Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


it's Christmas Eve Eve!

today was a day just like any other day.

except now i have 10 lords a-leaping around my house!

hee hee.

i think i'm gonna change my template again. not that i dont like the cat. or that i even know what i'm changing it to...

i watching local channel 9. and this lady named Catherine Rose hosts this educational show for kids. it's like what you'd see at a library or maybe show and tell. except the camera would zoom into the bored parents' faces instead of the kids. ANYWAY... guess which animal she was talking about! i'll give you a hint... TURTLES!! hee hee. she brought actual turtles there! yay! i was all into it. my sister was like "booorrriinnng!!". lol. personally i thought it was great. she brought loggerhead musk turtles, box turtle, tortoises... i didn't see the whole show unfortunately.

what else... the weather has gone down to the 40s lately in Florida. but today and yesterday was nicer. nicer as in warmer. i think i'd like to see it snow once. just for one day, i don't want to kill those florida natives or anything. i'd just like to see some snowflakes gently traveling through space and time, descending upon a palm tree, decorated elegantly with lights. hmm. yes...

i finally finished sending (most) of my Christmas/holiday cards. Sorry for the ones that came tardy. thesequel was taking up a lot of my time.

oh oh and one more thing! i was watching MacGyver (because he's the bestest handyman ever) and his friend was telling a little story!

the Scorpion and the Turtle

one day a scorpion wanted to get across the river, but he couldn't swim. he decided to ask the turtle to help him get across. the turtle thought well he wouldn't sting me because he would drown, so he decided to help him. but as they got halfway across, the scorpion stung him! the turtle asked,"why did you do that? now we will both drown!". and the scorpion replied "because it's my nature".

yes. sad story in fact. he told that story because macgyver tried to save the evil villain (former gf?) from falling off the cliff but she was actually trying to throw him off and stab him anyway. and she fell off the cliff. muhaha. SO the point was, he could try to help her but she would still do her villain thang cuz it was her nature. and i thought it was mucho cool that he told a story with a turtle in it! yay.


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