Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day



we got up had breakfast, katrina wanted to come to church with us so she did. sorry if u're confused :P. u looked like u were acting attentive. we got to see everyone so that was really nice. the people in my sunday school class was just the same as always: teacher asks questions, no one answers. finally i had enough and started answering. "aren't there days when you walk down the street and you just feel happy?" "yes" "and what do the people that walk by do?" "well they just kinda stare..." *laughter* "but don't they smile back?" "oh yeah sure sometimes..." haha. we ate in old town monrovia @ Wang's. a chinese restaurant my fam and i used to always eat at on sunday. the owner didn't recognize us tho haha. that's amusing. et puis, we saw that they were filming a movie! we were involved in a shooting :). a movie shooting... i know if i told one of my friends here, with stories of drive bys and such, their reaction might've been "OMG ARE YOU OKAY??" haha not to worry. all safe. we found out it was the sequel to Barbershop called Beauty Shop. haven't seen the first but maybe u'll see us in the sequel! we're the ones standing on the sidewalk guys! lol. there are quite a few that were standing around watching. they said it was okay as long as we didnt take flash pix or something. we had to leave but kat and i wanted to stay and stand there longer. lol. then we went back to kat's house and dropped her off. aww... no more friends....

we went to an indo restaurant and chinese supermarket to stock up on goods that we dont have in FL. we lugged 2 boxes (not packages, BOXES) of certain noodles home haha. hung out at uncle/aunt/cousin's house for awhile then left for airport. it was killing me that we saw at least THREE In N Outs from the freeway... i didn't get my in n out :(. i was craving for that burger for three years! well someone just has to come deliver one for me :) . we instead had regular old Burger King at the airport where i called rosa cuz i didn't properly get to say goodbye to her. she was sposed to come to the italian dinner but circumstances witheld her from doing so. then we were off on the plane back

we couldn't get a direct flight to orlando so we had to stop in miami. i think i like night flights better... cuz i slept most of the time. wouldn't u know that going back they actually had a good movie on... Catch me if you can. i saw it already tho so i decided i'd let myself sleep. the miami airport is CRAZY. it's like a giant maze and if u dont follow the signs, u are lost. there was a sign every few feet tho... it took us an hour just to get to the next flight. we had about 2hrs between flights. from miami to orlando was 35minutes. i really liked that! i should have shorter flights more often! too bad it won't get me very far. one day when it takes half an hour to get from fl to ca i'll take that flight ;-).

i really had the greatest time and i am so glad i got to go! my pictures will be posted in my site sometime in the future. can anyone send me doubles? please? we can switch.

now i can get back to blogging about less significant and perhaps shorter things....


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