"Let anger grow-- you have plenty of time."
"Facts are stupid things."
"I grew up in California. Phoenix is the best."
"Anger is the worst counselor."
"He faked a bluff."
lol went to Borders with Shirin and i just read these quotes.
so let's see today... went to senior breakfast, took way too much food but hey, i can't back down on something free! especially when those are juniors who served me *muhahaha*. ate half a bagel, about half of the danish, grapes and...brought the frosted flakes and snacky things home. i think i know who spray painted those "O3s" all over the place and i'm pretty sure they weren't all seniors (if any). i dont really have any proof but since they spray painted in red and conveniently there is now a phrase spray painted in red on the sidewalk in my neighborhood....connection? they are so stupid. no actually they are REALLY stupid! but anyway what else.... i wonder if i will be able to see the lunar eclipse tonite. anybody ever been bitten by a squirrel? i did today, u kno i just wanted to kno how desperate it was for those planters peanuts... just kidding. but i really was bitten, shirin has a pet squirrel in a bird-looking cage and she had convinced me that it like me! so, being the animal lover i am, i tried to pet it and first it nips me. "aww how cute" curious to see how serious it was about injuring me i try again and that time it drives its teeth into my finger! ouch. so now i have these two buck teeth marks in me. afterwards it kept scratching itself and i'm thinking "oh no what if it had rabies!!!". but neither it or me has started foaming at the mouth so it's all good.
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