Okay, so this post isn't really about sex, but since it's about boobs and vaginas, it might as well be! :p
First off, for those of you on facebook, you know all about the floating SWE Boobs:

Funny stuff!! If you facebook me, you'll find the whole story. Instead of telling the whole story, I'll just put up some quotes:
"Okay we have two balloons, this plastic bag, tape, sticky notes, a paper plate... We need to make something that would create the most drag"
"What if we stuff it all in the bag?"
"They look like boobs!"
"Yeah we're women! We gotta represent!"
"Let's do it!"
"Is it going to work?"
"Zena's the grad student so I'm listening to everything she says."
"Okay I take FULL responsibility for this!"
"Haha this is horrible! *takes pictures* Hey wait let me move this out of the way"
"Haha it's horrible yet you're taking pictures?"
"We have to take pride in our boobs!"
"Hey those look like..."
"Yep! boobs!"
"Ready... go!"
"Go!... whoa! hey it's actually winning!"
second place!
Hahaha it was amazing. We figured it'd be one of the first to float down, but we were second! We never thought it'd actually go that well! lol
Last Saturday I went to the Vagina Monologues. I have never heard or said the word "vagina" more in my entire life combined. It was great lol. I was planning to go with Kate and Amanda but I mentioned it to D as well and she ended up bringing her mother and aunt. "Hey! I should bring my mom! She has a vagina!" "Yeah!" haha. Kate also brought along a newspaper friend Tiffany. Some of the monologues were rather depressing, but most of them were not. "What would your vagina wear?" "The moaner." My goodness. I was surprised to see so many guys in the audience. Matt had to work so he would not have been able to go. I don't know if I could have dragged him though haha. George thought of coming but he had to work on a paper. After the show, we went out to Perkins! George met us there afterwards. It was bunches of fun! To wrap up, I shall leave you with more quotes. Enjoy.
"I walked in on my parents"
"What? 10 minutes ago you were talking about ejaculation and you think that's gross?"
"Omigosh I thought she was going to pop out!"
"Before she was quiet, I had no idea she was going to be like that!"
"I can stay over, I have nothing else to do."
"Oo.. yeah I think, I think that's hot..."
"Crystal, I'd invite you but I don't think matt would like that"
"Haha oh no I understand!"