Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


Everything happens for a reason. right?

Can anyone explain what my purpose to move from california was?? offhand it doesn't make sense. i thought IL would be a way cool place to move. i get there, and then i think: why the hell am i in illinois when i could be having a comfortable life in cali?! then i go to FL and i think: why the hell didn't i just move straight to florida?! j/k hee hee. i mean why the hell couldn't i just stay in IL, i was finally getting used to it! now i look back and i'm still in FL... if i wasn't forced to move (twice), i probably wouldn't have grown as much as i have. it forced me to expand my little bubble (into three time zones) and see that the world actually includes so many different lifestyles. in french class we had to orally tell the class our future. a lot of people, who have lived here all their life, still want to live in FL when they're older. some of them don't even want to travel! not that i'm saying that's a bad thing, but there has to be some point in life when you do something or go somewhere you don't really want to do/go, but it changes your life. maybe you go to the school or take the major that doesn't fit your perceived future. it really doesn't make sense but for SOME reason that what's happened. call it destiny, call it God's will, call it w/e you want. yes i do believe everything happens for a reason.


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