Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


according to the robot lady of the AP college board phone number....

Yay i got a 3 on US History!!
maybe a lil disappointing but at least i'm "qualified"! one of the first year advisors discouraged me a little in her chat tho cuz she's like "and i think if u get a 3 in ur history score it only counts for a dummy class....". well gee. but i think it was weird in that class cuz i think the best i ever did was a lil more than half into the yr and after that it was leveling to b/c rated shtuff. if i had only taken it in february! lol.

I got a 3 on Eng Lit!!!
Ha! Ha! Ha! lol i kid myself... i actually prepared myself in that class? it's good that i actually *snigger* tried my *chuckle* best

ya likin those sound effects? i kno u can hear 'em.

oh and my ap french score? LoL.
A Two! woohoo! a two woohoo!! i wasn't expecting to pass but heck yah with all my great "preparation" i got a two! *pump fist*.

i called this morning so i could see what i needed to sign up for so unless i heard the lady wrong... those are my scores. if i got better i will definitely let everyone know. if they are worse, let's pretend these are right! and never hear about them again...


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