Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


"wash another peach so i can cut it"
*brings over to him*
"is this one ripe?"
"did you wash it?"
"no because i"
"wash it!"
"but i want to know if.."
"wash it crystal! wash it!"
"is it..."

well. that was the extent of my day. (it was a lil too firm to eat in my opinion.)

ON another note.
one of my very good friends, or i think so anyway, is going to leave her roots to be in a new found... glory? lol. umm she's leaving to go all the way to miami to start college!!

Stacy!! hi :).

there probably isn't much more i can say than what i have already permanently written in your yearbook and birthday card. i remember the first day i met you in french class. haha you, nicole, xandi, and megan were working on some type of camp-related story (?). i don't remember much about that really except that it was hilarious and i was somewhat intimidated by all of the... vivacity. *ahem*. but i quickly learned that goofing off in french class is an art and 6th period was a classic favorite/hated part of the day. i got to kno you even better this past year. the mornings in the media center, the run-ins at the lockers, the online conversations, the "joyriding". we've laughed... we've laughed... you've seen my bad side, i've seen your good side. this would be a good time to mention every single inside joke and memory that comes to mind but i already accomplished that with your bday present! haha. i really enjoy being your friend and i know u'll do great in miami. just wanted to let you know that i'm here for you and that just like the 3 of us were saying on the way back from Osaka, the internet will probably not make it any different haha. sooo have lotsa fun, don't make your roommate too paranoid. oh yeah, and I'LL MISS YOU A LOT!!!!

this is the first time i had to say "goodbye" to a friend here. fun to the be the first huh Jacqchhh?? i'll miss making that grotesque noise in the back of my throat. lol.

"hawaiian people should go on road trips. it's fun sometimes."

luv ya, take care, bye,

Turtle :)


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