le premier et le dernier
I was doing this on Word when i realized punctuation marks get messed up when i paste it. but i'm lazy to change them correctly, and i'm sure u'll be able to figure it out.
When was the first time you...
1)Did an email survey? Way way back in the summer during 9th
2)Started using email? same
3)Got a screen name? hmm maybe that winter
4)Started playing video games? I had the original Gameboy people. That was since I was probably? 10? plus I had those tiny mini vid games from Singapore. That?s like 7/8/9 yr old stuff
5)Realized Santa wasn't real? He?s WHAT???!!! LoL I think I?ve always known that
6)Realized you loved playing a sport? Hm when my dad would take us out to Encanto park to play basketball every week
7)Got your first A on a test? Psshh that starts at the beginning
8)Got your first F on a test? F?.? haha actually I have gotten *that grade* before. Below 60 I just consider them really low Ds so that letter doesn?t even register very well. Probably in an English class?
9)Broke a law? Um? I used to take grapes from the bunches at the grocery store?
10)Bought your first cd? My own? Hee hee maybe not till 7th
11)Didn't like a teacher? Ms klein 7th
12)Pulled a prank(other than prank calling)? I?m usually the prankee sadly
13)Prank called someone? Haha see above. There was one time a friend called and I was convinced it was my other friend so I called her the wrong name. ?oh yeah, this isn?t ----? wow. haha yeah good prank! kind of.
14)Started dressing differently because your friends did? Haha that never really influenced me
15)You realized you weren't a kid anymore(even if you still feel like one)?hard to determine sometimes? maybe after 9th grade : )
16)Fell asleep in school? Haha kindergarten during nap time
17)Were away from home w/o your family? 6th grade outdoor science school
18)Started cussing/cursing/saying naughty words (hehe)? Lol well you won?t really hear them from me unless they slip or something has worked me up to it. My mind is pretty f*cked up tho so 9th
19)What was the first curse word you ever said? Outloud? Let me set it up for you: running around the track 9th grade, I for some reason was jogging in the grassy part and I trip in a hole so I say ?oh sh*t!!? haha. I meant to say shoot. But? came out wrong in the translation somewheres
20)Realized you liked guys? Um I?ve liked them since forever?
21)Believed in cooties? Um elementary school
22)Played with bugs? LoL! Since I was little. I liked collecting the rolly pollys
23)Did something bad? 1st grade
24)Fell on your ass for doing something stupid? well... someone pulled a chair out from under me when i was trying to sit. i cried. oh and there was that time i was playing soccer at nview and i tried to kick a ball and slipped on some mud down to the floor. THAT was funny.
25)Ran into a wall *or some other object*? hee hee these are funny... well i run into the corner of tables or doorknobs
26)Pissed someone off so much they got you back?um.... not that i know of
27)Got stuck in a sticky situation? elmer's glue is fun to peel off
29)Did something bad then ran? hmm not really run persay...
When was the last time you...
29)Tripped over something? today
30)Cursed something? uh... probably the internet bein slow
31)Realized it wasnt the day you thought it was? hahaha yes that was this tuesday actually
32)Watched a PG-13 movie? hmm... Big Fish in i think Jan
33)Watched a rated R movie? The Butterfly Effect either the last week of Jan or first of Feb
34)Ran into a wall*or something else*? i ran into a car
35)Hiccuped? maybe a few days ago. they're fun, but my family is always like drink something! soi just stop. cuz i'm cool like that
36)Enjoyed the stars? ooo last night
37)Went to the beach? last summer
38)Thought about your future? lol 2 days ago i was talking to my lj bud that lived everywhere
39)Fell down some stairs? uh i don't remember doing that.
40)Were in an elevator? thursday night getting out of the math building.
41)Pushed all the buttons in an elevator? aw i dont think i've ever done that
42)Got stuck in an elevator? haven't
43)Went to a party? does hanging around the house when my sister is having one count?
44)Were told to shut up? haha. i don't get told that much. but probably during a conversation with stacy cuz she can say stuff like that and i won't take offense
45)Tried something new? thursday night i tried driving a new way home.
46)Cried about something? not sure
47)Got a call that had the wrong number? haha last semester
48)Told someone you loved them? not too long ago i hope
49)Did something becuz it was for a good cause? lol. i bought girl scout cookies. i enjoyed it. that was a good cause. oh! i also donated $5 to one guy last week for some charity
50)Came up with a gr8 idea? i told my sister to just use this box we had to pack something. i am genius.
51)Did an email survey(b4 this one)? feb 13th
hee hee different questions... awesome! thanks tiff.