Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


hee hee.

in case you didn't get it, they're krill!!

it's in some way almost nasty in a creepy crawly way.

hope you like it, cuz it's gonna stay this way for awhile lol. i think it looks cool. and i was un peu fatiguee with finding the right nemo wallpaper, so i'm going the alternate route for awhile. with real underwater animals.

i was so embarrassed this morning. my car hydroplaned while i was trying to turn onto 436. (lots of cars to see) i was turning and it was making a wider than normal turn. it was a little scary because i didn't realize it was hydroplaning right away, but fortunately i read/learned about how to stay in control in a situation like that. thanks to driver's ed! yes i was probably going too fast for the wet road and the sensitive tires (bad turtle!). by sensitive i mean they're worn down a lot so i have to remind myself to drive A LOT slower especially when wet. i thought i was tho. anyway i'm grateful that i'm safe and the car is safe so that instead of being in an accident, i am merely embarrassed of hydroplaning. ah yes and for those of you curious cats, i too partake in the tradition of naming the cars:

Purple Plymouth Voyager (van)- Tilly:what i drive every day. she's the newest of the bunch, has her faults, sensitive

Blue Dodge Caravan (van)- PePe : one of the older ones, good drive, but breaks down

Silver Buick LeSabre (not a van!)- Jacques :Jacques stuck through all these years and survived my driving it all senior year. spent a lot of hot afternoons waiting for me to be done with french stuff.

And those are my cars. i just profiled them. how pathetic lol. actually that was kind of amusing... only my sister knows what i named them all. i don't think my parents would share the fun of it. especially with the names i gave them haha. anyone else name their car(s)?


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