Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


First Day of Third Year of School!

I left for school at about 7:30 am and did not get home until 10pm. o_0 It was a REALLY long day! I was going to update last night, but I was so tired and was on the computer a lot yesterday. I went to see Dr. Hagedoorn about my timesheet and we went to check on the computers in the lab. All good to go! He said it was the first time in about 5 years that the computer lab was actually setup in the first week. That makes me feel good. They put all new computers in there with the new AutoCAD 2005. They were due for a change, but I think my bothering the tech support most of the spring semester had something to do with it lol. I found out that I was the only TA coming back this semester so Dr. Hagedoorn was happy to see me back! I also get to feel slightly superior and help the newbie TAs if they ask. One of them did ask and I've been helping her get situated. The new guy has not contacted me at all so I'm thinking that he thinks he knows what he's doing. Either that or he's just... afraid? I think Dr. H mentioned that he wanted to sit in on one of the labs to see how it goes. I don't think he came to yesterday's, otherwise I hope he would've told me! He'll probably come to my 7:30am lab on Wednesday since he's teaching the 10:30am one. This first lab took the entire 3 hours because not everyone had their computer logins yet and we had to wait. I could've had them use mine, but I thought it'd be better for me to take time out of the lab and for them not to waste time outside of class to get it done right away. The other half of the class musta been bored out of their mind, but at least they had computers to play with. Yes, give a techie a computer with internet and I don't think they'll mind too much :p.

Anyway since the lab took the entire time, I only had 15 minutes to get to my Marketing class. It was 2 buildings over with a little bit of a walk but I got there a minute before! Boy the place was packed. It's a huge auditorium and there were only a few seats left. The prof seems cool, he's from Singapore! How many people do you meet from Singapore? Actually my parents knew someone from there, but that's besides the point. He seems like a good guy, I hope his impressions stays that way. I met a couple people afterwards on the way to check if the book I bought was correct. Oh yeah, the prof said we didn't even need to get the book because he has 4 hours checkouts of 10 copies in the library! How nice. I thought about it, but since he is really going to use the book for quizzes, it's better to just have it. The class is usually an hour and 15 minutes, but he just took the time to go over the syllabus and course, so he let us out early. Good thing because otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat until 4:30! I had the traditional Subway for lunch. I was a little disappointed because the dude gave me actual spicy mustard instead of honey mustard. I love honey mustard! Oh well, no biggie. I came, I bought, I ate.

I had about 30 minutes to eat then I had to go to my next class. This one is Materials and Processes. Sometimes when I sign up for classes, I have no idea what they entail. This was one of them. It's like a mix of chemistry and geology sortof. We'll learn all about the composition of materials and ceramics and the process of doing so. Something like that :p. On another note, the prof has REALLY PRETTY EYES! lol. His name is Dr. Divo and he's a young guy which is awesome. He has back to back classes so I could tell he was already tired and bored. He writes EVERYTHING down for our notes. It reminded me of those days in middle school or elementary school where the teacher wrote down everything they said so that our notes were good. Haha. He also said that we didn't need the book! Technically that could be two books I could return for money back! However I'm wary of not buying one though because I need to practice problems somehow. I think I'm the only girl in that class... but I recognized a few people from the spring semester so I may or may not be social in that class :p. Oh yes, back to the eyes, I didn't notice until I talked to him after class, but he has these light green/hazel eyes. Pretty. :) Haha moving on...

I have two classes that are not live. One is an online class (Writing for Technical Profession) and the other is a Feeds class (Applied Engineering Quality). The difference between the two is that the FEEDS class allows you to watch the lecture on the computer. The other class has no lecture, it's just online. I was able to do some assignments for the online class in the computer lab called the Harris Lab, but I'm kinda lost in the FEEDS class. I can't find the lecture yet... let's see if it's up now... *checks*... OOHHHHH. There was one more link to click on to get to the lectures! Aww I could've watched it live yesterday! Now I'm attempting to download it. With dialup it shall take forever for only the poorest quality. Oh well, if it turns out really bad, I'll just watch it when I'm at school tomorrow.

The Harris Lab was FREEZING, but I still wanted to work on the computer, so I decided to walk to the computer lab in another building. Along the way I realized that lab would also be freezing, but at least the walk would warm me up. My mom also called me and I found out my sister had a softball mishap at practice. Something to do with her face and a ball! The home phone was busy and her phone was off and my parents were out of town, so we couldn't contact her to see how she was doing. Since no one else I knew was in the area, I called on the valiant Matthew to check up on her. (since he is such an awesome boyfriend!) He was like the messenger! You know the kind they had in the old days, before computers :p. Anyway, I was on the phone when he came to the house and she was a-okay. My parents were happy to know that.

After that, I thought I'd have some free time before the conference chair meeting at 7:45pm, so I was on the computer. Then the new TA girl, Diane, called me and asked if we could still meet. I said yes indeedy! Well it was more like "yes." Back to the Harris Lab I went! I mostly just answered any questions that she had. Then we went up to the computer lab and found a few guys outside waiting for a class. We let them in as I showed her the projector and stuff, and the guys came in. Supposedly they had a class at 7:30 and it was 7:31! I have a strong suspicion that the times were messed up and it was supposed to be in the AM because their class is supposed to have A LOT of people. Not 4. I hope they didn't trash the lab because that would be bad...

After Diane, I had to rush for the meeting which was an extra special dinner meeting at Friendly's! For some reason when I thought of Friendly's I thought of TGI Friday's in Altamonte. I asked Larisa and Pam where the nearest one was and, duh, it's RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. lol. *brain spaz*. We got a good meeting accomplished, along with a good meal :). Apres the meeting it was finally time to go home! The drive was nice since there is not too much traffic at 9 o' clock at night. I got home and found out that my textbook for Applied CADD arrived! Hooray! Earlier, I met my friend Kristen after Divo's class and she told me that the bookstore won't even have the books till midSeptember! I don't want to be the only one with the book! That'd make me feel like a nerd. :p Oh well, I'm teaching AutoCAD so I can't be much more of a nerd than I already am haha. Oh yes, and I have decided to call myself a "Lab Instructor" now. That's how Dr. Hagedoorn refers to us in his syllabus and it makes much more sense than as a "Teaching Assistant." It also makes us sound more official haha. At home I avoided the computers and just watched tv. Matt called me that night and we talked about plans for the rest of the week. Afterwards I continued to watch tv and wind down, falling asleep to That's So Raven.

Loooooong day. Only 14 and a half more weeks to go! :p


Rising Prices

Regular Unleaded Gas: $2.55 per gallon

That's frickin INSANE!!! I would threaten to stop the purchase of gas but I need it to get to school :(. They are just taking advantage of us. I think the dudes who figured out how to make a car run on french fry grease need to mass produce their products. Or we need to learn how to fly. and fast

Current Textbook Expenses: about $320

THREE HUNDRED TWENTY DOLLARS! AAAHHH!!! I told my mom and she was just like "Oh well engineers make a lot of money." Then I said "Well not as college students! We're poor!" Her response "It works out in the long run" haha. Always looking on the bright side. :p. It didn't actually phase me too much knowing that I still have money leftover in my bank account and that I will be getting my job back. Yahoo! I am still missing a book from one class though. Hopefully we really won't need one. Yay.


Old Survey ahead

Stacy did this one, and I've edited it twice to make it current, but I don't feel like doing that again. Just pretend I posted this a few weeks ago...

100 things about me:

1. First grade teacher's name: darn first grade teacher's name question again!
2. Last person you kissed: matt
3. Last word you said: plans
4. Last song you sang: mr. curiosity
5. Last person you hugged: matt
6. Last person you laughed at: laughed at like a bad way? no idea
7. What's in your CD player: Mr. A-Z... oh wait it's sitting right next to me... well it *would* be in it if I was in the car.
9. What socks are you wearing: white ankle sox
10. What's under your bed: turtles
11. Current status: not chinese
12. Current taste: lunch
13. Current hair style: just at the shoulder length, layered, and, well, still orange
14. Current clothes: old navy bermuda jean shorts, gap stretchy cream-ish sleeveless tee, etc...
15. Current Job: finish swe video
16. Current longing: august 1st
17. Current desktop picture: lift off of discovery. thanks harmony!.
18. Current worry: finishing swe video
19. Current hate: having to finish swe video haha
20. Story behind your name: you see, when two people love each other.... and there's birds and bees... then you get me. and my name came from a stork.
21. Current favorite article of clothing: the teal version of the shirt I'm wearing now
22. Favorite physical feature(s): on somebody? probably their eyes
23. Last CD that you bought: Jason Mraz's Mr. A-Z, not pirating it off the internet like SOME people
24. Favorite place to be: in front of the computer/with matthew
25. Least favorite place: at school at too-late-at-night o'clock
26. Time you woke up in the morning: around 10, had a busy night ;)
27. If you could play an instrument, what would it be?: piano.
29. Current favorite word/saying: completely overused but "woot." but only on special occasions, and when i don't know what else to say :p
30. Favorite book: right now it is Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince because it is new and fantastic and leaves me wanting to know MORE
31. Favorite Movies: currently it is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
32. Favorite Songs: currently it is Mr. Curiosity, Geek in the Pink, most of his album by Mraz, These Words by Natasha Bedingfield (Bedingfeld?)
33. Favorite Sport(s): softball, bowling, basketball. curling is actually quite interesting once you understand the rules
34. Persons from your past you wish could be here now: here as in physically or as in not in this general vicinity? either way, i really have no clue. in which case the moments you spend with someone need to cherished to the fullest.
35. Favorite day(s): happy days.
36. Where do you want to go: Paris and the Netherlands. And Australia
37. What is your career going to be: engineer of some sort
39. What kind of car will you have: i'm keeping mine for a long long time, as long as it's good to me.<== yay stacy's car! I will have a fantabulous compact, four-door, air conditioned car. And that's all i really care about for now.
40. A random lyric: "It takes a crane to build a crane, it takes two floors to make a story, it takes an egg to make a hen it takes a hen to make an egg, there is no end to what I'm saying..."
41. Eye Color: favorite? green.
42. Hair Color: for lack of a a more accurate description, orange.
43. Righty or Lefty: both.
46. Innie or Outtie: innie.


47. Your heritage: european/asian
48. The shoes you wore today: none yet, but they will probably the blue ones
49. Your hair: yes down is a good answer
50. Your weakness: well, my left arm is weaker than my right when throwing. oh! and stalking frogs, eww
51. Your fears: i've answered this so many times before
52. Your most recent secret?: (I secretly do not have a recent secret. shh! tell no one.)
54. Your thoughts first waking up this morning: am I supposed to be awake at this time?
55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes
56. Your bedtime: between 12-2
57. Your most missed companion: My Fuzzy the rabbit toy. *sniff*
58. Your perfect pizza: pineapple topping
59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: can't be sweet and crunchy eh?
60. Single or group dates: both can be fun. depends on who the group is. <== i concur
61. Dogs or Cats: i don't dislike cats, but i prefer dogs.<== liar! you don't like my Tekla! :p I suppose this stopped being a "Describe this" part of the survey... i love both, but I have to go with cats since one is sitting next to the keyboard right now.
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton...
63. Chocolate or vanilla: CHOCOLATE
64. Cappuccino or coffee?: ew neither


65. Smoke: no.
66. Curse: mostly under my breath
67. Sing: yes
68. Take a shower everyday: yes
69. Have a crush: sure
71. Think you've been in love: yup
72. Want to go to college: yes! right now!
73. Want more than what you got: yes, but all i have is what i need. which is more important
74. Want to get married: yes, though not anytime soon.
75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: mostly
76. Think you're attractive: quelquefois
77. Think you're a health freak: nope! haha *insert I-really-need-to-go-utilize-the-UCF-gym-privileges-but-don't-have-time excuse here*
78. Get along with your parents: mostly
79. Play an instrument: used to


80. drink: not alcohol
82. Done a drug: nope
83. Made Out: yes.
84. Go on a date: yes.
85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: why is this question on every survey in the entire universe of the internet?<== haha I have no idea. but actually I almost did eat an entire box, but found out my sister was also eating them on the sly (sharing is caring)
86. Eaten sushi: yes!
87. Been dumped: nope.
88. Made homemade cookies: haven't done that in a long time
89. Been in love: yes.
90. Gone skinny dipping: nope.
91. Dyed your hair: yes.
92. Stolen anything: nope.


93. Had too much to drink: nope.
94. Been caught cheating: ever? been caught? don't think so
95. Been called a tease: don't think so
96. Gotten beaten up: nu uh
97. Changed who you were to fit in: lol does becoming a turtle lover to make some sort of identity for myself that'd help me feel more comfortable count as "fitting in"?
98. Cried at something beautiful: yes. a beautiful moment in a movie or something
99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need?: yes
100. Cried when someone died?: yes