Surveys Galore
Your Hair Should Be White |
![]() Classy, stylish, and eloquent. You've got a way about you that floors everyone you meet. |
Haha! Well it's not really too much off from my current color.
First best friend: Hmm I think Sasha.
First break-up: Amongst bf/gf? recently
First screen name: Devilsgamer666, hah. the good old days of "scaring" people online. <= and who’s the one being scared now?! Haha. Mine was colorful turtle.
First self purchased album: Can’t remember
First funeral: friend’s dad
First pets: Willy the hamster
First piercing/tattoo: Ears
Last car ride: going home from the Altamonte mall
Last good cry: uh… a month ago. Or 2 months. How long has it been?
Last movie seen: in theaters, The Dukes of Hazzard
Last Beverage drank: cream soda
Last food consumed: pizza
Last phone call: discussing where each of us were at the mall/B&N
Last time showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: those blue ones
Last item bought: Natasha Bedingfield’s Unwritten album
Last annoyance: homework
Last time wanting to die: Never. That's a bit serious. Donne has some words on the subject. <= haha! What kind of words? Would I understand them? I never really wanted to die. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I did, but I never wanted to
Who is your best friend? Nun. The flying one.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No
Do you do drugs? Silly rabbit, drugs are for thugs. (bad ones)
What kind of shampoo do you use? vive
What are you most scared of? Frogs. The kind that hop
What are you listening to right now? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory sdtk
Where do you want to get married? I think in a church would be approp. Or somewhere outside
How many buddies do you have online right now? Uh I dunno. Let’s check.. 6
Color: green, orange
Food: baked potato
Boy name: Josh, or something more unique.
Girl name: I have to say Crystal is a marvelous name :p
Subjects in school: I like history, but it’s all about the CAD classes!
Animals: ?!?!??!?!?! turtles
Sports: basketball, bowling, curling
Perfume: I use body spray most of the time, otherwise it’s all about the Essence of Rainwater
Have you ever....?
Given anyone a bath? My cat. Baaad idea.
Smoked? No, ew.
Bungee jumped? no and I would not
Made yourself throw up? yes
Skinny dipped? No
Ever been in love? yes
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? Umm don’t think so. Any attempts to do so would be too late
Cried when someone died? yes
Been rejected? uh
Rejected someone? YES haha. Because I was not a free agent for one.
Done something you regret? Seeing Dukes of Hazzard, ugh terrible idea.
Last Person
You touched: sistah
Hugged: omigosh.. oh! My sister’s friend that took us to Kobe’s.
You Imed: haha I am usually not the initiator… but probably stacy
Imed you: sonyaaa
Called you: Mom.
You called: Domino’s guy
Bought you flowers: aww… Matt
Who'd you wanna
Kill: joe mama
Slap: uh.. no one really
Beat the shit out of: ew, I would never want to see that come out if I started beating someone.
Which is better
Coke or Pepsi: PEPsi
Flowers or candy: candy. Well both are really sweet.
Tall or short: tall
In the morning I am: online
All I need is: love
Where is your boy tonight? What? Who told you I had a kid? NO ONE was supposed to know!!! But since you must know, he is off saving the world, one flick of the wand at a time.
I dream about: haha sonya that’s an awesome dream! :p I mostly dream about places I’ve been or where I’ll go, with random friends I know.
What do you notice first: I don’t think this question is complete enough for me to answer
Last person you danced with: hmm.. besides myself… I dunno, matt.
Worst question to ask is: “Who makes you laugh the most”
Who makes you laugh the most: whoa! Totally the worst question.
Makes you smile: Aww! Now I have pressure from Sonya and Stacy to say the same about them! And if I don’t say them, then they’d think I’m not really smiling. I’m *fake* smiling! But that is not true.. so they always make me smile : ). All my friends do. That’s why I like to keep them around ha, ha.
Who has a crush on you: haha I really don’t know. Hopefully not that many people.
Do you ever....?
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: not really. Boys are stupid sometimes.
Wish you were younger: no. I still think young sometimes to hold me over
Number Of
times I have had my heart broken: if you are referring to it in the way I think you are, once
Of hearts I have broken: I don’t know. Hopefully none. Hopefully not too many.
Of guys I've kissed: I don’t kiss..
Of girls I've kissed: ..and tell
Of continents I have lived in: one
Of tight friends: hahaha Stacy!! I have a handful of ‘tight’ friends.. the internet is a wonderful thing.
Of cds I own: I’d say more than 40. less than 1,000.
Of scars on body: I have some, the majority are on my face.
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