Yesterday I chose to go to the mall. west oaks mall. yay i saw molly! i didn't go in right away so i went to hot topic first. there was this guy offering free lotion (he worked there, this wasn't some random guy) from his cart and for once i said sure. then he tried to lure me into some other product and i successfully declined.
"here come let me show you this."
"nah *shakes head*"
"it will help improve.."
"no thanks"
"no really it will..."
hey this guy is french! i like his accent... wait i have to concentrate!
"No" <== said a little sterner
"alright have a nice day"
haha.... those frenchies are pushy. but hey i got free lotion that smelled good! but i won't buy anything from there soon.
oh yeah, and i bought this at hot topic.

i'm wearing it now and it completely stands out. cuz it's black. haha. i have a little red on my shirt so i thought it wouldn't stand out so much but then i'm wearing mostly light colors. oh well who cares! Go Go Gryffindor!! and it's cool cuz i figured out i could wear it inside out, i dont think you're officially *sposed* to, so it can match with ucf black and gold with the HP writing!! yay. :)
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