Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


so i was just trying to get to my blog and i tried to type in my address. instead of spelling tortue i spell "torture" and i couldn't figure out why it was wrong for awhile.... hmm i think i have violent thoughts on my mind.... anyway everytime i think about french now i get these angry enraged sentiments and i have decided that i don't like being that way! it puts a whole damper on my day. i even said, and i quote, "hell no!" today :x. i dunno from now on i can't let it affect me anymore because i dont wanna be the type of person to have grudges... passive aggressiveness all the way! lol. in my attempt to lighten my mood, i am listening to lighthearted music...tis helping somewhat. instead of venting about my problems i am now going to think about happy thoughts! :D

random happy thoughts...
prom was fun! i don't care if i have cleavage! i'm graduating! we're graduating! no more french! no more mme "hairy"! grad bash is on friday! no more french! my yearbook has a plastic cover! my friends are supportive! i have friends! i love exclamation points! i love turtles! beechum does not rule! i rule! go turtles! i got a 3 on my ap hist final! i get free breakfast monday! i'm online! NO MORE FRENCH! only 12 school days left! i'm not crazy! i'm cooler than mrs harris! everyone's cooler than mrs harris! stacy never uses my real name! brandon is far far away from me! i have pretty pens! not all people are naturally stupid! turtles are better than dogs!!!

okay... that helped :)... i think i'm done now... thank you.


haha cool quote (or closest variation of it):

"Omigod you have more cleavage than 10 people i know!"

--- Nicole to me.
actually i'm looking at the pictures, and DAMN i had a lot showing! straight on it'd be okay but those shots at angles....


Wow i had so much fun, i dunno what it was, i just had a good time :D. it was last nite at the Contemporary Resort which is a hotel near the Magic Kingdom at Disney World (so close we could see space mountain). the monorail goes thru it and i was gonna go on it if i was bored, but it never got to that point lol. i guess at homecoming i did more walking around than dancing, and i danced *a lot* last nite. i could've just sat at the table and get my dessert on and watch others but...naaahh. i could've convinced myself that i was a *terrible* dancer and i would embarrass myself or "oh that booty dancing...i don't do that stuff" but hey i really didn't care (and yes i did do quite a bit of that). which reminds me, rap songs suck at a dance when i'm dancing like that cuz they are so frickin long and i get tired! lol. i want to thank keith for the last dance :). i saw every friend i wanted to see and they were all beautiful and handsome, i took a lot of pictures. i'll find out if they turned out okay when i go get them today. hey that rhymes... woohoo!! after prom we went to Downtown Disney, Kate was so kind enough to give me her prom glass after i broke the base of mine! ( hey! i didnt' kno it was in my lap when i stepped out of the van! :P). but anyway i will try to get another glass she can have... everything except Pleasure Island was closed at D. Disney, we were hoping the candy store was still open hee hee. we parked all the way on the west end of D.D. so of course we walk ALL the way to the other end... to see the giant lego display! as soon as i got past the Virgin Megastore i was like THAT’s it the shoes are coming off! they were really pretty shoes too, all silver with a giant ball on each shoe that looked like disco balls lol.... with my whole outfit i almost felt like Cinderella. what a coincidence being at disney! it was kinda fun looking around disney but i’d have to say the best part was resting at the bench as all the drunk people went by. “it’s your prom!” yeah we know... “you’re so pretty/beautiful!!” yeah we know... “wow don’t y’all look so pretty *wobbles on his feet while carrying his corona bottle in his right hand* he was funny we made fun of him for a while.... oh but my personal favorite “yeah woohoo prom high five!!” and i gave him a high five! lol eww drunk guy cooties... i almost thought he was going to punch me because he didn’t open his fist until the very last second LOL. i woulda beat him up with my heels... that is an example of my spontanaeity : P. right after the dance i still had so much adrenaline i could’ve gone for at least another hour but downtown disney tuckered me out. so i came home around 2:30am. Prom was SO worth the $50, glitter all over my body, and the one and a half hour hairdo! oh i haven’t talked about my hair, it’s really cool! i’m still wearing it haha. it’s an updo with those side curls and front curls.... that sounds weird but my hair was put in a pony tail first and then she (hairdresser) took sections of it and curled it into my head with SO MANY bobby pins... and she also pinned a silver chain on it to match. the chain itself took 12 bobby pins, i dont even know how many are in my head! that cost $50. so for the whole experience Prom cost me...around $240 (dance, shoes, hair, dress, dinner at Kobes) !! dang thats a lot... oh well lol go me! i hope those of u who went had a good time and those of u who have a prom coming up have just as good a time :).


so... if you are not overwhelmed....are you just.... whelmed?

i seem to be in a philosophical mood haha.

i got a fortune cookie today:

"Very little is needed to make a happy life."

yeah...i guess i'd agree. but how could you believe that unless you had everything and realized it for yourself?



i was lookin @ a review of the Civic Tour (Good Charlotte and New Found Glory), looks like it's gonna be fun. the only thing is it's on a TUESDAY... oh well i only have my graphics final the next day and we get to use our notebook for it. and no i didn't get floor tickets so i won't be thrown into a mosh pit and be the only unidentified injury. lol. the seats are okay, kinda in the upper part of the lower level right in front of the stage. TD Waterhouse Centre isn't that bad.

hey i'm doing this "good" poetry project where i get two poems of the same theme and match it with a piece of art or a song. My theme ended up being (after a loooong night of indecision *ahem* the progression of life. that's a theme right?! anyway if ANYBODY knows a song like that, please lemme kno!! i figure with all of the different music everyone listens to (especially sonya haha j/k) someone is bound to have something in mind. :P

finding shoes is such a drag. especially in search of prom shoes and grad shoes!!!! i can't find any shoes that match the color of my dress. but since it's all glittery i guess silver's aight. i've been to the mall 4 times this week. 2 at altamonte, west oaks, and florida mall. i went to west oaks and FL mall yesterday... 4 different paylesses... plus other nonmall shops. i am POOPED. and i still don't have shoes lol.

maybe if i leave money in my closet tonight, the shoe fairy will come and bring me the perfect shoes...


went out to buy our Easter meal (thank God for the Honeybaked Ham Store! deelish). i like ham :)

Happy Easter! (tomorrow)

that link has nothing to do with the real reason we celebrate Easter, but c'mon, it's Peter Cottontail!


there are a lot of indecisive people in this world.

there are a lot of indecisive people in high school.

i have a lot of indecisive friends!!!

thank you.


hahaha now keep in mind i would NEVER say it this way but i found it funny. i didn't put this in my profile in risk of one of the older people i IM would see it:

Dear Fucker....

You are my fucking friend,
And I hope you know that's fucking true.
No matter what the fuck happens,
I will stand the fuck by you.
I will fucking be there for you,
Whenever the fuck you need me,
To lend you a fuckin hand,
To do a fuckin good deed.
So just fuckin call on me,
Whenever the fuck you need anything.
Fuck... I will always be there,
Even to the bitter fuckin end.
Forward this promise to all your fuckin friends to show your fuckin friendship and watch who sends it the fuck back to you....

HAHA wooo can't get enough of it. Oh and for those of you who read this, i apply this to all of you :D

Nicole Potter is my hero!

i just got done with french night rehearsal (which took such a loooong time by the way) and i was getting ready to take nicole home. so, naturally i looked for my keys. i kept looking...everywhere in all the pockets... no keys! where are my keys?!?! so we walk to the student parking lot hoping its in the car. and yes it was in there lol. i think i did the old switcheroo in the backseat, as soon as i took out the keys i got my backpack and musta flung my keys in simultaneously. anyway of course it's locked but oh good! i kept the windows open a little bit. now, may i emphasize a LITTLE bit! it was like 3 inches! but no that couldn't stop nicole, she pushed down the window like an inch and fit her whole arm in to unlock the door and saved the day!! yayy!!! she saved me a lot more embarrassment and a lecture.

thanks LOD! i love you!

note to self: put keys in backpack or purse before closing door. (i'm usually holding it for awhile as i walk towards the school.)


Liam Lynch - United States of Whatever

I went down to the beach and saw Kiki
She was, like, all "ehhhh"
And I was, like, "whatever!"

Then this chick comes up to me and she's all, like,
"Hey, aren't you that dude?"
And I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"

So later I'm at the pool hall
And this girl comes up
And she's, like, "awww"
And I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"

Cuz this is my
United States of Whatever!
And this is my
United States of Whatever!
And this is my
United States of Whatever!

And then it's three A.M.
And I'm on the corner, wearing my leather
This dude comes up and he's, like, "hey, punk!"
I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"

Then I'm throwing dice in the alley
Officer Leroy comes up and is, like,
"Hey, I thought I told you..."
And I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"

And then up comes Zafo
I'm, like, "yo, Zafo. What's up?"
He's, like, "nothin'"
And I'm, like, "that's cool."

Cuz this is my
United States of Whatever!
And this is my
United States of Whatever


haha this song is so funny


'tis very quiet in the house rite now. listenin to the song "Zippety doo dah" haha. i have a few disney soundtracks and they're on my computer. oh, now it's dance of the mushrooms from fantasia. ack my cat's back. no you can't go outside! he's ignoring me. anyway... i paid my dollar for senior "out to lunch day". which is basically "i'll give u a dollar to let me go home early" day. aww now it's the last song in Bambi "Love is a song that never ends". i wanted to play the used and i end up with disney for some reason. talking to deshawn...hasn't imed me back yet...must be writing his Scarlet Pimpernel review still. oh yeah i did end up going 2ice. it was better than the first time! i noticed somethings they didn't have before. now i'm talking to nicole too. my dad i think accidently left out some of those little easter egg chocolates. so naturally i ate them all. i want more! that half eaten whopper wasn't enough lol. oh i say accidently cuz we usually have this lil tradition where my sis and i look for the eggs around the house. well i guess i should go do my homework now...yeah...



Here in this diary,
I write you visions of my summer.
It was the best I ever had.
There were choruses and sing-alongs,
and not a spoken feeling.
I'm knowing that right now is all that matters.
All the nights we stayed up talking
and listening to 80's songs;
quoting lines from all those movies that we love.
It still brings a smile to my face.
I guess when it comes down to it...

Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up:
These are the best days of our lives.
The only thing that matters
is just following your heart
and eventually you'll finally get it right.

Breaking into hotel swimming pools,
and wreaking havoc on our world.
Hanging out at truck stops just to pass the time.
The black top's singing me to sleep.
Lighting fireworks in parking lots,
illuminate the blackest nights.
Cherry cokes under this moonlight summer sky.
2015 Riverside, it's time to say, "goodbye."
Get on the bus, it's time to go.

Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up:
These are the best days of our lives.
The only thing that matters
is just following your heart,
and eventually you'll finally get it right.

---The Ataris

Aww this is so true... it's too bad not that many people realize it. the "breaking into hotel swimming pools" reminded me of french state competition. lol. the whole "leaving high school" thing is starting to sink in. even though this song is about a summer, it reminds me of those times during school.


hee hee i was channel surfing before the ACT this morning and i saw this ventriloquist with his puppet on one of those religious channels (don't ask me why religious syndications need comic relief through toys):
ventriloquist: It doesn't matter you're just a puppet.
puppet: I am not a puppet! I am a mannequin american.
that was so corny, but it amused me.

ACT...i didnt' do too well on that lol. i think i can safely say the ones i paid attention on, i did well. the only sections i had extra time on were the grammar reading and science! i had a good start for the comprehension but then i slowly started to drift away...who knows maybe i drifted less times than i took it the first time. its one of those days where its warm in the sun but cool in the shade. i kinda just want it to be hot from now on! i wonder what the weather's like for prom... *checks to see if goes that far*...hmm nope. it's supposed to be in the 80s by the 21st tho. and i'm SURE everyone who's reading this needed to know that. lol. i don't have prom shoes yet, i might just buy the silly conforming white standard closed heel and toe grad shoes we're sposed to wear for the *big day*. prom shoes aren't that important anyway...white will kinda go with my dress...i think it'll be covered. next issue of great importance (ignoring the fact i have two AP finals w/in these 2weeks) to be discussed: to buy prom pictures, or not to buy prom pictures? i could yank some friends last minute in with me all by my lonesome. i don't really mind which i do but i think i would like to say "i bought a prom picture".



WoW the Scarlet Pimpernel was amAZing! I was so glad i went. this is me getting blown away ===>*Whoosshh* .it was worth the $8 and 2.5 hours of my time. i think the only thing that bothered me the most would be the french singing parts, and i know that's because i have been in french for 4years. the "mondoo" instead of "mon dieu" was kinda funny :P. marguerite said that beaucoup times. but 'sides that, je l'ai adore beaucoup! i contemplated going again for a 2nd time. it was just what i needed for an "escapism maneuver" from the realities of life. it makes me wonder why people don't make that many musicals in movie form. who knows maybe i'll end up going saturday just to stalk jacqchhh. lol. oh and by the way Cassandra (Granillo) if u're reading this, hi! i wrote out this whole shoutout in ur comment box when i saw u changed it yesterday and i couldn't click the Tag button..:(). but that's okay i was just gonna say thanks for putting me as one of ur links, i didn't expect u to since we haven't talked in sooooo loooong. and if u're not reading this but someone u know is, tell her i said hi! :). okay well i'm gonna go try to study for the ACT now...riite...i need to get a 28 haha.


Much better day today. :) I'm going to see the Scarlet Pimpernel at my school tonite. Hopefully it blows me away! must remember to write a review with my ticket and program for extra credit. FINALLY mrs beechum is giving out extra credit. it's sad cuz the first time she gave it for doing the same thing, i never got the ticket stamped so i was afraid she wouldn't let me get credit. but anyway, c'est la vie et aujord'hui est plus important que hier. what else what else... since i'm in ap us hist, everybody is a junior so they were registering as seniors next year. i just hang out when my counselor comes out and she's like "okay Crystal are you ready?" "uhh ready for what?" "to register for classes? *big uneasy smile*" "umm i'm a senior..." it was so funny, she was embarrased (not to mention me as well). she knew i was a senior! i guess she was uh just going through the motions? funny funny moment.
for creative writing class each one of us are making a book for a second grader at the elementary school. they are so preciously cute and tiny! i have kristen gilot loies, she's supposedly haitian and speaks french, but she claims herself to be a Californian (ohh yeah :) ) and she doesn't know much french. she's a very interesting girl, kate and i (kate is also writing a book for her) asked her to pick out a book to read to us and she picks...Helen Keller. now maybe it's just me, but if i was in second grade, i'd be picking out silly books like Amelia Bedilia, Curious George, Dr. Seuss... she told us about how her friends left her and were mean to her. stuff like her dad is the boss but her mom really is and that she cries too much...omigosh i felt so bad for her! but she didn't even flinch at anything she was saying, were we that innocent?? we also ran races with her (i beat her once! yaayy i beat a second grader!!). she is so smart, good reader. before i met her i wanted to do a book about her and her friend Teri the Turtle (hee hee we're sposed to create our own Barney) and learn about safety. but naah i don't see that happening now lol, something active because she was energetic on the playground. she liked to run.

See Crystal. See Crystal run. Run Crystal run!


I hate the world today
You're so good to me
I know but I can't change
Tried to tell you
But you look at me like maybe
I'm an angel underneath
Innocent and sweet
Yesterday I cried
Must have been relieved to see
The softer side
I can understand how you'd be so confused
I don't envy you
I'm a little bit of everything
All rolled into one
I'm a bitch, I'm a lover
I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell, I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
You know you wouldn't want it any other way

So take me as I am
This may mean
You'll have to be a stronger man
Rest assured that
When I start to make you nervous
And I'm going to extremes
Tomorrow I will change
And today won't mean a thing


Just when you think, you got me figured out
The season's already changing
I think it's cool, you do what you do
And don't try to save me


I'm a bitch, I'm a tease
I'm a goddess on my knees
When you hurt, when you suffer
I'm your angel undercover
I've been numb, I'm revived
Can't say I'm not alive
You know I wouldn't want it any other way

--Meredith Brooks



today was definitely one of those crappy days.
i felt like i was at the breaking point of my tolerance w/my french teacher. how do people do it for four years?!?! seriously she doesn't act the way a teacher is supposed to. we were sposed to have a rehearsal for french night after school. during 6th period we have a threat come to the school so we all evacuate on the field for half an hour. well shoot i woulda gone home if we could've! but we went back to our classes. we have a sub in french today because french teacher decides --oh i have national board work to do, so i will go home and do it but come back for rehearsal--. what kinda responsible teacher does that?! hypocrites. so end of 6th comes in and she come strolling in unaware of the school threat wondering why no one else shows up. she comes up to ME asking ME how we could rehearse if I didn't reserve the cafetorium out for today. how would i know it was the 8th?! i didn't staple the dam flyer to the door. when i reserved it for french night, it was for april 21st only. we didn't say anything about a frickin practice to reserve it. ARRGGH. i kno it doesn't sound like a big deal, but she always passes the buck to every officer before even considering it could've been her fault. i hate how she goes to the meetings, tries to take charge, but doesn't do a thing to help setup or buy stuff, critisizes us for what we do wrong, and yet she's just as bad as us! i literally cried cuz i couldn't take it anymore. (not in front of her though) i am so glad how french club turned out but i am even happier that i will be able to relax next year french-free

i think my bulb is burning out.


Je suis tres fatiguee maitenant. Je pense que j'ai dormi pour 3 heures hier soir...

I have returned from a Relay for Life adventure. yes it was on the school football field and we camped out in tents. we raised a lil over 1000, beating our 789 amount from last year! YAAAAAYYYY! the activities were fun. i wish more of my team was willing to participate and cheer each other on though. i never realized i could endure a whole aerobic workout until this morning lol. they had one and i figure eh what the heck, why not.... it was fun and funny lol. but i didnt' get tired... maybe it's a sign... or not...moving on..... we won for having the most points from the Relay Olympics! we all got medals. my first medal. :) but bad news is, i have no idea where a bunch of my stuff went that i brought. i'm missing my cd player by french folder (my ap french homework is in there!) and my batteries. hopefully it was mistakenly packed into french room junk so it will hopefully be in the room on monday! Oh good golly, miss molly! (yes i'm talking to you) i'm comin to opening night (thurs) of ur play!

Don't forget to set your clocks *ahead* one hour tonite. as if senior year couldn't go any faster...



I can't wait to see Molly in the musical :). oh and btw, get a blog already! haha.
I want to thank Jeff for inviting me to EPCOT on Sunday. It was so much fun, i'm glad i went!
We had a senior class meeting today. it's so exciting to be leaving soon! it's weird because the furthest concern on my mind is leaving friends...
Aah i have to buy a prom ticket soon. i don't know which group i'm going to go with... big w/only knowing a few people, or intimate and knowing most of the people?
I got my graduation announcements today! yaayy!!! i wonder how many i will personally get to send
A month from now there is Grad Bash!

Sorry for those of you who comment in the box (see right) that not everybody knows each other! okay molly is my way cool harry potter friend who is in my AP Eng class,while justin, yesenia aka bob, and soggy/beat (haha soggy beet!) are all friends in CA who i've known since....7th grade. everybody shake hands! lol. don't be shy to talk amongst each other and i'd introduce more people if they commented...

Everything happens for a reason. right?

Can anyone explain what my purpose to move from california was?? offhand it doesn't make sense. i thought IL would be a way cool place to move. i get there, and then i think: why the hell am i in illinois when i could be having a comfortable life in cali?! then i go to FL and i think: why the hell didn't i just move straight to florida?! j/k hee hee. i mean why the hell couldn't i just stay in IL, i was finally getting used to it! now i look back and i'm still in FL... if i wasn't forced to move (twice), i probably wouldn't have grown as much as i have. it forced me to expand my little bubble (into three time zones) and see that the world actually includes so many different lifestyles. in french class we had to orally tell the class our future. a lot of people, who have lived here all their life, still want to live in FL when they're older. some of them don't even want to travel! not that i'm saying that's a bad thing, but there has to be some point in life when you do something or go somewhere you don't really want to do/go, but it changes your life. maybe you go to the school or take the major that doesn't fit your perceived future. it really doesn't make sense but for SOME reason that what's happened. call it destiny, call it God's will, call it w/e you want. yes i do believe everything happens for a reason.