Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


ha hee hee?

well it's 9:34am and i am in the school library. i SHOULD be studying for geography. which i will take in... 5 hours. but i'm not. hmm. he placed an example of the test in the reserves area on monday. they told him it would be ready today. or that's what he thought. i asked the guy he said it takes a week. oh good so i'll be able to see the example test next week! i read over some of my notes. hopefully the test isn't horrible. it's all multiple choice. if it's like his lectures then it won't be. i dont remember if he drops the lowest score. i think i'll start studying at 10. just cuz :). i am definitely studying for my music exam that's tomorrow tho. i'm staying late today. so maybe i'll have another post up lol.

open house was kinda cool. i felt like a ghost goin around there lol. a few people recognized me. we parked in the student lot. we left at 6:30, yeah i thought we'd only take an hour there. got home around 9. apparently my sister was there but she was selling those discount cards with her team so she wasn't done till late. she told us to meet in the front commons so my mom and i waited there. i decided to go visit mrs montague. then i realized how far away the 100 hall is from the front commons. so i went to visit ms. carter first. she was so happy to see me, i was glad to see her. the room is A LOT neater now, there's even space still on the shelves. a nice desk with a big desk lamp. and more details u really wouldn't need to know. but i asked her about classes and how she's doing, she said good, vice versa. i tipped her on county competition which she completely forgot about. she told me about the APs. nicole, amber, marcela, sherley, girl from haiti named kirby... i spoke one french word with her! Bonjour! hee hee. her american accent sounded better, i guess that's better for the french ones she's teaching. and then i went to see mrs montague who was also happy to see me. no one else was in their rooms at the time so i was able to have convos with them. i wanted to ask how mrs montague's ap class was doing but all we ended up talking about really was me. maybe next time. she asked me to email her sometime, which i still have to do. everytime i drive by her neighborhood i think "oh! have to email her!" then i forget lol. it's good that i got to see her. i saw mrs johnston too but she was talking with dr. edwards so i didn't bother. eeww! there are like mini dust bunnies falling from the ceiling! that's unclean... speaking of unclean... ahs still looks the same. big hole in the wall in the 100 hall, some of the walls are torn up. altho the hallways actually smelled good. probably just for that night.

alrite 9:54am best be off. OR ELSE. yay for empty threats.


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