hello! been workin hard on my video. i'm gonna try to make it on a dvd if i can figure that out. matchstick men was really interesting. i dont want to give it a way but it absolutely did NOT turn out the way i predicted. nicolas cage was a good actor in it. i haven't seen much of his movies. oh and the way some parts were filmed reminded me of The Ring. *shudder*. no actually not the ring, but the evil memory video in the ring. even worse rite? okay yesterday i didn't go outside at all. wow. just worked on my video aaallll day. watched rerun of south park, real world, and road rules. last week's road rules was amazing! the firewalking episode? wow. i think it's gonna be difficult to top these missions for the next one. driving to and from UCF i always notice these large flocks of birds flyin around and sitting on the telephone wires. they're pigeons. ever see pigeons do that? not me. still kinda freaks me out to see them all flying together like that. stupid hitchcock movie. anyway time for more edting...
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