Animal Planet
animals update!
i saw one of those blue cranes (?) in the lake near the student union. pretty. i admired it for awhile when i saw... something swimming in the water behind it. what could it be?
if you guessed TURTLE you are right! it was pretty big! maybe like a foot. it was a red-eared slider i believe, even tho i was quite a ways from it. i can tell ;). it was swimming towards the grassy shore! aah! i wanted to go closer and take pictures but i never really know if we're allowed to get that close to the lake. there were a lot of people walking around at the time.
another day before that, i was walking towards the computer science building when i saw a black snake slither in the grass. aah! that was freaky. it was pretty close to me. fortunately it was moving AWAY from me further into the forest. i think i had a basilisk moment.
now i always see the squirrels every day, begging for food. there are a few that are quite aggressive. they actually go up on the table where you are to get food! one squirrel had touched a girl for food and she FrEaKeD out! lol. she was all up on her chair like an elephant against a mouse yelling at it to go away. another girl screamed when she suddenly saw this squirrel sitting on the table in front of her. hee hee.
AND FINALEMENT, 2 stories that would support my theory that the birds are after me. LoL:
1.) i was driving home and about to pass under the 408. there are usually pigeons flying around there and with no surprise there they were. about 4 of them were flying together, when SUDDENLY one of them divebombs towards my car and turns to go under the bridge. AAHH!! pigeons aren't supposed to divebomb!
2.) i was sitting at a traffic light while on my way to school. from there i can either go straight to 441 or turn left and eventually get to 441. so i was contemplating which way to take that day when i noticed these vultures sitting on the lamp posts. nice. well the light turned green and i was going to drive straight when SUDDENLY (hee hee, i have to type it that way to add effect) one of the vultures flies down right on the street ahead of me to block the path. aah! so i took that as a sign for not taking that way lol.
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