well, as if i couldn't possibly do anymore to my blog, i added a pollhost. woohoo. i thought about not doing it cuz i don't think that many people actually come here but...whatever! "cuz this is MY united states of whatever..." i spent a lot of my online time yesterday trying to figure out how to post pictures. c'est tres difficil. j'ai pense que i figured it out but i didn't.
it is SO hot in this room... maybe because in here i am forced to think and concentrate causing the motion of atoms to generate heat despite the constant flow of airconditioning... maybe.
cheaptickets.com is being so mean to me! it worked just fine this morning.
earl is still flying high. i'm happy for him. he's starting to look a little raisiny though.
wouldn't it be cool to live in a world where u could just get automatically transported to various places like in star trek?? that "beam me up" motion.
the days are getting closer...i still don't have a definite answer... but i have managed to make a whole list of things i'd need to bring, places i'd want to go, and how much money i'd need... why can't i just go "well i decided to do this, be back in about a week SEE YA!!"
it looks like i'll be working for 3 days this summer. not that i have anything else to do, might be good for me.i refused to work on my birthday because i figured it could quite possibly be the day i would've considered planning doing something! lol.
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