Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


just keep posting, just keep posting

wooo!! woo!!!!

yeah energy! woo!!!

hmm i thought that would help me a little. :)

yesterday: much better.

watched a very exciting softball game. they played lake brantley and brantley was in the lead 1 to 0 for the first 6 innings!! ahh!! very tense but then they got it going and it ended up being 7 to 1! yay! woo! haha. so they won 3rd place for the tournament! take that rich kids!

oh but one bad thing that happened yesterday. i had an assignment due by 11:59pm and at 9:30 the site shut down! goshdarnit! that sucked. of course i procrastinated so i only answered 6 out of 20 questions. 30%!! woohoo! it's a good thing i have done pretty well on the rest tho so my average is 88%. which is... aight. it was a 90 something. but nooo i had to wait last minute. c'est la vie.

an-ee-weigh... it's about 8:49 in the am and i got here in time to find out that math was canceled for the day! how frustrating. which means i have FIVE hours to kill now. kill stab! i hope i can get a better schedule next semester. i had it all planned out but the seats are filling up.

in the middle of the student union there is a big pegasus logo on the floor and it used to be roped off. recently they've taken away the rope. i wonder why? we are now allowed to parade all over it? i feel like i shouldn't. i mean it's a very nice picture. i don't like to be mean to nice things. i know someone out there is saying Turtle, it's just a piece of floor! you're overthinking again! Yes well maybe i am! hee hee i'm using the italicizing function alot .

alrite now it's 9am! hmm i wonder what it would be like for me to have a cuckoo clock. hanging at home of course. not in my backpack. we used to have one of those smaller grandfather clocks. the kind that hang. we would even have to hand crank it to keep it going! coolest thing ever. but then we got this thing called a cat and it saw that pendulum swinging. he kept going for it but he couldn't reach it. then one morning we found the clock on the floor. broken. oh well. something tells me a cuckoo clock would become another mission for tekla.

my blog posts don't seem to be as cool as they used to be. iono why. i need to go back and see what's missing. maybe it's the rage and passion . hee hee. maybe college life is un peu ennuyeuse. if you're thinking, well they're just as boring as before then i guess i'm doing my job rite and worrying about nothing! yay.

oh and finally, here's some new pix from the HP3 movie!

he almost looks sort of... happy


okay molly and i tried to figure out where this scene comes in the book... malfoy can do origami?!

okay that is just darn scary

if you want to see them bigger, just click on them. cuz i'm fancy like that :P. there's more on the snitch site. (see left link)

if my blog ever loads really slow, please tell me so i can possibly... cut back on some things. oh perish the thought!


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