Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


la la la.... what does one do when one does not go to school? it's 7:44am. class has almost started. i don't need to be there since i already took my 4th final and if i were to come i would get a lot of "why are YOU here?!"s. i don't expect 5th period expects anyone to come and 6th definitely don't expect us since that going away evenement. franglais is one of the best forms of communication...for the ones who kno both languages. joke:

what do you call someone who speaks 3 languages? trilingual
what do u call someone who speaks one language? American.

Haw. gotta love that humor. i'm sure many have heard that one before but it still pokes me in the funny bone. wow now it's 7:49am. why didn't i just let my dad take my sister to school? i could be sleeping. i wonder if the a/c is on... i wonder what everyone else is doing now...what does one wear to a rock concert when one does not own any so-called cool rock stuff? perhaps i will blend in with one of my turtle shirts? should i wear my pink one? j/k, i dont own anything pink. i am going to feel awkward there. not just cuz i might not ~blend~ (my sister will) but because my parents are going! *sigh* my dad has no clue what kind of music we're going to see/hear/whatever. my mom said she wanted to come cuz "everyone goes thru that phase". what?! anyway it's the people in the audience who might be rude and mean and i dont want that to happen tonite. parce que ce n'est pas tres sympa!


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