Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day



goes to the new MISS AMERICA!!

Ericka Dunlap- who was Miss Florida and is going to UCF!!!

representin! nice. :) anybody watch that last nite? i did cuz i had to support a fellow UCF student! but it was cool cuz she really wasn't expecting it. it was down to her and Miss Hawaii. but actually she was doing quite well. the tv viewers were told that she won the Evening Gown , Talent, and Interview rounds! i didn't tune into the swimsuit comp or giant dance they all do. anyway the talents weren't very special. i wanted to see some ventriliquism or baton twirling! lol. 4 singers and one cello player. the top 5 were miss FL, CA, WI, MD, and HI. i like it when the winner is really genuinely shocked and surprised and that's how dunlap looked. in a little personal clip before their talents, each person talked about something they hold close. and ericka starts talking about elephants. all of these elephant trinkets that she owns and names. i'm thinking how can ANYBODY be so obsessed with an animal like that.... LOL. it wasn't like maryland's committment to pub education or wisconsin's hope to increase organ donors. elephants. lol. my dad was like "if she doesn't win, u can go on and represent your turtles!" haha there's hope for people like me somewhere in this vast universe! hahaha. i thought ericka was just too cool not to win after that. especially her interview answer was so eloquent and proper for the world situation. so i'm very happy for her! :D


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