Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


le premier et le dernier

I was doing this on Word when i realized punctuation marks get messed up when i paste it. but i'm lazy to change them correctly, and i'm sure u'll be able to figure it out.


When was the first time you...
1)Did an email survey? Way way back in the summer during 9th
2)Started using email? same
3)Got a screen name? hmm maybe that winter
4)Started playing video games? I had the original Gameboy people. That was since I was probably? 10? plus I had those tiny mini vid games from Singapore. That?s like 7/8/9 yr old stuff
5)Realized Santa wasn't real? He?s WHAT???!!! LoL I think I?ve always known that
6)Realized you loved playing a sport? Hm when my dad would take us out to Encanto park to play basketball every week
7)Got your first A on a test? Psshh that starts at the beginning
8)Got your first F on a test? F?.? haha actually I have gotten *that grade* before. Below 60 I just consider them really low Ds so that letter doesn?t even register very well. Probably in an English class?
9)Broke a law? Um? I used to take grapes from the bunches at the grocery store?
10)Bought your first cd? My own? Hee hee maybe not till 7th
11)Didn't like a teacher? Ms klein 7th
12)Pulled a prank(other than prank calling)? I?m usually the prankee sadly
13)Prank called someone? Haha see above. There was one time a friend called and I was convinced it was my other friend so I called her the wrong name. ?oh yeah, this isn?t ----? wow. haha yeah good prank! kind of.
14)Started dressing differently because your friends did? Haha that never really influenced me
15)You realized you weren't a kid anymore(even if you still feel like one)?hard to determine sometimes? maybe after 9th grade : )
16)Fell asleep in school? Haha kindergarten during nap time
17)Were away from home w/o your family? 6th grade outdoor science school
18)Started cussing/cursing/saying naughty words (hehe)? Lol well you won?t really hear them from me unless they slip or something has worked me up to it. My mind is pretty f*cked up tho so 9th
19)What was the first curse word you ever said? Outloud? Let me set it up for you: running around the track 9th grade, I for some reason was jogging in the grassy part and I trip in a hole so I say ?oh sh*t!!? haha. I meant to say shoot. But? came out wrong in the translation somewheres
20)Realized you liked guys? Um I?ve liked them since forever?
21)Believed in cooties? Um elementary school
22)Played with bugs? LoL! Since I was little. I liked collecting the rolly pollys
23)Did something bad? 1st grade
24)Fell on your ass for doing something stupid? well... someone pulled a chair out from under me when i was trying to sit. i cried. oh and there was that time i was playing soccer at nview and i tried to kick a ball and slipped on some mud down to the floor. THAT was funny.
25)Ran into a wall *or some other object*? hee hee these are funny... well i run into the corner of tables or doorknobs
26)Pissed someone off so much they got you back?um.... not that i know of
27)Got stuck in a sticky situation? elmer's glue is fun to peel off
29)Did something bad then ran? hmm not really run persay...


When was the last time you...
29)Tripped over something? today
30)Cursed something? uh... probably the internet bein slow
31)Realized it wasnt the day you thought it was? hahaha yes that was this tuesday actually
32)Watched a PG-13 movie? hmm... Big Fish in i think Jan
33)Watched a rated R movie? The Butterfly Effect either the last week of Jan or first of Feb
34)Ran into a wall*or something else*? i ran into a car
35)Hiccuped? maybe a few days ago. they're fun, but my family is always like drink something! soi just stop. cuz i'm cool like that
36)Enjoyed the stars? ooo last night
37)Went to the beach? last summer
38)Thought about your future? lol 2 days ago i was talking to my lj bud that lived everywhere
39)Fell down some stairs? uh i don't remember doing that.
40)Were in an elevator? thursday night getting out of the math building.
41)Pushed all the buttons in an elevator? aw i dont think i've ever done that
42)Got stuck in an elevator? haven't
43)Went to a party? does hanging around the house when my sister is having one count?
44)Were told to shut up? haha. i don't get told that much. but probably during a conversation with stacy cuz she can say stuff like that and i won't take offense
45)Tried something new? thursday night i tried driving a new way home.
46)Cried about something? not sure
47)Got a call that had the wrong number? haha last semester
48)Told someone you loved them? not too long ago i hope
49)Did something becuz it was for a good cause? lol. i bought girl scout cookies. i enjoyed it. that was a good cause. oh! i also donated $5 to one guy last week for some charity
50)Came up with a gr8 idea? i told my sister to just use this box we had to pack something. i am genius.
51)Did an email survey(b4 this one)? feb 13th

hee hee different questions... awesome! thanks tiff.


wow the album is amazing. and i mean this in the nicest way :p. i can see why he named it Schizo cuz the sounds and stuff are all over the place. there isn't any theme, except maybe the fact that they're all about sex. it's 17 songs and 1 hr and 17 so it takes awhile to get used to it all. i think it's like the first time you hear it you go what was that?! the second you start to get it a bit. but then there were a couple that got me right away. one being what i thought was the simplest song called Something Special. maybe it's cuz there's a little country break in the middle. hee hee. darn florida and all its country music glory.

i think it's time to change the layout


Album finally out today! yay! need to go buy! yay! better be good! yay!

will discuss later.


I saw JC on Jay Leno last night. hee hee. it felt like old times. staying up late, waiting for an NSYNC appearance. no tape at hand to record tho. he sang "Some Girls" which is a hard song to perform. since most of it is like... mumbling. nothing too spectacular that i couldn't have seen in his video. but whuevuh. still enjoyed it :). i was sad because he was at the very end so he talked for like 2 minutes. but i haven't seen him interview in a really long time so it was refreshing. too bad he spent most of his time defending :\ . himself, paris, justin... the album cover kind of scares me. but i'm gonna buy it anyway :)


Friday the 13th! muhahahahahahaha!!

actually it wasn't anywhere near evil laughter day. just dreadfully overcast like most Friday 13ths tend to be. but i just wanted to post these:

Which Legendary Actress are you?

EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS = Favorite Spice + Last Foreign Vacation Spot
Paprika British Columbia (canada)

SOCIALITE ALIAS = Silliest Childhood Nickname + Town Where You First Partied
lol i'm having trouble with this one...

"FLY GIRL" ALIAS (a la J. Lo) = First Initial + First Two or Three Letters of your Last Name
C. Ru (CRU! what what! hm sounds cool as a word like that)

DIVA ALIAS = Something Sweet Within Sight + Any Liquid in Kitchen
Butterscotch Cow Juice (lol)

GIRL DETECTIVE ALIAS = Favorite Baby Animal + Where You Last Went to elementary School
Turtle Royal Oaks

BARFLY ALIAS = Last Snack Food You Ate + Your Favorite Drink
Chip Sprite

SOAP OPERA ALIAS = Middle Name + Street Where You First Lived
Stephanie Beardslee

PORN STAR ALIAS = First Pet's Name + Mother's Maiden Name
Willy Ompi


Like a Preschooler Can Read Pride and Prejudice

whoops i've been neglecting my countdowns!

so it is 7:34am on thursday and i FINALLY finished that outline thingy. whoa it took so much longer than i thought it would. i spent about 2 hours just trying to condense my outline to 8 pages! it had turned out to be 13 pages and i was like hmm... that's 5 pages too much. took a lot of fragmenting of the sentence fragments. i hope he doesn't count off for that. i didn't outline the intro or conclusion either cuz yeah, i wouldn't have made it. hopefully he won't notice *ahem*. and my intellectual engagement sounds like a bunch of mixed ideas, but i don't remember him saying to make it into a full-fledged essay. so they're pretty much paragraphs of personal opinions. blech.

speaking of personal opinion, last night made me realize i must be a hard to person to read. i was packing up my stuff from the SWE meeting and Lissett goes "are you ok? what's wrong?". nothing was wrong, i guess i just looked that way. then i thought about it.... and many people ask that! just cuz i am quiet i look like i'm depressed/sad/not having a good time. i guess. i think people usually think that when i'm lost in thought. pensive. but am i really that hard to read? just because i'm not laughing or talking up a storm, something has to be wrong. not true i say. it just bothers me sometimes. then i overthink the situation when the other person casually forgets. but it's like... how am i supposed to change that? tape the corners of my mouth to my ears? maybe i don't show any emotion at all and people read me by what i'm saying. maybe i'm a robot. MAYBE i don't really exist....

hee hee. okay i haven't gone that far off the edge.



"*You tied on one or more of the scales, the current algorithm just breaks the tie randomly so refresh the page to see alternate results"

Introverted (I) 60.61% Extroverted (E) 39.39%
Realistic (S) 53.49% Imaginative (N) 46.51%
Intellectual (T) 50% Emotional (F) 50%
Easygoing (P) 55.56% Organized (J) 44.44%
Your type is: ISTP
You are a Technician, possible professions include - surveyor , fire fighter , private investigator, pilot, police officer, purchasing agent, chiropractor, medical technician, securities analyst, computer repair person, race car driver, computer programmer, electrical engineer, legal secretary, coach/trainer, commercial artist, carpenter, paralegal, dental assistant, radiological technician, marine biologist, software developer.
Take Free Career Inventory Personality Test

and i also got this

Introverted (I) 60.61% Extroverted (E) 39.39%
Realistic (S) 53.49% Imaginative (N) 46.51%
Intellectual (T) 50% Emotional (F) 50%
Easygoing (P) 55.56% Organized (J) 44.44%
Your type is: ISFP
You are a Specialist, possible professions include - bookkeeper, clerical supervisor, dental assistant, physical therapist, mechanic, radiology technologist, surveyor, chef, forester, geologist, landscaper designer, crisis hotline operator, teacher
Take Free Career Inventory Personality Test

hee hee not bad i guess. the first seems more accurate. even though crisis hotline operator and chef seem close :P



at least... i'm pretty sure it's your birthday :). Hope you are having an enjoyable year and not getting too crazy.


i heard on xl106.7 that JC will no longer be performing on the ProBowl because of what happened at the Super Bowl! That's so unjust(in? lol)! first they wanted him to switch songs so he did, then they wanted him to change lyrics so it wasn't so sexual, so he did, and finally they say no not at all! grr. he said this on some radio show in CA, they didn't mention which.

well all i care about is that his album better not be pushed back anymore! i wanna hear it already.

AND in other news...

i just saw a banner advertising a special edition DVD of the Labyrinth. aahh!! lol. how much more could they show?? j/k

my friend michelle who was in my engineering group last semester, who is in my english class this, told me that her turtles will be having babies! aww! she saw them doing the mating ritual and was like what the heck is that? hee hee she looked into it and found out. but she thinks she might end up killing the babies because they'll be under rocks and they'll be hatching around the time she's moving out of her apt! pooey. something must be done about this...


So Tilly's back. I'm not sure how to react. It's been... two weeks since i've driven her? my mom asked if i was going to rename her. I said no, she's still the same, just had a facelift. or a nose job like my mom said. but i consider the headlights like eyes so i'd think more of the first. I don't know why i'm making a fuss of it. IT'S A CAR. CARS DON'T FEEL. CARS DON'T KNOW THAT YOU SMASHED IT UP AND YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN CHARGED WITH ATTEMPTED MURDER IF IT HAD. lol. yeah, i think too much. too too much. i really need to get that class over with. i think i'm going to end up doing the actual class. because i will probably procrastinate with the internet thing and my computer is slow anyway and if i did just do it at school, there isn't any sound to facilitate the videos. it's not like those other freaks and weirdos in the class are going to gang up on me and be like HEY it's the new girl! first time? yeah this is my 4th. can only do 5 in a lifetime yanno. *shudder** thinks of butterfly effect*. umm yeah.

sorry about the tagboard. i know it's slow with the transparency. i have a haloscan account. i put it up in case you'd like to use it instead. i dunno. w/e. i give you CHOICES. decisions, decisions. before, i considered not puttin it up because i already have a comment box anyway. but then i remembered that i have the fizbox too, so i might as well get haloscan up. unless it slows the site even more. hee hee


Happy February!

hello blog, how are you? i have missed you. live journal has been getting all of my attention, i know. i just wanted to see what it would be like and all. and yes, i am enjoying it very much. but i still feel i am missing something from my blogging experience. and that would be you, blog. i hope to post in you more, but i don't want to reduce you to a surveys and quizzes blog. you are much too good for that. so maybe i will give lj the bigger posts and you will have the more spur of the moment posts. or some random thoughts i get. like this one:

Stupid sequel! argh x a billion! i really want to send it off already. the content is all set. i just need to put it on... SOMETHING! takes a long time to do though. i'm considering just streaming it . but i probably wouldnt even be able to see it cuz my connection is slow. aahh!! and now it's february and i meant to send it two months ago. what to do, i can't not send it. it WILL get sent. and my friends WILL see it. and it WILL be before summer vacation! argh. argh argh argh.

*sigh*. well, i feel a little better from that.

hope we work together again soon.

your author,