September 28th around 2:50pm
'Twas a Sunday just like any other.
A hot autumn afternoon
Nothing else planned, no where in particulars to be.
I went outside towards the car, when, I saw it.
Something was moving at the end of our driveway, and pretty quickly.
Carapaced, black, aha! I knew exactly what it was!
My mother curiously wondered why i started to sprint towards the end of our driveway.
Get the video camera! I said. It's a turtle!!
My mom comes out and hands it over.
It saw me and halted.
Yes, it was a turtle all right. A big one too.
About twelve inches I would say.
"Look at its eyes! It's so cute!"
There it stopped, black of the deepest hue,
with wonderful contrasting yellow eyes blinking through the sunlight.
Click! Click! Two pictures.
My sister came out.
Here take a picture of me and the turtle!
Put it in the grass! My dad said.
I picked it up, this yellow liquid squirted out of the sides of its shell.
Eww!! Eww!!
Defense mechanism. Sweat? It looked healthy enough not to be injured.
I carried it to a grassy area.
My mom and I left in the car as we had my sister watch it go across Gulf Winds Court
It's headed towards the lake we figure.
I arrived back to the house.
Yay we saw a turtle today!
My sister decided to name it Harold.
Goodbye Harold, happy trails.

florida softshell turtle, basically what Harold looked like
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