okay i just finished mailin about 6 or 7 letters to friends in cali. (well they were more like... notes) are YOU one of those people?
snail mail is such a lost art. i love writing long, drawn out letters and then taking the time to decorate every single page. but hardly anyone else in the world out there wants to do the same anymore! that's alrite, i understand, people got lives and such. internet makes it too easy to communicate. kids used to have to ask their parents if they could go down to the park to talk to their friends. now they lock themselves up in their room to do that. internet... do we take it for granted? YES of course we do! i enjoy going online 3 hours at a time just to play tic tac toe with a friend living 3000+ miles away. oh and you guys that can be on 24/7 and just have ur away message on.... that is golden *in awe*.
you ever have one of those moments when u just wanna snap at everything someone says atcha? i had my taste set on some spaghettios that i had saved in the fridge just now, which was there just before lunch, when i find out that someone had thrown it out. i just wanted to go "hulk" out on that person that was napping and AARRRGHHH!!!! yeah.... and sure it's *just* some food but the principle of it... MY food! the food which i took the time to open with the most user-unfriendly electric can opener ever! (u have to situate at certain angles and my sister is the one who can do it with the most ease ) i hate it when they throw out the good take-out, which they've stopped doing, but it's worse when it's food taken from the kitchen....bleh so now i'm crunching on this Nature Valley's oats bar, which is dam good anyway. oh and yes i admit i still go to the local grocery store, which now is Publix, to buy my Chef Boyardee and Franco-American canned italian products. they're YUMMY in my tummy!
so yes hmm what else can i add....my UCF orientation is in 10 days.... july 17th-18th. i am so excited/anxious now. i'd probably be more excited if i wasn't going to the "commuter school", i being a commuter, but hey it's COLLEGE! i think it really sank in when i got my Student Welcome Pack and the newspaper had all the important dates down for the year. all of them! i mean like, a whole guideline of the things i will do when and what i'll be doing in between as a COLLEGE STUDENT. and then after orientation i'll be getting ready to buy books and commute to my 2 or 3 hour classes, buy some Knight paraphernelia, attain some school spirit, see some college men.... hee hee. i am purposely ignoring rite now the fact of the countless hours of homework/studying i will be doing, the stress, the work, the adjusting, the strain, the the... okay so i'm not ignoring it. July is definitely my worry month of the summer. end of may after graduation was a little depressing, June was just FUN FUN FUN, and july is "oh incoming... college!! *braces self*" month. i want to be as focused as Hermione! i feel like how Harry does before returning to Hogwarts at the end of summer. in fact... i wanna go to Hogwarts! molly i see you smirking... she's going to what really seems like a muggle hogwarts. it was funny cuz in the O.W.L.s chapter i was answering those exam questions harry was going over in his head. "ooh wingardium leviosa!!"
ah yes and one last note, i'm leaving for vacation AGAIN. this thursday to sunday night and i am goin way down to suthern Illy. hopefully it's not like u know farm-south, i'm pretty sure it's not but yeah. it's near St. Louis and my sis and i are sposed to be able to have a day or 2 to wander aimlessly in St. Louis while my parents do their thing. i find that fun! considering i never get lost... *clears throat nervously*. anyone want a postcard? lol.
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