Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day


oh yeah and:


well this whole figuring out how-to-post-pictures and setting-a-background-image onto a site that sposedly does not allow u to do so, they say u have to pay for that version of course, is super empowering! sorry if u got lost somewhere in that sentence. staying up until 3am and working all morning on it paid off! lol. the hardest part was making the entry box section transparent so that u could see the background. its in a way kind of funny cuz i spent the afternoon trying to set a background, and all the answers were in the website that i got my colors from! it was very frustrating but i kept thinking, if justin could post one of his paperbags on his old blog, and if ben can have a really chouette background, then so can i! i still dont have the borders the way i want them. seeing as there... aren't any. they kinda disappeared lol. i basically redid the whole template. i'm sure there's an easier way tho haha. sorry this is a bit difficult to read, this is the color that stood out best with this bkgd. yay i feel like i have almost complete control over my blog!! whoa. getting whoozy again... lol. ack having another techie moment. ooo king of the hill is on soon! haha techie moment gone. of course you know what this means now that i've figured out this whole layout thing.... i'm gonna be changing it A LOT. :P i think i'm gonna stick with an HP theme for awhile though. i wonder what "awhile" means...


i got my newsweek at borders yesterday! then i had to go to publix, 3rd day in a row lol, and guess what was right next to the chewing gum and other candies?? grr. oh well i am now content :)


I have got to be one of the biggest dorks...

lol this is great :D


*GASP* i've... done it....

oooh *excited*

(love the pic by the way LoL)

ew typos in my last post. well the best part is that i don't even feel like changin it. muhahaha. hmm so lets see, today is Wednesday. YAYY! always seems like a cool day. my sister is sleeping over at a friends house tonite. that means i could be online late. oooo weee! i wonder how long i'm gonna keep this blog. i wanna learn how to put pictures on here. hmm actually i dunno why anyway. i have a whole frickin website to care of for that lol. i counted last nite and i have 13 diff picture sections. WOW. it spans my high school career lol. i wonder how long i'm gonna keep that site. shoot probably as long as geocities exists since i'm not just gonna abandon all that work. i dont think i'm gonna stop updating those pictures until there are actually no more pictures left to post lol. good thing my scanner is broken otherwise i'd have more to fiddle with hee hee. hmm i think i'm gonna go to Borders today. yeah... i'll do that. u know what's sad is i sent all these "letters" to people earlier this summer and only ONE person said she got it, let alone say thank you. thanks latoya! i dont think she reads this tho. that's alrite. at least i know they got there. i talked to my friend Julia from the ukraine online. she's cool. ooo i just got a postcard from my friend Jeff! went to the berkshires in MA. i love postcards lol. almost as much as sending them :P. i'm in the mood to order stuff from the internet. haven't been to ebay in a long time... i looked at buying one of The Turtles shirts, u kno the oldies band. they sing that song "Happy Together". hee hee ya how many of u knew that. oh yeah and the shirt would come with a free autographed Turtles baseball card! wooooo hoooo.

i feel like writing a lot. so what else... oh i opened up my own version of a "pensieve" for the past couple of days which is my drawer full of notes and letters from friends. its always nice to read those again. i didn't get any letters in 2002 unless i got a christmas card/birthday card. all of those things still make me smile :). oh and my sister got an AHS Darter newsletter today. it said they aren't gonna have graduation on the field anymore! =-o . according to it, they have "outgrown" the field. but i just think they're tired of the rain lol. it said this year they're gonna be the largest hs in orange county. i believe it.

yikes less than a month before college starts.



just finished watching this special on Lucille Ball. appeared in around 65 films before she got I Love Lucy?? Wow. amazing woman. her ending seemed so sad though. so now i'm listening to the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory sdtk. lol it's at the part where Charlie and his grandpa burp to get back on the ground. still bummed about my inability to attain the Newsweek. tomorrow that is my prey. i have... 5 days until the next issue? hmm that reminds me that i'm working on friday for something. and that i have to find a present for holly's bday. Aaaannnd nope that's it. i feel like doing something college-related. like reading some really old novel by some "dead white guy". even though i'm not taking an english class this semester *evil laughter*. whoa i bet that's gonna feel weird once i start goin thru my classes. no english to worry about?? COOL! finalement, je peux parler la langue plus important! slang. lol. no i'm pretty sure my classes will still require me to use proper anglais.


it's got new pix from the HP3 movie! well i went to walgreens to find it. it had last weeks issue! then i went to publix, my favoritest grocery shop in the whole wide world, and i couldn't find it!! i saw sarah and erin talked to them while sarah rang me up. erin put my two products in the bag. i didn't kno all those people still worked there. when i usually go at night they're other people but in the afternoon it's like all the grads. anyway....

the hunt is on to find that Newsweek!

here's the pics in it:

scroll down a bit and u'll see them.


tee hee "easily confused". battle me battle me!


is a Giant Blob that CANNOT BE STOPPED, can turn Invisible, is Easily Confused, and has a Humorous Nephew Sidekick and a Massively Swollen Skull.

Strength: 12 Agility: 5 Intelligence: 6

To see if your Giant Battle Monster can
defeat tortue, enter your name and choose an attack:

fights tortue using

the remedy (i won't worry)
waiting for my rocket to come

I saw fireworks from the freeway and behind closed eyes I cannot make them go away
Cause you were born on the fourth of july, freedom ring
now something on the surface it stings
that something on the surface it kind of makes me nervous who says that you deserve this
and what kind of god would serve this? We will cure this dirty old disease
if you've got the poison I've got the remedy

the remedy is the experience. It is a dangerous liaison
I say the comedy is that its serious. Which is a strange enough new play on words
I say the tragedy is how you're gonna spend the rest of your nights with the light on
So shine the light on all of your friends because it all amounts to nothing in the end.

I won't worry my life away.
I won't worry my life away.

I heard two men talking on the radio in a cross fire kind of new reality show
Uncovering the ways to plan the next big attack
they were counting down the days to stab the brother in the be right back after this
the unavoidable kiss, where the minty fresh death breath is sure to outlast his catastrophe
dance with me, because if you've got the poison, I've got the remedy

the remedy is the experience. It is a dangerous liaison
I say the comedy is that its serious. Which is a strange enough new play on words
I say the tragedy is how you're gonna spend the rest of your nights with the light on
So shine the light on all of your friends because it all amounts to nothing in the end.

I won't worry my life away.
I won't worry my life away.

When I fall in love I take my time
There's no need to hurry when I'm making up my mind
You can turn off the sun but I'm still gonna shine and I'll tell you why


the remedy is the experience. It is a dangerous liaison
I say the comedy is that its serious. Which is a strange enough new play on words
I say the tragedy is how you're gonna spend the rest of your nights with the light on
So shine the light on all of your friends because it all amounts to nothing in the end.

I won't worry my life away.
I won't worry my life away.
I won't and I won't and I won't etc.

--Jason Mraz

haha okay... i like the saying Justin got though.

jack and eliz on island
You are "Welcome to the
Caribbean, love."
You're more than a little world-weary, but also
intelligent and you keep your head when things
get dodgy. You're everybody's favorite
drinking buddy, but your stubbornness does get
in the way sometimes.

Which one of Captain Jack Sparrow's bizarre sayings from Pirates of the Caribbean are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


went to the beach today. lol.

i went after church with kate, amanda, and tracy. tracey? tracie? sorry. anyway i definitely think the ride getting there and back was much more entertaining than actually being at the beach haha. kate was driving and there was actually a jam going up there so she accidentally goes off the wrong exit to deltona instead of daytona. we saw a waffle house a Kangaroo gas we get onto I-4 again. heading the wrong way. "yeah i think we're going the wrong way"-amanda. east is beach, west is home! so we get off the next exit. under the exit sign it said "no eastbound re-entry" and i thought hmm wonder what that means. so we turn left towards 17-92 cuz kate saw it said east. we go over this bridge over st. john's river, on the left we see a candy cane striped smokestack and on the right "oh look here's I-4 from this view"-me. lol so we turn around and see another sign that says I-4 so we go there to see the east/west entries. well we pass the west one but where's the east one?? we turn around and this entry is all blocked off... that musta been it. so we drive back towards the candy cane striped smokestack and there were signs to I-4! so we FINALLY get to the east exit... "hey.... isn't that the same waffle house....?" Yes it was! we drove all the way back to that wrong exit! lol.

beach was fun. oh wait first we had the task of finding a spot. we go to bethune beach but it was full and at the end there's some national $5 parkin spot beach. kate said there were nude beaches farther down... eww. anyway we turn around and finally a spot produces in front of us at bethune beach. the same lot. we go a-swimmin. fun! but they went a lil too far for me so i stayed behind where i could feel the ground. then we get out tha water to have our simply soda drinks. amanda and i sunbathe/have a nap while kate and tracy went to find nouns (u kno people, places, things) to take pictures of. then after a few minutes amanda went to go swimming again. then i got bored and went to the shoreline to start building.... my SEA TURTLE! o c'mon u KNEW that was coming. i had to move up twice before the water wouldnt' hit it. i finally finished him! when suddenly a wave went aaaalll the way up and he became a mere outline. *sigh*. then i tried to make Nemo. stupid water kept attacking nemo... finally i forgot the mental picture of him and gave up. tried to make one of those sand sharks... lost my creativity. so i tried a manta ray... boy it was hot... so i resorted to a hole. that's rite, a hole. then the water ruined that too. grr. then i disgruntled-ly started piling sand on top of each other. kate and tracy came back after a while. amanda had built some cool snow i mean sandmen. i spose... tracy built a sea dragon. oh yeah on the shore we'd see these sand dollar size jelly things. and we thought hey jellyfish! dead of course. amanda starts poking them, tracy does the same. eventually we're all handling them. they didn't have tentacles tho. maybe they were jellyfish imposters! anyway they were super cool and maybe we're all high on jellyfish poison. anyway tracy and amanda go swimming again, kate and i go sunbathe. there was this mini football near us this whole time and i said if no one gets it by the time we leave, i'm takin it. well we were leaving and they thought i was kidding. haha oh no no no so now i have this way cool wilson football! unless i forgot it in the car...

on the way back we go to burger king, we play this game called "ghosties" which is really fun. i learned a couple new games to play when people are bored. well we saw that darn I-4 sign again to lead us east this time. we wanted east this time! but we went too far. the gas station gave some funky directions. we end up in a downtown of a city and we were about to go past new york ave when tracy goes "omg we're in new york!" lol kate looks back and down ny ave we see.... an I-4 sign! yaayy!! and we ended up going past that gas station where we got directions, stupid guy haha, and we get on I-4. whew safe. it makes no sense how we could have missed it. the game musta distracted us. amanda said it was me haha. yes, it was ME. it's ALWAYS me. i instigate the illegal acts, i get people lost. actually when i was in the car with ray and nicole i was wondering if i really do instigate things and there were a couple instances where i heard myself as ray was just kidding about doing somethings and i , in the back, going "yeah do it!" lol that's HORRIBLE.

had fun at the beach today, thanks for takin me!


one day i shall learn that one post a day is enough.

i wanna apologize for implying that keeping friends is a tiring and ungrateful task in a post the other day. when i look back i remember why i have great memories and why i am such a great person. because of my friends. :) well i just wanted to make that clear, crystal clear..., and now i feel better. haha.

my mom, sister, and i went to Denny's for breakfast/lunch near crane's roost. the waitress didn't come, none of her other coworkers knew where she was so another lady helped us out after a pretty long while. finally the actual waitress comes but she found out we already had our order taken and she never came back. taken! can't bring it back i tell ya!! i thought it would be a good idea to go see a movie afterwards but mr. moviefone wouldn't tell us the times at the altamonte theater!! grr. so we went there anyways. we were gonna see Legally Blonde 2 but then we quickly changed our minds to SEABISCUIT!! yay!!! haha good movie. ever notice how different times of the day have different types of people out? well at the movies we saw all these older couples and i called them "younguns" cuz i dont like to say "look at all the OLD people!". anyway as we were watching this movie i was thinking, wow people in this theater might've actually experienced what was portrayed. the man next to me didn't seem as interested in it however haha. he's munching his food all thru the previews and about 5 minutes into the movie he starts snoring! i was crackin up. i dont know how much of the movie he actually saw but every few minutes i'd hear him doze off. at one point i heard his wife nudge him and go "u're missing the good part!". it's one of those hearfelt movies that make you want to get onto that dirt, race a horse and feel triumphant! haha. i think i'll read the book.

on a last note, i got a letter! from myself! in 10th grade at libertyville high in IL we all wrote a letter to ourselves and it would be sent the summer after senior year. haha i was amusing myself. you should see my envelope . turtles turtles everywhere. some of the stuff i wrote i have no idea what i meant by that. ooo my past self confused my future self. lol that is FREAKIN confusing in itself. oh yeah i also got back those previews from Bryn Alan. i think i might buy the one where i'm shaking Dr. Edwards' hand as i received the diploma.

happy biiirthdaaayyy toooo youuuuuuu......

last night was fun. food was really good. i liked the meatballs! whatever was in em made it very tasty. brownies were alrite.... j/k. i still think we should have had a pineapple. so um yeah it was at the fran carlton center, about 12/13 of jacq's friends came. she opened gifts after dinner. she didn't open mine in front of everyone! yay! lol. it would've taken awhile. since i carefully placed the tissue paper... well not really. ugh i'm hungry.... oh okay after present opening we went to Citywalk. i went with Raymond and Nicole. hmm that was interesting, they're such a cheesy couple it was so cute. oh wait before we hit the toll road to get there we illegally got to Subway, lol. we were in the left lane and nicole goes no stop here, stop here! so we turn into the auto place next to subway and then we drove around onto the incoming traffic lane to get there! haha that was funny... well we went to subway so we could kidnap xandi, cuz she works there, but it turns out she wasn't there. so where's xandi? in the car we use my phone and 411 it to call xandi's house and it turns out she's in atlanta! atlanta? why is xandi in atlanta? her mom told us she'd be back monday. so that's cool i guess. on the way to citywalk nicole told me about their "adventures".haha their dream adventures were entertaining... raymond is a good driver! well i mean besides that subway deal, what i mean is nicole does not like him to speed at all and he'll stay at the limit. wow. i can't even do that.... but yah anyway they also had a convo about what they should be for halloween. first it was shrek and fiona, but i think their marlin and dory idea was great. and sean would be their nemo haha. stacy ended up parking behind us so we all waited at the movie theater for the rest of the people. well people got hungry/thirsty/caffeine-hungry so we went up to the starbucks. that was a nice time. once a couch was actually free stacy, diana, peter, and tyler went over there. i decided to stay at the table cuz nicole has the most intriguing conversations sometimes... oh yea! her gift to stacy was great lol. a touchy feely board. but okay we were there until 11:15 then we had to split. i wonder what everyone else ended up doing.... we just got to go to starbucks! oh well. actually... i think that was the first time i ever hung around starbucks... :P. we left, nicole wanted to see if the glowshop was open, it wasn't. we drove back, discussed the Hollywood sign, rude people, where we should get ice cream, and color blind people. haha nicole must have some fascination with color blind people. the toll road people were pretty nice. one elderly woman, poor her, she was telling us how the motorcycle man in front of us had the nerve to give her the money that was in his mouth! nasty him. nicole was like "i dont know her but i love her already". we went to wendy's but it wasn't open on the inside, so then we went to McDonalds drive thru. that took a REALLY long time haha. all I wanted was a small M&M McFlurry! ray was ordering "ya-no not a sundae! ya- no not an oreo mcflurry! yaayy that's rite!" lol. the order lady would say "just a second" but it sounded like "chicken" so every time she said that we were like "chicken? what's with the chicken?". lol. then they took me home. nic figured out how close i actually lived to her and i promised i'd have a sleepover party when her room is all finished. so that was a jolly good time. thanks stacy! thanks nicole and raymond! hey i didn't die OR get lost. lol...


Seabiscuit comes out today! aww i wanna see it. looks like one of those movies i'll start bawlin at. but i love 'em. still workin on stacy's gift. hopefully she'll like it haha. if not... well i tried lol. she's havin a way cool "party" tonite and i'm lookin forward to it. we're goin to Citywalk after the dinner and i might actually drive there... i have no idea how to get there other than the expressway so if i get left behind i am gonna be so lost... haha. i mean no it's not that funny but um hmm yeah. i hope the van doesn't break down... gosh. my mom is nervous about me driving there. that's kind of annoying, cuz c'mon i can't drive everywhere by myself yet for some reason. maybe if one day i just go "okay going to tampa see you tonite" they'll let me. i'll see if someone has an extra seat but if stacy i mean if no one does that's okay... i'll get there somehow. lol. i feel bad cuz it seems like she has to drag me everywhere. i wonder how nicole is getting there... anyway hmm oh yeah i have the homecoming pictures up. the computer was being very nice yesterday and downloaded everything so quick. oh and Spy Kids 3.... D comes out too. i know the 3D part will be obvious things like a hand, a weapon pointing out.... i dunno if i'd see it. the first two weren't bad lol. such a kid. oh and i'm excited Chicago is comin out on dvd next month! finally. yesterday i went to the Florida Mall and i saw a first: a guy working at Claire's. whoa. he was very polite but poor him the lady that was sposed to work with him wasn't there for some reason. he reminded me of Simon from Real World Paris. he had the accent going. oh and any of you have ever shopped with me... has anybody?.... well you would know i take a REALLY long time to find something i want to buy. i was with my mom and sister and they know how i am... they're so lazy sometimes lol... so we walked all over the huge mall until we found... Claire's. that store is in every mall i didn't have to go all the way to orlando to end up at a Claire's. so i spent an hour kinda just walking around Claire's haha. that's a busy place. a lot of girls/ladies came in and asked the dude questions. "does that ring a bell?" "no but i can show you where it would be...". haha what else can i blog about... oh le petit creperie is back! they have a spot in the florida mall and they make all kinds of crepes. mmm.... we shared the mixed fruit one. i think they're harder than a normal one but still good. when we first came to fl it was there but then it closed down. so we were sad. but then we saw it was coming back. i think it's a lil different than the first one tho.

well if i think of anything more i'll add it later.


as i waited for my sister to send off her package to her friend i poked and prodded the various pamphlets, forms, books, and brochures. at the very end i came across a stack of forms that said "voter registration". so i thought, hmm sure why not. so wouldn't ya know, i registered myself to vote! i have no party affiliation in case anyone was curious. i feel a little more important lol. now all i have to do i spose... is vote. :P

i didn't go to warped tour. i would've gone with Tiffany, my sister, but she is like the most opposite of Gung Ho you can be. "well don't you wanna go??" "eh..." "but you'll get to see all your bands!" "nah i don't wanna...". well poo. maybe i'll go next year. it's bad cuz it's like we've spent enough money this summer as it is, but there's so much good stuff goin on! i would go by myself if it wasn't for the fact that i'd be by myself... yeah well... it's not as fun. maybe i'll find some new college friends that will like to go to the same concerts and events. i think i want college to start already! lol. it's kinda tiring to go thru the process of making new friends every, well for me, year or two. then there's that whole keeping in touch thing. but it's a part of life no? i'm actually not looking forward to meeting new people yet. Yet. i bet i'm gonna meet a whole lotta cool people at UCF tho.

"I'm ready, I'm ready!"


umm oh yeah and one more announcement for today:

i updated my website. it has the pix i took in cali! (finally). yeah i had to put my baccalaureate and graduation pictures up first lol. so after a few more pictures i might actually be completely updated with them from my high school career! then it'll be off to college career oh and i do still have pictures from my last days at DHS (back in 9th gade) on my computer. who wants to see that?! haha. i have to convert those to jpegs that'll take awhile. yeah if my scanner worked i'd be able to post my prom pictures and grad bash pictures. actually.... i still have to put my homecoming pictures up! darn. okay i still have a lot to do! hang tight.

Good Lord... i said i wanted to own my own business and i did not imply a farm! lol.

You belong in TEXAS!

Well partner, you had better learn the song Texas,

Our Texas, because you belong in the Lone Star

You value friendship and sports!

Maybe you can start up a ranch or a farm or

that would be cool... Just remember:


Where Do You Belong?
brought to you by Quizilla

tagboard's not working... how extremely annoying... i can't even log in to mine. isn't even working. maybe it's a conspiracy. in fact... it probably is a conspiracy! *gasp*. the live journal folk are out to deprive me of my comment box communications! yeah yeah that's it!

hmm there's not much to blog about at the moment... u don't hear me say that very often. i feel like watching harry potter. but which one.... nah i think i'll just sit here. wait for someone to im me. hmm... *check buddy list* alyssa's away, damita's not, brandon's away (good), aanndd that's it. i think only one person knows this sn too. well a lot of people used to know it but then i got my turtle one. so i guess they forgot about that one. i have uuhhmmm 3 sns. well i have more but i dont use the others anymore. justin sent me this interesting link the other day. a buffy swearing keyboard. of course i type every letter to see what she'll say for each one. then i made the mistake of showing it to my sister haha. her friends are weird. nothing i'm not used to. some are just uh.. different. yeah haha. but i hang out with them as casually as i would my friends. i mean i do have to drive them around. and i usually don't just drop them off cuz i wanna go to the mall or see a movie too. otherwise i don't have much opportunity to do so otherwise. oh and one of her friends was talking to my sister about me when i was at orientation. they told me about it later what she was saying, it was really funny. and it went a lil something like this:

yeah Crystal's really cool.
she's pretty normal,
you would never expect her to be
all obsessive with turtles and stuff.
to be like that.

LoL. those crazy kids. but she's right haha. everytime she sees me i'm wearing a turtle shirt but i actually wasn't wearing one when i got home from orientation and i had to point it out to her "look look i'm not wearing a turtle shirt today!" "oh yeah i knew something was different...." lol.


cool... i really am not into the sending forwards anymore, bsides, someone might actually read it this way.

Read this story, and follow the recommendation at the end......

As I was walking
down life's highway
many years ago

I came upon a
sign that read

Heavens Grocery Store.

When I got a
little closer

the doors swung
open wide

And when I came
to myself

I was standing

I saw a host of

They were
standing everywhere

One handed me a

and said "My
child shop with care."

Everything a
human needed

was in that
grocery store

And what you
could not carry

you could come
back for more

First I got some

Love was in that
same row.

Further down was

you need that
everywhere you go.

I got a box or
two of Wisdom

and Faith a bag
or two.

And Charity of

I would need some
of that too.

I couldn't miss
the Holy Ghost

It was all over
the place.

And then some

and Courage to
help me run this race.

My basket was
getting full

but I remembered
I needed Grace,

And then I chose
Salvation for

Salvation was for

I tried to get
enough of that to do

for you and me.

Then I started to
the counter

to pay my grocery

For I thought I
had everything

to do the Masters

As I went up the

I saw Prayer and
put that in,

For I knew when I
stepped outside

I would run into

Peace and Joy
were plentiful,

the last things
on the shelf.

Song and Praise
were hanging near

so I just helped

Then I said to
the angel

"Now how much do
I owe?"

He smiled and

"Just take them
everywhere you go."

Again I asked
"Really now,

How much do I

"My child" he
said, "God paid your bill

a long long time

This poem has
been sent to you

with love and for
good luck.

It originated in
the Netherlands

and has been
around the world 9 times.

The luck has now
come to you and

you will receive
good luck in the mail

within six days
of receiving this letter

providing you
sent it out to someone else.

Do not send money
as this message
has no price. Do
not keep this letter

but send it on to
someone who

needs good luck.
Of course, good luck

is just another
way of saying blessings.

Send 5 copies within 9
minutes of

reading this and see what

For turtle I got Troll and lol no i'm not gonna post that... and for tortue i got.... a uruk? something strange. i never heard of dryads either so this could be educational for you. oh and no fair i wanted to be a unicorn! :P

My Monster Name

Most dryads are hot babes – if you don’t mind the whole tree spirit thing. Dryads are symbiotically linked to large oak trees and can’t travel more than a few hundred yards from it. In recent years a few Dryads have entered the world as good-looking women who are unable to leave their mobile phone more than a few hundred yards behind.

The Levenshtein distance between Crystal and Dryad is 4.
Powered by GameWyrd


LOTTO!!! Loto?

Did anyone else feel like they were gambling when they registered for classes? i was in a computer lab wit a buncha engineering majors (i.e. guys) when we registered and as soon as 2pm hit there were all these "c'mon c'mon baby..... YES!!" or "oh crap! f*ck now what do i do???". the advisor was warning us how if we needed to cry that we step outside lol. "there will be NO crying in my lab". they say someone does that every orientation. how sad. i don't think anyone cried in there but dude, talk about catching guys at their weakest moments. lol. oh and later on after i first blogged about orientation i realized i didn't even say what classes i got:

8:30am College Algebra (lecture)
1:30 Sociology
2:30 Physical Geography (if i say Geology what i really mean is... geography)

Just Friday
10:30 Intro to Engineering

Just Tuesday
1:30 College Algebra (Discussion)

3:00 "Enjoyment of Music"

yup i think that's gonna be it, unless i can find a way to condense it to 4 days. I'm so glad i was able to switch that 7:30 class!! i checked this morning if there were openings for that darn geography class to be later and there was ONE seat open. well last time i checked there was one seat left but i wasn't speedy enough to get it and *poof* it was gone. this time i casually switched my music class to that later time (cuz it woulda been the same time as that later geo class if i tried to switch) and it worked! so happy. :) i would've had to get up at 5, make sure i got everything leave at 6 or so. but the first week of course i would get up at 4:30 so i could get used to it. yikes. so now i just have to worry about gettin up on time for mon/wed/fri haha. but i guess 5 days is not too bad... now i have an excuse to be out of the house everyday :P. Instead of Enjoyment of Music I wanted History of Motion Pictures, but I think everyone wants that class and there was only one time to register for and that went out quick. I didn't want it just cuz you get to watch movies or w/e but, personally, the history of films seems more interesting than the history of music. but history in general is pretty cool. and i played the clarinet for...3 or 4 years? So i can say i appreciate it pretty well. :p

Where my band members at??

wow I think I want to see Pirates (etc.) again. At least on video anyway. I didn't realize it until the end of the movie but this movie was about those plundering criminals that destroyed towns for their own benefit. the movie kinda made it look more like a cool lifestyle for everyone. but i still really liked it! and i want to live on Tortuga Island!! lol. u kno what sux about blogging about a movie is that you can't say all the details in case someone who hasn't seen it is reading this! but that's okay haha i can deal. now jacq has interested me in wanting to see How to Deal. lol....

i was so tired yesterday. I went to work yesterday, the manager made me do all kinds of weird jobs. like wipe off the bottom rack and shelf of the fridge. the rack was literally stuck cuz there was honey and other gunk that had spilled down there. yuck. i washed dishes for 2 hours straight which consists of a lot of lifting and remembering where everything goes. there were two pots that needed major scrubbage (other weird jobs) so i spent a long time just standing there with them. then when she finally left (woohoo!) i made supper. everyone seemed to like it which i was glad. it's good to know that what u're cooking tastes good! lol. i was worried the french fries would be too hard or too salty but they turned out parfait. i know cuz i ate a plate of them haha. so finally i cleaned up my area and was ready to get outta there. but then the guy who washes the supper dishes and w/e said he couldn't come, again! i had to stay later on saturday too. so i had to wash up and clean up which took another half hour. on saturday it took me about 45minutes but yesterday i did everything so fast i just wanted to go home. lol. i watched tv until i thought my sister would get off the internet but i fell asleep. haha.


so what i wanna know is, is the "schizotypal" character in the image the man who owns the giant rooster... or is it the giant rooster? maybe the man is the "understanding" friend.

Dear Stacy,

I'm sooooooooo sooooooo sorry!!! When you called again the furthest possibility from my mind was that we would take separate rides. i mean i would take you or you would take me... be environmental friendly ya know. well i guess you didn't know since i didn't know what you knew. anyway i had a lot of fun, i hadn't seen anyone since my birthday and as much as i enjoy the internet, it still doesn't quite replace the experience of... being in that passenger seat as you feel obligated to race the car next to you!! but i did learn a few things today:

1. It is possible to drive one-handed with a manual while on the phone (since one can grow a 3rd arm on his or her 18th year)

2. I can instigate things just by being there.

3. A cop is most likely to pull over the red vehicle... but in the case of the 3 red cars all racing, that case didn't even matter because a cop wasn't even there. (okay i dunno if i learned anything from that)

4. Pirates of the Carry-bee-in is a good movie!!

5. skeleton monkeys are scary.

6. bidding on someone does NOT make a person feel comfortable.

7. the guy in the red mustang didn't wanna see my horse picture.

8. I'm sorry!!!

Anyway, i knew something funny was going to happen but i'm glad you got to satisfy your craving to see a movie. lol. and i know you are SO glad that it was me that came along.

your friend,



*hysterical laughter* that's so funny.


Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla


according to the robot lady of the AP college board phone number....

Yay i got a 3 on US History!!
maybe a lil disappointing but at least i'm "qualified"! one of the first year advisors discouraged me a little in her chat tho cuz she's like "and i think if u get a 3 in ur history score it only counts for a dummy class....". well gee. but i think it was weird in that class cuz i think the best i ever did was a lil more than half into the yr and after that it was leveling to b/c rated shtuff. if i had only taken it in february! lol.

I got a 3 on Eng Lit!!!
Ha! Ha! Ha! lol i kid myself... i actually prepared myself in that class? it's good that i actually *snigger* tried my *chuckle* best

ya likin those sound effects? i kno u can hear 'em.

oh and my ap french score? LoL.
A Two! woohoo! a two woohoo!! i wasn't expecting to pass but heck yah with all my great "preparation" i got a two! *pump fist*.

i called this morning so i could see what i needed to sign up for so unless i heard the lady wrong... those are my scores. if i got better i will definitely let everyone know. if they are worse, let's pretend these are right! and never hear about them again...

i am officially oriented.

my schedule is bearable but personally HOrriBLE. aaahhh!! okay sorry watching the ring.... the one time i look away from the comp and it shows the girl in the closet. it wasnt that scary at katrina's house! of course there is this monsta storm outside and it is night.... anyway umm yeah as of rite now i have at least one class EVERY weekday. and i start either at 8:30am or.... 7:30am!!! dude. hopefully i can get just a tad later class than 7:30. classes fill up so fast! we all get into computer labs to register online for the classes. all of us at the same time, 400ish, online. quite an event. well if God wants me to get up at 6 in the morning to go to college then by golly i'm doing it. but i am checking those courses everyday for an opening! lol.

i was telling molly yesterday how i was all ready for orientation but i didn't even realize the fact that i'd be meeting new people. haha. i have two new friends! :) we got in groups to tour the place and i met this girl named shurlyn. all the way from brooklyn! her parents moved down here and they made her come to UCF. that sucks haha and she wasn't too happy bout it either. but she's real cool hopefully she'll find things to do for fun. i also met this other girl, sorry i couldn't even pronounce her name... but we all sat for lunch and dinner which was just.... cool. for lack of a better word. i dont think i'll see them much tho cuz they both wanna major in micromolecular biology (?). there was another cool girl i met who was actually in the engineering field. super motivated. one of the presenters asked to the engineering group why some people wanted to be in it and she, ashley, said "i like a challenge." yikes. maybe she'll tutor me one day. j/k. but uhh what else... i talked to a few guys... all really nice :P don't think i caught any of their names tho. i'm sure i'll see them eventually....








yesterday on the keith and tony show on o-rock i was listening to the singing psychic. lol she was so funny. one of those polite southern drawls. she sang her predictions a lil like this:

*starts playing acoustic guitar*
well it looks as though u're gonna be okay
yeah yeah
but you might run into sum prahblems
yeah yeah
hey hey hey....
there you go.

HAHA it was so funny. this guy wit another southern accent was like well i know this is like a comedy show but i am dead serious: will this hamster in my intestine be okay? lol. keith n tony were trying not to laugh and the guy goes i would not like to get into how it got in there... hahaha. of course the psychic said he'd be okay. she always predicted what they wanted to hear of course. only in the south.


hey everyone!

i'm back again. i think i've been back 3 times now. tennessee, california, missouri... yeah 3. well cool. i think that's it! haha. there actually might be a slight possibility that i would be goin down to fort lauderdale next munth. but who knows anymore. i most certainly don't.

reasons it was good that i missed the concert tonite:

save money for college
maybe save money for warped tour
they'll be other concerts
it will probably be on video eventually
it was expensive

aack. well my initial feeling to the tour was eh... not that special anyway. but of course as it approached closer it's like... yeah. well u can figure it out. an hour before it i was all ready to go but i talked myself out of it. sew ANYWAY... maybe my sister and i will go to warped tour. i have to figure out where it to get there... how much it is... blah. we shall see... i'm watching TRL i haven't seen it in a loooooooong time. but i tuned into the All-American Rejects' Last Song video and the backstage pass access to Simple Plan's new video/single Perfect. *sigh* good shtuff ;) . they also showed a commercial for the Hard Rock Live performances they taped here at Universal Citywalk. yeah that was real uplifting "oh hey i missed that concert, and that concert, and that concert...." woohoo go music!! everytime they had a concert i was out of town!! lol. i never asked stacy how that Used concert was... nah but it's really cool to live in a place where there are beaucoup concerts happening. in the future i'm gonna see a lot more!

hmm i should probably write about the st louis vacation.




so glad u'll actually be able to read this! lol.

Sonya- do you feel like my non-blog friends are freeloading off of my comment box too?? lol. just kidding. you know they REALLY SHOULD find an online journal host and ramble off on whatever because hey, it's fun to read about what's going on in people's heads/lives. then the blogging craze could spread from cali all the way over to florida! then no one's thoughts would be safe... *evil laughter*. well i guess it technically did span when i got one... argh... confusing... self... must stop... aahh thought!!! Altho, i do enjoy their company in the tagboard. if anyone has another subject they wanna talk about in the comment box then feel free to blurt it out :D .

still in Illinois, gonna leave sunday. which technically is today eastern time? yup.

having quite a bit of trouble acquiring postcards... hopefully i can get them at the airport.



okay so i changed my mind. the thought of not having any of those things, sheesh. anyway, yes here i am using the internet in IL. there's not much to do except like go outside and walk around or do sports... strange ain't it? oh but someone we knew who is also here brought their HP dvds and we watched the first one in a tv room we discovered. lol. hopefully we'll be able to go into the city and i'll get to buy a few postcards. :)


well i'm leaving tomorrow. i have decided to leave my laptop behind... at this point anyway. altho i have found out there's no t.v., radio, computers... i'm roughing it lol. the cell phones don't even have reception where we're staying!! okay it'll only be 3 days... maybe i'll spend time writing letters and reading. :P

BE BACK MONDAY!!! (or if i'm really that desperate to be with technology i'll be on late sunday night when we get back haha.)

oh by the way, i got my list of people to send postcards to! so far it's *counts*.... two. LOL. who knows maybe i'll get postcard happy again and send 15 or so but if anyone else wants one lemme know hee hee.

much luv,

i went to the altamonte mall today. theres this store called white barnhill.... barn white hill.... anyway one of those places with smelly candles and whatnot. they also have spray bottles that u can spray around the house to make the place smell pretty. my sister and her friend were telling me about how they have this fragarance called Fresh Bread. so yeah i was interested to go and smell what they think fresh bread is like. well u kno how u can spray stuff up in the air and smell it that way but i thought nah it must smell good so i'll put a *little* on my wrist. well i tried to spray a lil and this whole GUSH goes all over my forearm. i'm thinking "okay..." so i take a whiff and i am just gasping for air. it was so strong!! not fresh bread smell more like gooey dough in the oven smell. LoL so now i have this bread scent even though i have washed wit my bath and body works lotion....


okay i just finished mailin about 6 or 7 letters to friends in cali. (well they were more like... notes) are YOU one of those people?

snail mail is such a lost art. i love writing long, drawn out letters and then taking the time to decorate every single page. but hardly anyone else in the world out there wants to do the same anymore! that's alrite, i understand, people got lives and such. internet makes it too easy to communicate. kids used to have to ask their parents if they could go down to the park to talk to their friends. now they lock themselves up in their room to do that. internet... do we take it for granted? YES of course we do! i enjoy going online 3 hours at a time just to play tic tac toe with a friend living 3000+ miles away. oh and you guys that can be on 24/7 and just have ur away message on.... that is golden *in awe*.

you ever have one of those moments when u just wanna snap at everything someone says atcha? i had my taste set on some spaghettios that i had saved in the fridge just now, which was there just before lunch, when i find out that someone had thrown it out. i just wanted to go "hulk" out on that person that was napping and AARRRGHHH!!!! yeah.... and sure it's *just* some food but the principle of it... MY food! the food which i took the time to open with the most user-unfriendly electric can opener ever! (u have to situate at certain angles and my sister is the one who can do it with the most ease ) i hate it when they throw out the good take-out, which they've stopped doing, but it's worse when it's food taken from the kitchen....bleh so now i'm crunching on this Nature Valley's oats bar, which is dam good anyway. oh and yes i admit i still go to the local grocery store, which now is Publix, to buy my Chef Boyardee and Franco-American canned italian products. they're YUMMY in my tummy!

so yes hmm what else can i UCF orientation is in 10 days.... july 17th-18th. i am so excited/anxious now. i'd probably be more excited if i wasn't going to the "commuter school", i being a commuter, but hey it's COLLEGE! i think it really sank in when i got my Student Welcome Pack and the newspaper had all the important dates down for the year. all of them! i mean like, a whole guideline of the things i will do when and what i'll be doing in between as a COLLEGE STUDENT. and then after orientation i'll be getting ready to buy books and commute to my 2 or 3 hour classes, buy some Knight paraphernelia, attain some school spirit, see some college men.... hee hee. i am purposely ignoring rite now the fact of the countless hours of homework/studying i will be doing, the stress, the work, the adjusting, the strain, the the... okay so i'm not ignoring it. July is definitely my worry month of the summer. end of may after graduation was a little depressing, June was just FUN FUN FUN, and july is "oh incoming... college!! *braces self*" month. i want to be as focused as Hermione! i feel like how Harry does before returning to Hogwarts at the end of summer. in fact... i wanna go to Hogwarts! molly i see you smirking... she's going to what really seems like a muggle hogwarts. it was funny cuz in the O.W.L.s chapter i was answering those exam questions harry was going over in his head. "ooh wingardium leviosa!!"

ah yes and one last note, i'm leaving for vacation AGAIN. this thursday to sunday night and i am goin way down to suthern Illy. hopefully it's not like u know farm-south, i'm pretty sure it's not but yeah. it's near St. Louis and my sis and i are sposed to be able to have a day or 2 to wander aimlessly in St. Louis while my parents do their thing. i find that fun! considering i never get lost... *clears throat nervously*. anyone want a postcard? lol.


Just finished the 5th book....

i can't believe JK killed ------!!!! i was talking to a friend and we're convinced she's got to bring --- back, SHE'S GOT TO!!!
oh wow no way.... *still contemplating fight scenes*..... the end is kind of cute how they come to ----- Harry at --------- . must go discuss book with someone later today!



America is now THIS old. Wow.

Life. Liberty. Freedom. The Pursuit of Happiness.

BBQs. Family time. Friends. Picnics. Pools. Fireworks. Fire... ooo....

Fun. Joy. Excitment.


Red Hot and Boom!

I actually ended up goin there last night with my family. We were there in time to see Frankie J and Stacie Orrico which was cool. I didn't really like the song "Don't Wanna Try" but it's one of those where after 20-30 times of being on the radio it kinda grows on ya. He has a really good voice, strong and powerful.... i like that.... and um Stacie hit a lot of high notes so she would fade in and out. They only got to sing 2 songs each cuz of speculation that a storm was heading our way. it was funny cuz Jessica Simpson was about to come out after Stacie had said "okay i got one more song for you! oh wait just kidding cuz there's a big storm coming this way!!". she shouldn't have told us that. anyway one of the DJs goes "DO YOU WANT TO SEE JESSICA SIMPSON BEFORE THE FIREWORKS???" and everyone in my area goes " NO!!!!" . lol that was so funny but of course she comes out anyway and sings God Bless America. she belts it out good. she says to sing along but she sang it in her own style so yeah that was hard.

the fireworks show

originally the fireworks were going to start at 9pm but then it started raining so they were going to delay it until 9:30. but then there was the threat of a storm, we could see lightning in the distance, so they even started it a lil before 9. the Fireworks were of course REALLY good. lots of variety. there's one point where the walkway/bridge thing has fireworks shooting down like waterfalls. tres jolie but then there was so much smoke that when they shot up the Huge Weeping Willow fireworks they were hidden by the smoke! aww... those are one of my fav kinds too. but anyway it was a really good show, the best view we've had in a LONG time for live fireworks and i'm glad we went.

I always wondered what it would be like if all of my friends were in one school. well just from observations i think they'd all be kicking each others' @$$es. Gosh that would be horrible! Then i'd have to choose between them and decide who to defend. Yeah i'd much rather keep it the way it is at the moment. distanced in well defined corners of the square-shaped ring.

oh and the post earlier was just an excuse to address everyone in the comment box. so don't overthink anything i said. *waves*

boy doesn't that last quiz put a damper on my mood. i even picked all the cheerful answers! *mumbles but loud enough for everyone to hear* lousy quiz, nothing like the rest of its family... *tries to steal "valuables"*



You represent... loneliness.
You represent... loneliness.
Always alone and always sad about it... unlike
angst, you don't have to look for a reason to
be miserable. You want to be in the company of
people but aren't sure how to act when you're
with them. Sometimes you have to make an
effort. You can't always wait for others to
come to you.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

For goodness sake....

Molly i think the confined environment of the comment box has caused you speak in incoherent Harry Potter tongues.

Sonya, I warn you i might blurt something about Harry Potter 5 that u don't know or haven't read about yet.

Stacy... umm.... yeah? Yeah u're good, just... stay there. (I have no idea what i'm trying to say)

Justin. Find a hobby. At least make conversation.


i just discovered that i could listen to radio stations on my windows media player... i'm listening to a rock station in Paris! chouette. anyway YES STUpID Umbridge!!! i was getting frustrated with Harry as i was reading because he loses his temper so much. i couldn't understand how he could just fly off the handle so easily and feel so much dislike. then i thought of how i felt near the end of year in french class.... lol. so now it's not so frustrating. but finally he's calming down a little. i'm at the part where he mr weasley has returned from st. mungo's. i felt bad for neville when they saw him there. aww. hee hee i usually read HP before i go to bed and last night it was getting a little scary cuz u know of the snake thing... i kept reading until there was a not so scary part that i wouldn't have a nightmare about. LoL. i know i know... but my dreams have been really strange lately and i think it's cuz of Harry Potter. oh i know what chapter i'm in now... the one about occluency...s/p? i dont feel like getting it to see exactly. so yeah why was i posting? oh yeah so i could comment on the comments.. in the comment box of course. yes stacy, harry's detentions with dumbridge are so disturbing! makes me want to bandage my own hand. yeah dumbridge lol thats right i am name calling a person that does not in reality exist!

nicole and i were discussing harry potter last night. she said they, the HP books, were "kiddy" when we were talking about it at my birthday thang but she started reading them since she moved and now she's all into it :). i think she's reading book 4 now. anyway we are both anxious to know who dies but at the same time, i don't wanna know yet!! she was telling me how in an interview JK was saying how she cried when she read about the character dying....all i could say was "eep". if the author who killed that character was crying oh gosh! it must be 'orrible. i still have no idea who it is yet. i still think it could be anyone... well someone in the ~Order~ i suspect.


"Hem, hem."

"Hem, hem."

"Hem, hem."

"Hem, hem."


Aaaahh!!! i just want to take that bloody Professor Umbridge and roll her stubby body into a bludger so I can take a Beater's bat and *WHACK* her through those goal loops!!!