Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


Je suis tres fatiguee maitenant. Je pense que j'ai dormi pour 3 heures hier soir...

I have returned from a Relay for Life adventure. yes it was on the school football field and we camped out in tents. we raised a lil over 1000, beating our 789 amount from last year! YAAAAAYYYY! the activities were fun. i wish more of my team was willing to participate and cheer each other on though. i never realized i could endure a whole aerobic workout until this morning lol. they had one and i figure eh what the heck, why not.... it was fun and funny lol. but i didnt' get tired... maybe it's a sign... or not...moving on..... we won for having the most points from the Relay Olympics! we all got medals. my first medal. :) but bad news is, i have no idea where a bunch of my stuff went that i brought. i'm missing my cd player by french folder (my ap french homework is in there!) and my batteries. hopefully it was mistakenly packed into french room junk so it will hopefully be in the room on monday! Oh good golly, miss molly! (yes i'm talking to you) i'm comin to opening night (thurs) of ur play!

Don't forget to set your clocks *ahead* one hour tonite. as if senior year couldn't go any faster...


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