Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


Judgment Day

So far I have passed 3 of my 4 classes this semester, woohoo! My calc prof has office hours from 11-2 today and I want to see him then, but I'm...scared. What if I didn't pass and I FAILED calc 2? That's incredibly scary. But then, what harm can it do to find out now instead of Friday by polaris. He's a nice guy, good teacher, hard tests... at least for me... but I can imagine how hard it would be for me (and him) to break news like that. A lot was riding on the final exam and boy did I study for that. But I know I didn't get the grade I wanted. Maybe he'll have some compassion and curve the grades for us. I mean I did my homework, I went to see him during his office hours, I came to every class that I could, what else could he ask for? If worse comes to worse, I guess there's grade forgiveness. Ugh, this was a tough semester.


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