i still have those bryn alan grad previews. where i'm shaking dr. edwards hand. oops.
went on a "scavanger hunt" with my engineering group today. we were sposed to go to different buildings, have them confirm we were there by stamping the date on our paper. we had to do most of it within an hour since 2/5 of us had a class. that pretty much sucked. if i did that every day i'd be in pretty darn good shape lol. gosh it was so humid. i'd tell you i was sweating buckets but that's just gross and unpleasant rite? we had 3 more stamps left when 2 had to leave. so we went to the gym, grabbed two people, got the stamp. *evil laughter* they had to write down the number present also. walked into student academic resource center, forgot to get 2 people. found 2 people but they had just come out of where we needed to go. tricky, they might have revealed our hasitly devised evil plot. so close! "okay how many people are there... ONE TWO THREE...." "oh and those two" "FOUR FIVE". that was so close! friday we still have one more stamp which is in the MECA lab. apparently in the engineering building even tho the engineering academic resource center had NO IDEA where that was. strange employees. volunteers. w/e. hardly any building knew what we were doing so they were all pretty confuzzled haha.
only a 3pm class tomorrow. yay!
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