many of them. i hugged the 3 i talked to the most and of course mrs montague. most of the time i felt like that one senior who just sat quietly at her desk...but iono i guess maybe thats what made it depressing too! :-p. by the time it was time to go ( i left before class was over) i was squeaking my goodbyes. made me feel a little better when matt goes "oh we were just kidding about that turtle stuff" and he was like the ringleader of that operation. i think the last turtle torture convo included...hmm... stewing turtles? it was friday after the ap test. good stuff. i kno they were kidding, at least that proved they knew i existed. but dude, if i started to cry just from leaving 2nd period, how am i going to handle graduation day??? i guess i *could* be sad about leaving now but i think it's important to be happy and maybe even keep a "stiff upper lip" at least until next tuesday. no one likes a sad turtle. i'd have a lot more fun that way...well... no guarantees on monday.

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