gosh what day am i on now? oh... *looks at calendar*... i've been doing the whole thing a day ahead! dagnabit! (Beverly HillBillies on TV in the background)... so let's pretend my true love skipped a day and on the
9TH DAY of Christmas i got
NINE MEN dancing! (and 8 maids a-milking).
yes i know it's supposed to me 9 ladies... but he knows i wanted men. and he understands...
so anyway i've been TRYING to put my (wretched) movie ON the dVd.
for the past three days.
it's just being gosh darn difficult. ALL it's gotta do is RENDEr, compile, and CREATE! that's it!
i tried encouraging the laptop, being with it, petting it.
doesn't work. okay wait let me rephrase that. this is what it DOES do. it takes 3 hours to compile, then it stops saying there isn't enough room. OR it freezes. but there was one time where it just got stuck at CREATE. hmm...
SO... i dunno what i'm gonna do. maybe just put the file up on the web. *growls*
what else... i read molly's latest post. if you haven't read it, go do it. even if you don't know her. :)
random conversation:
"do you have all of your christmas cards under the tree?"
"do you have you christmas CARD under the tree?"
"oh geez THANKS for rubbing it in!"
hee hee.
oh and some funny observations at the post office (my second home this holiday):
1.) there's a slot on the self-serve post machine that prints out forms: "This is NOT a mail slot! Do not put mail in here! this is for receipts!" haha. loosely quoted. but i can imagine the slot jamming because of mail that got stuck in there....
2.) oh and i'd swear, if i did swear, that older men have some weird attraction to me. *shudders*. so as i'm sticking some stamps on a package:
*i look up*
"you have REAL pretty hair *smiles*"
"oh thank you *uneasy smile*".
*he walks away*.
aaahhh! aahh!! i'm glad he didn't have anything else to say...
heard about the earthquake over in cali! did it affect anybody in duarte?
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