Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


Being Lazy

1. Spell your first name backwards: latsyrc

2. Story behind your name: well currently it is backwards

3. How old are you: 20

4. Where do you live: Apopka



5. Wallet: blue and fat because I keep receipts in there for a really long time

6. Eyes: brown

7. Toothbrush: crest

8.Jewelry worn daily: currently none =-o

9. cell phone: flip phone, verizon baby

10. Pillow cover right now: yellow and white w/turtles

12. Bedroom: white, messy, has a cat sleeping in it

13. Sunglasses: umm from the mall

14. Favorite shirt : oh.. umm any mraz shirts right now

15. Cologne/Perfume: I just have body spray

16. CD in stereo right now: In my car it’s Tristan Prettyman

17. Piercings: standard

18. What you are wearing now: mraz shirt, jeans

19. Wishing: matt wasn’t busy today

20. Wanting: to be more productive

21. After this: I might do something more productive

22. If you could get away with it and murder anyone who would it be?: nobody! That’s terrible

23. Person you wish you could meet: Johnny Depp, so that I may kidnap him and make him my love slave <= hahaha!

24. Some of your favorite movies: Forrest Gump, Finding Nemo, HP 1-4

25. Something you're looking forward to: Friday! Busy day

26. The last thing you ate?: Oreos

27. Your fears: roaches, abandonment, failure <= those are good

28. Do you like candles: yes

29. Do you like incense: not really

30. Do you like the taste of blood: no too salty

31. Do you believe in love: yes

32. Do you believe in soul mates: yes

33. Do you believe in love at first sight: Yes

34. Do you believe in Heaven: Yes

35. Do you believe in God: Yes

38. What is the longest you've ever stayed up: 30 something hours

39. Can you eat with chopsticks: yes

40. What's your favorite coin: quarters

41. What are some of your favorite candies: toblerone, lindt, oh uh chocolate in general!

43. What's something you wish you could understand better?: Spanish

44. Who is someone that you really wish was still around?: hmm dunno


51. Where is your favorite place to shop: gap, old navy

52. Have any tattoos: no

53. What is your favorite thing to wear: jeans

54. What is a must have accessory: phone

55. How much is the most you've ever spent on a single item of clothing: 50 something

56. Who is the least fashionable person you know: ahahaha.. no one

57. Do you match your belt with your hair color: lol my hair color is not green

58. What is the worst thing you've ever thought looked good?: hahaha I’m sure there was something.. possibly some kind of shirt

59. How many pairs of shoes do you own: 10 at the most

60. What is the worst trend you see today?: ugg boots



61. Do you do drugs?: no

62. What kind of shampoo do you use?: vive

63. What kind of soap do you use?: dove

64. What are you listening to right now?: NSYNC- Home for Christmas CD

65. Who was the last person that called you?: mom

66. Where do you want to get married?: somewhere outside in the spring or in a church. Lol I know the last time I said SOMEONE said “well where else??” but there are many other options such as a country club, hotel, boat..

67. How many buddies are online right now?: 8

68. What would you change about yourself?: hello my name is lazy

69. What are essentials in your life?: God, family, friends.

70. Do you send out holiday cards each year?: yes!


71. Hair: down

72. Make-up: none

73. Music: aahh Christmas music EVERYWHERE


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