WoW the Scarlet Pimpernel was amAZing! I was so glad i went. this is me getting blown away ===>*Whoosshh* .it was worth the $8 and 2.5 hours of my time. i think the only thing that bothered me the most would be the french singing parts, and i know that's because i have been in french for 4years. the "mondoo" instead of "mon dieu" was kinda funny :P. marguerite said that beaucoup times. but 'sides that, je l'ai adore beaucoup! i contemplated going again for a 2nd time. it was just what i needed for an "escapism maneuver" from the realities of life. it makes me wonder why people don't make that many musicals in movie form. who knows maybe i'll end up going saturday just to stalk jacqchhh. lol. oh and by the way Cassandra (Granillo) if u're reading this, hi! i wrote out this whole shoutout in ur comment box when i saw u changed it yesterday and i couldn't click the Tag button..:(). but that's okay i was just gonna say thanks for putting me as one of ur links, i didn't expect u to since we haven't talked in sooooo loooong. and if u're not reading this but someone u know is, tell her i said hi! :). okay well i'm gonna go try to study for the ACT now...riite...i need to get a 28 haha.

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