Naked Turtle

To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day



we got up had breakfast, katrina wanted to come to church with us so she did. sorry if u're confused :P. u looked like u were acting attentive. we got to see everyone so that was really nice. the people in my sunday school class was just the same as always: teacher asks questions, no one answers. finally i had enough and started answering. "aren't there days when you walk down the street and you just feel happy?" "yes" "and what do the people that walk by do?" "well they just kinda stare..." *laughter* "but don't they smile back?" "oh yeah sure sometimes..." haha. we ate in old town monrovia @ Wang's. a chinese restaurant my fam and i used to always eat at on sunday. the owner didn't recognize us tho haha. that's amusing. et puis, we saw that they were filming a movie! we were involved in a shooting :). a movie shooting... i know if i told one of my friends here, with stories of drive bys and such, their reaction might've been "OMG ARE YOU OKAY??" haha not to worry. all safe. we found out it was the sequel to Barbershop called Beauty Shop. haven't seen the first but maybe u'll see us in the sequel! we're the ones standing on the sidewalk guys! lol. there are quite a few that were standing around watching. they said it was okay as long as we didnt take flash pix or something. we had to leave but kat and i wanted to stay and stand there longer. lol. then we went back to kat's house and dropped her off. aww... no more friends....

we went to an indo restaurant and chinese supermarket to stock up on goods that we dont have in FL. we lugged 2 boxes (not packages, BOXES) of certain noodles home haha. hung out at uncle/aunt/cousin's house for awhile then left for airport. it was killing me that we saw at least THREE In N Outs from the freeway... i didn't get my in n out :(. i was craving for that burger for three years! well someone just has to come deliver one for me :) . we instead had regular old Burger King at the airport where i called rosa cuz i didn't properly get to say goodbye to her. she was sposed to come to the italian dinner but circumstances witheld her from doing so. then we were off on the plane back

we couldn't get a direct flight to orlando so we had to stop in miami. i think i like night flights better... cuz i slept most of the time. wouldn't u know that going back they actually had a good movie on... Catch me if you can. i saw it already tho so i decided i'd let myself sleep. the miami airport is CRAZY. it's like a giant maze and if u dont follow the signs, u are lost. there was a sign every few feet tho... it took us an hour just to get to the next flight. we had about 2hrs between flights. from miami to orlando was 35minutes. i really liked that! i should have shorter flights more often! too bad it won't get me very far. one day when it takes half an hour to get from fl to ca i'll take that flight ;-).

i really had the greatest time and i am so glad i got to go! my pictures will be posted in my site sometime in the future. can anyone send me doubles? please? we can switch.

now i can get back to blogging about less significant and perhaps shorter things....


ugh... losing... energy... only 2 more entries. I can DO IT!

we get to katrina's house and mostly wait for others to show up. molly was already there hangin out, sonya comes with some ice cream (woohoo! everyone loves ice cream...), and justin arrives empty handed. he didn't kno he had to bring anything but we already had puhlenty. we play a quick game of mad gab. wasn't as successful as the night before cuz those phrases were both strange and uncommon. how often do u hear the saying "chicken of the sea" in everyday convos? i know it referred to tuna but still. oh jasmine, being the cute innocent one, doesn't mean much when she honestly says something but we were getting into teams and she says something like "okay it's the 2 smart ones against the rest of you" or something. we started bustin up, well my team, cuz we were sposedly not the smart ones. haha jasmine had a blank look "what? i don't get it..." that was hilarious... then we had some dinner. YUM there was spaghetti and uh spaghetti and lasagna and bread and i love run on sentences and this very good green drink. it was kinda like the green hawaiian punch but tasted even better. katrina lead us in a prayer before we started eating. i got emotional when she prayed that i would have a good trip back home. back home? already?? i was really leaving the next day but i was ignoring the fact. i started crying...that was wasn't too bad tho. we all sat down and ate at the table. group pictures, eating, etc. justin was drilling thru bob's lasagna lol. no really it was good! i kinda stopped for a minute to look around the table cuz i wanted to sav our the moment. katrina noticed and asked if i wanted my vid camera. so i just went around the table saying hi to everyone with it LOL. quality filming. i wanted to use it more but i used it up so much already that day that the battery was almost out. okay the whole day kat, bob, jasmine, and i were trying to find time to see a movie. we finally thought we could do it after the dinner. but then we find out bob and jasmine had to leave. :( before she did, we watched the belgium and knotts video. hee hee it was so funny. we never saw the Knott's footage (knott's is another theme park more like 6flags than disney) so that was a first. yesenia's dad did most of the filming and we noticed that often the tape recorded yesenia's backside...hahaha. there was a whole park to film and here was yesenia... lol... so then bob left *sniff sniff*. we were gonna see Nemo but by the time we get there it was too late. so we're at the Krikorian or however u spell it staring at the options... the only thing left was From Justin to Kelly and we were NOT going to see that. justin didn't hesitate to suggest it... over... and over... we bump into sonya's sisters and their friend. haha stegosaurus! that was funny. "hey don't mess up her hair!... *mumbles* punk...". we are sitting around and justin gets restless. molly becomes his santa and starts asking for a parking lot, cars to crash in the parking lot.... then i become santa for awhile lol... lindsey chawlie whatever your name was! that was funny.

so um 20/30 minutes later we get picked up again and decide to rent a movie @ Hollywood Video c/o Sonya's card. iono how long we were there but a loong time. looking at various movies.... saw Ringu *shudder*... sonya wanted to see um y tu mama tambien or w/e sorry i dunno the exact title. i never saw it but molly said what it was about... and i was like okay no... however justin was interested and sonya changed her mind "never mind i dont want to see it with justin" LOL. meanwhile they are teasing me about how i was probably "in the mood" for it because bob and i told them about that vid game song. haha. now ever since 9th grade sonya had been telling me about this movie called the Labyrinth that she seemed to obsess over. especially because of David Bowie who's in it. i wanted to make sure that i'd see it when i came back so i could see what all the buzz was about. well this night was the last i'd spend with my friends and, even though she had the labyrinth at her house, it became an option to rent. we finally get in line with our first option as The Guru. we wanted to see a comedy. well wouldn't ya kno the guru was not available so we got the Labyrinth. woohoo? we walked to the Target where justin was gonna get picked up. oh yes and while we were in the video store sonya had been singing the Reading Rainbow song. i dunno who's idea it was to starting putting choreography to it but that's what she was doing. that was entertaining. graciously justin's mom gives us a ride back to katrina's house where we watch the movie. then justin left....

it was down to katrina, molly, sonya and i. so it was movie time! finally lol. now i'd love to give a plot summary and all.... but i'm sure u'd want to see it yourself. sonya knew everything word for word already so she was busy with her nose in the 5th HP book. in the dark. they asked if she wanted light and she refused. katrina had seen it once before but i dont think molly had ever. anyway the 3 of us were watching it, kat's dog jolie was inside begging for the food we were snacking on. she was so cute. the songs in the movie were so strange. they were just kind of spontaneous out of nowhere. i liked the trick with the crystal ball. oh and make a note of this: MOLLY was the one who noticed david bowie's "pants" first not me! "are those tights he's wearing??!!" "no those are leggings..." --me. haha sonya defensively says they are pants but goodness... then she said she couldn't believe that I was still in that mood... what did i do?! haha. it was bad cuz one of the characters.... what was his name the short dude that i never remembered his name correctly... haggle or hoggle w/e.... he was just at waist height of bowie (aka Jareth in the movie) and when haggle was speaking next jareth...haha....ha. the movie was really cool and all but i was losing my attention and starting to fall asleep. i moved around hoping that would make it better. not really. previously, justin discovered he could make a disposable camera flash w/o taking a picture (tres chouette) and sonya was imposing self injury to her hand to help me stay awake with the flashes. hee hee. thanks sonya! i mostly started to drift during the dialogue scenes where i thought i could just listen wit my eyes closed... it was such an 80s movie lol. apres le film, molly was on her way home. :( then sonya left too :'(. it was so overwhelming to say goodbye to so many people in one day.

it was pretty late when it was all over. kat and i went to her room for bed. i think it was around 12. she spent two hours signing my yearbook...aww.... so thoughtful :). i played back the video from bob's house and such. i also aligned a whole deck of playing cards and practiced my shuffling. which i am still not good at haha. yah well. we had a lot to talk about which was really great cuz i guess i didn't have a lot of time to just sit and talk with anyone there. at everyone elses house it was just like okay goodnight, sleep. which, mind you, was not bad either. haha. but in any case she finished her masterpiece after 2am, turned out the light and we were still talking. haha. i just enjoyed hearing about everything that went on at DHS, catching up on stuff i never heard about. and of course we reminisced a little... yes ms. cobos had the harrison ford shrine! oh i also discovered i say the world "like" WAY too much. like like like je l'ai deteste. i think it was cuz of living in Illinois where it was part of every other word conversation. :P reminiscing at the age of 18 wow... i'm 18?? wow. still doesn't feel like it. we finally went to sleep at 3.

Adventure at Bob’s House

Day 4
Friday– sleep.... yes

Everyone went in line to get their actual diplomas in the office. i just kinda stood around. i noticed natalie had a big goofy hat... wasn't it small the nite before? .... u were wearing a goofy hat that morning weren't you??? haha. maybe it was one of those cool expand-in-water material. hee hee

I spent most of the day sleepin n the hotel room. At 2 we, mom,sis, and I, went to El Pollo Loco... yum... then we went to the Santa Anita Mall. It was pretty much the same. Oh and people, they don’t have See’s Candies here! I think they have Russell Stovers (?). it’s not that big of a deal but see’s has this chocolate that I absolutely adore. It’s called Bordeaux. I dunno what’s in it, probably some kinda coffee stuff cuz I have some kinda liking to coffee candy shtuff. There are these cookies we used to get at chinese supermarkets called Café Noir. The bottom layer is a cookie type and the top is coffee. We bought four of those packages and there’s only one cookie left now lol. I know I don’t like the smell of coffee or like to drink it, but when it comes to eating it.... Anyway when I saw that that See’s Candies store was still there I told my mom “ooo buy a whole pound!!” it’s almost all gone.

After the mall we go back and all this time I’m thinking bob is at her mom’s work cuz she said she would have to go wit her. Well I found out from kat that she never went and she was about to call me. I just went ahead and called her. She gave me some far out directions to her house... she asked me after if I was gonna go to natalie’s party. Well I wasn’t informed about it so I didn’t have any plans to. Bob and katrina said they couldn’t make it anyway so I went str8 to yesenia’s house. We picked up katrina to come too and it’s a good thing cuz we woulda been lost. She told me about , what, 3 different forks?? Plus there was this call box code thingy that she didn’t mention. Bob has this whole huge property and house that’s all secluded. My mom was wondering what would happen if someone was driving down while another up cuz it was a narrow lane road. What *does* happen? I got a whole tour of the house. After my mom and sister left we sat in the tv room cuz we were looking forward to seeing the video of a Belgium commercial we did in French 1 and footage from the day we had at Knott’s. Well she found a lot of unlabeled tapes so we went thru them to see what they were. Jasmine’s cinco de mayo performance, a trip to Arkansas (instead of her dad taping the snowball fight, he tapes the scenery... he does manage to film bob pushing over her little cousin though LoL), 8th grade graduation (aww), and a trip to El Salvador. That which consisted of trees..... trees.... more trees.... mountain..... the whole film haha. We did discover something from watching it tho, pineapples grow from the ground?? Did YOU know that? I guess we always presumed they grew out of trees. I guess that would be kinda weird to see a pineapple fall to the ground from that height. Dangerous too. Well we didn’t manage to find the tape. There was a video stuck in the camera but the reason we couldn’t get it out was because the battery was missing and it couldn’t be ejected w/o it. Well I pried a piece of the camera up, after bob took off a huge chunk haha, and we found out that was it! Well great how were we sposed to get it out? I thought I could pry it out with a flathead screwdriver. No success. Plan b: “yes screwdriver please.... *smash smash smash*!!” Kat and I were wondering why we couldn’t just break it cuz it was an old camera and they had already bought a new one. We thought maybe her dad knew where it was so we waited for him to come home. Meanwhile kat had stayed for dinner. I wasn’t trying to have the same exact order as you! It just happened to be that way lol. Jasmine and Stephanie, bob’s younger sisters, come home. Jaz played wit Kat’s hair as she tried to recall who I was. I showed her the turtle holographic sticker on my cell and she showed it to steph “look it’s a turtle!” steph was lookin at it like she was thinkin “no that’s a cell phone...” but she saw it. No one knew where the battery was so we gave up on it. After dinner we went up to yesenia’s room to play Mad Gab. That is fun! Bob has some screwy ways of giving clues tho “okay put the ‘s’ with the word ‘hit’ and that’s a word”. I almost said sh*t when I realized “hey! What are you trying to make me say??” haha. Jasmine was so cute “a sushi hut” instead of “associate”.... “whats the biggest animal in the ocean?” “Oh a crab! A beach crab!!” aww.... :) . Afterwards katrina was rescued from the castro castle and jaz and steph were sposed to be sleeping. They were postponing it but eventually they got there. Originally I was sposed to have bob’s big, comfy, spacious bed all to myself to sleep but when I heard that bob was gonna go sleep with her sisters I knew that wasn’t going to work. 2 minutes after she turned out the light I heard her whisper “are you still awake?”. I wanted to say no but I instinctively said yes. We were trying to sleep but we still heard steph and jaz talking. “We’re not talking!” - them “stupid, we can hear you thru the window!”- bob. Haha.

Next morning, DAY 5, we got up. Bob gave me directions to her shower usage. That’s when I realize everyone’s water labels are wrong!! Bob didn’t think hers were but I checked and it was like sonya’s. I think Rosa’s are correct... anyway we had oatmeal and microwavable churros =-o for breakfast. I didnt kno those existed! Oh it had just been bob, jasmine, and I cuz everyone else had left. We played Rugrats on N64. That was fun! I won! Hee hee. Bob and jasmine are so cute cuz they were just bickering and fighting. At one point it got a lil rough and yesenia knocks jazz into a stack of video games. So violent bob! Oh and you poke a lot bob, just an observation. :P oh well at least it wasn’t as bad as the tickle fests in the Thunder Mountain and Haunted Mansion (?) Lines. Then we played pool. I won! Again! And again! And again!! Haha. Bob just loved shooting that 8 ball into the pockets. I always addressed yesenia as bob and at one point jasmine says “you could call her yesenia or nataly too you know..” aww elle est tres mignonne... it just comes out that way. Bob and I had some uh “creativity” expressed on the marker board. I think last I recall it said...hmm lets see if I put this right.... Yesenia is a LOSER!! Hee hee. I kid. After that jasmine and I make use of my video camera and take a tour of the house. Then jaz introduces me to this wonderful game...Cruisn’ USA. I rented it once before but never really tried to complete it. Well they never beat it so I thought yea I’ll have a go.... I won’t do the WHOLE thing tho... as the game paused for lunch bob was listening to the music of the game and she starts laughing. Later on I heard what she was referring too. “Oohh ahhh, oohhh ahh....” in a lady’s voice to the beat of the music. Haha! Well apparently everytime I won a race, which is what u have to do to advance to the next one, that song was playing. So I said it motivated me. Lol wrong choice of words... katrina was on the phone numerous times and bob and I were trying to explain the song... I think all she heard was us yelling at each other and laughing haha. Jaz was the lil cheerleader jumping up and down. Then we’d all “sing” it together. I told bob she sang it a lil *too* well and she stopped. Haha. THREE HOURS LATER, I actually finished the whole game! I didn’t think it was really that long but it calculated to that much. Jaz had recorded a couple races and I as I watch it... what possessed me to sit in front of that screen for 3 hours?? It was fun tho, too bad they don’t have a controller pak to save it!

Time was getting closer to the italian dinner that was taking place that night. Bob was preparing lasagna and I was a lil drained from that game. I was really disappointed that we couldn’t see that video which the camera was concealing. I was determined to get it out so I ask for the flathead again. Unscrewing the tiny screws was not possible. This time yesenia gave me two flatheads. As I was ceasing to care about the well-being of the camera I pry it real hard and suddenly, it ejects! I let out a big GASP and for jaz and bob that meant I either broke it or opened it. Fortunately it was the latter. Hooray! But now there was another problem... the film was still wound around various parts of the camera! It was so funny, bob was all excited/worried “okay we have to remain CALM!!”. I couldn’t stop laughing but we were very serious in getting it out without breaking the camera or the film. And we were not about to give up. Somewhere amidst our mission yesenia exclaims “MY LASAGNA!!” it had been in the oven. “Um maybe we can cut off the sides....” I pictured these black crusted ends but it was actually just toughened. Finally it was down to the film being between this tiny metal stick and an itty bitty majigger. Very cautiously with the help of a paperclip and heckuvalot of teamwork the film, the video was FREE!!! yay!! We were so excited. The video on playback was just fine. Katrina and her mom came to pick us up, and with my belongings, the lasagna, and the video in hand, we were off for le diner italien.



oh before i get into that, the principal who saw me after the ceremony saw me i just glanced and he was like "oh there's the girl!" i was thinkin uh oh.... "*shakes hand very firmly and vigorously* there you are, i didn't get your first name?" "crystal" "*still shaking* crystal i saw you this morning and had no idea who u were, i thought ' that's a girl i have to know'...." "oh well i came here for northview and 9th grade u don't remember?" "*still shaking (by this time i'm worried he's trying to break my hand)* i'm sorry i don't remember you...." wow that was funny. i was terrified he was gonna break my hand because he was mad or annoyed but i asked sonya about it and she said he's always got that type of handshake. scurry. way to make a lasting impression.

grad nite was from 12-6am. it was so great because the bus i went on , #1, had all of the friends i missed the most. i shared the seat with bob, in front was lizbeth, rosa the seat behind was maridelle and alvin , next to us was cerisse, puja , katrina, sonya, justin, cassy....etc.... i'd draw a map but it's not that important lol. okay so the bus drives into this parking garage where he makes this long turn and almost runs into a wall. lol. then he drives out of the garage...okay he obviously didn't know what he was doing... we get off the bus and try to collect a group to go around with. there was sposed to be 9 of us i guess but by the time we got thru the security guard, who was nice about the katrina's spray and my gum (well actually i pretended like i was gonna throw it away but i put it back in :x ) , the group was reduced to Katrina, Yesenia, Latoya, David, Ben, and I. there was a spot to take pix with either mick and minnie or pluto and goofy wit their grad caps on. latoya and i definitely were doing that but the rest of the group stayed back. party poopers.... that was nice we got a pic with mickey and minnie. we hurried over to the Indiana Jones ride cuz we knew the line was gonna fill up. it was better than i remember. of course bob and ben decide to go to the WRONG LINE and they go on a different car. but yeah latoya was getting cowboy on us ridin it like a bull. haha. then we go on Jungle Cruise. the guy was funny. "wait let's see what they're saying.... ' go shorty.... it's your birthday.... ' ". u know the tribe people. pirates of the carribbean was SOO SLOOWW. slower than usuall cuz they had so many boats out. they're closin it @ the end of the summer to renovate and i could understand why cuz the chlorine smell was really strong. haunted mansion was fun i think the ride is just like @ d-world but the outside part of the mansion is definitely diff. in orlando it kinda reminds me of more like a mini castle. thunder mountain was really fun. they actually had a turtle atop one of the peaks! haha. i sat with ben and i didn't really know him but it was so funny what he did at the end of the ride i was laughing so hard!! @ fantasyland we do mr. toad's wild ride and then we all get on King Arthur's Carousel. again latoya and i wanted to do it, but everyone went this time :). i was in front of everyone while bob was all in the back. haha. taking pictures while riding that is *not* easy. the group wit justin and lisa saw us on there and i think were taking pictures of us. ok there were areas where diff radio stations were so that u could dance in that area. power 106 (which is equivalent to 102jamz here) was the most stubborn cuz they had a limit on when people could go in. the guys didn't wanna see if power would let us in yet so they left. we went once before and when we came back they *still wouldn't let us in*...another hour they said... so we went on the brand new Pooh ride. so cute! diff from the magic kingdom one, we stop at a Pooh candy store to get some energy, i got a chocolate lollipop while others got sour and regular gummys...yum. latoya got herself a lil Pooh aww. :) we head back to Power and we bump into another group. so maridelle heads over to "the club" area wit us. previously we all exchanged cell #s in case we got lost. well guess who lost the group? lol. they were finally letting people in and my group was just weaving so quick thru the crowds. well i went in anyway hoping they'd be there and they were lol. it was a big area, where the hunchback of notre dame show is/was. we danced for more than an hour. i had a good time but i think i look bored... i'm kinda used to dancing to that kinda music with guys i guess... well wait let me rephrase that... guys i know. friends i'm used to dancing with. umm ya it was weird to realize: i'm at disneyland... at 4 o clock in morning... in california... dancing with a group of friends that i haven't seen in three years... i enjoyed seeing everyone having a good time. of course there are always those couples practically having dry sex. sometimes they'd bump behind me and it's like aaah, space, need space... can u believe there was no electric slide??? haha. they had good music tho but i was just getting tired so we left. well kat, bob, and i left. we went on the alice and wonderland ride cuz i knew i wouldnt see it in florida. i was so sad that small world was closed cuz just seeing the outside of it is amazing... the ride ain't that bad.... but then we went to Star Tours. no one was there when we went 2 da line but then it almost filled up.after we head back to the bus. the really long walk... i didn't feel that tired but as soon as that bus got out of the lot i was *out*. i put my jacket against the window, i usually can't stand the jolting of the bus, and slept all the way back to the school.


whoa blogger different...

Thursday - DHS Graduation Day

i woke up at around 6:30 this time... i think we were up until 2 doing who knows what. i see her cat napoleon is up and cleaning. everytime i even flinched he gave this look like i was about to jump him. i took a shower... a FREEZING COLD SHOWER... brr.... okay u'd think H means hot and C means Cold. sonya didnt tell me anything different so i followed the obvious directions... still cold... 5 minutes later... still cold... so i figure hey maybe her sister's previous shower took all the hotwater and everyone else has to seemed logical at the time... so i come out of the cold shower and tell sonya. "aww u should have asked me..." well why waste time doing a silly thing like that. so she takes her 45minute shower.... u were in there forever! i eat a breakfast sandwich from Carls Jr. her dad talks to me a lil "so what part of florida? what's the weather like?" then her mom comes, feeds the cats, and talks to me a lil "so what part of florida? what's the weather like?" it was funny how they asked me the same exact questions. her dad was amused as was i. they gave me a franklin the turtle cup to drink my oj out of. that was kind coincidental.... anyway FINALLY sonya comes out, we're late for grad practice. "did u have a nice, long, HOT shower??" i say. i had been looking forward to practice cuz i would finally be able to see everyone which was exciting.

we get there, oh it was raining so all the seats were wet, i go up to the bleachers and sit while sonya goes to the seats. then they all get off the field to practice marching on. so woohoo i get up and get to go hug everyone. natalie: "it's been too long!" *hugs*... *more hugs*. so they're all lining up and i'm going back to the bleachers but they... i'll call them "peer pressure".... were like no come sit with us! over... there? on the field? haha well i only had to think about it twice before i decide to go thru with it. it was so funny i was all marching onto the field. the first test to see if anyone would stop me was mr lenoir (?) who was telling when to start marching. didn't say anything, so woohoo i'm sitting in the seat between bob and daryl. daryl kept tickling bob so she made me sit in between and then he started poking me. hey now.... oh and i saw victoria looking back at me and i said HI!! aww too bad that was the extent of my communication with her. a guy behind me was wondering who i was... that was amusing it's funny how observant people suddenly become of the people around them. that's cool how martin recognized me from all the way at royal oaks. haha so then the congregation starts practicing standing up and down (wait... stand up, sit down... yeah...) collectively. well i was busy signing latoya's yrbk so i wasn't really paying attention & when only the first row was sposed to stand of course i STAND UP. lol everyone's like NO!!! and daryl's pushing my shoulder down. haha i was trying so hard to blend in (even tho it was gloomy and wet and everyone was wearing dark colors and a jacket while i wore my bright short sleeve blue turtle shirt). i was laughing and slouched as far down my seat as i could, everyone else had suppressed laughter "Good job!". i was worried that i'd have to go practice going on stage and they'd call out the name....well i just had to go across stage lol. my friends gave me an alias so i was "Crystal Garcia". so i get up to there and the lady (renee?) who tells when to go across to the principal kinda stares at me :

"what is your name again?"
"Crystal....(funny look).... Garcia *smile*"
"were u here since 9th grade??"
"yeah i was here in 9th grade...."
"huh *ponders*... what have u been absent these 3 years?? *uneasy joking laugh*"
i start to walk away
"oh hey you changed your hair!"

LoL what a liar! pretending like she knew me!!!! hahaha.... i went to principal nichols and he just shakes my hand and says good morning. lol i walk down the middle walkway and i was laughing, a few people were like woohoo go crystal! yeah crystal! haha. i went to my row and i told everyone what renee said haha. then bob comes and tells me renee was all worried and like "i really don't know that girl! who is she??" and yesenia (who is bob) told her i didn't go to that school. "Oh thank God!" ahahaha!! woohoo way to freak out the DHS administration. afterwards i finally saw molly who was sitting somewhere else. aww i was happy to see her. then renee was standing next to us in the quad and she was staring at me, bob told me, but i didn't turn around cuz haha i dunno maybe she would give me a beechum evil glare. lol.

sonya said she was going out shoe shopping so i went with katrina and molly to kat's house. where we watched.... The Ring.... aaahhh!!! actually i didn't think it was that scary probably because we were sitting in her house, not in theater, and molly and katrina already saw it. molly would kinda be like "uh..." when something scary was about to happen so i had a bit of warning. but now the more i think about it, the scarier it seems. this morning as i was driving home i saw a ladder against a house.... at first i just thought "oh look a ladder"... then i remembered the ring and i freaked out. lol. last night our car wouldn’t start after stopping for some ice cream.... we just *had* to get ice cream (tiffany and dotty!).... and this huge moth comes in and knocks itself around a window... and it reminded me of that fly in the ring.... aahhh!! omigosh... i just now kept getting kicked offline cuz the phone kept ringing... lol it’s the little girl who wanted to tell me i’m going to DIE!!!! AAAHH!!! no one left a message. okay getting back on track uhh yea after the movie... we had some yummy lunch, molly goes home and katrina and i go to ross. i get a shirt for grad nite and kat some black pants. why i’m telling u this i dont know.... i go back to sonya’s house where she’s getting ready for graduation...aww....

we get to the PAC where they’re sposed to meet, late of course, i was just going to sit at the entrance and dr martinez saw me and said “hey rutrut! rutrut!! you can’t go in there!” “oh i know” “mr nichols saw u this morning and was shocked cuz he didn’t know you” hee hee...well he didn’t seem like that that morning. the ceremony was really short about 45minutes. justin j the valedictorian (who has been sighted in my comment box) did his speech as well as justin d the salutatorian. fun fun hugs, congrats, pictures after the ceremony. i saw minh! i didn’t know she was going to be there! she felt awk being there i did too kinda. i met alyssa, maria, and cerisse too!! that was cool. we were sposed to sit together but they came late and i already had seats with my mom and sister. oh *and* i actually saw katie!! she was one of my best friends since 4th grade. that was really amazing cuz she moved away in 9th grade too to glendora, CA. she is also an acclaimed HP fan :) who is obsessed with malfoy haha. she actually found me cuz i was walking around when she spotted me i guess. tres chouette. i left with my mom, sis, and friend of fam to eat dinner which was good eatin’. then the friend dropped me off again at the school for Grad Nite!!


AHAHAHAHA I knew it!! "P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way.... Sydney!"

You are DORY!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

okay who's ready to read about Day 3??? j/k i'll do it later after the beach tomorrow...technically today...


well it appears to be that time... blog time *strained cheers*.

The trip to California was so very surreal.... as i waited in the Costco line to purchase the Harry Potter Book, cherries, and other necessities, i contemplated whether i was *really* there. after three years of imagining what it would be like to come back, if anyone changed, if i changed... was this the real thing? Yes, it was!
the first day i got there i couldn't believe it. the airplane dipped thru the smog layer as i excitedly peered thru the window. big smile on my face as we drove on the freeway. then i saw the "D" and knew i was so close to actually meeting my friends. i arrived at elizabeth's party, went to the door. doorbell didn't work. knocked. no one. then my uncle said someone came out of the gate. i've never been so happy to see two wet people! it was katrina and rosa!! aww i felt so happy. i changed and got into the pool which was really cold. actually first i went to eat some chips and dip cuz i was majorly hungry, but it seems like as soon as i got there i wasn't that famished. maybe i was "hungry" to see my uh ya so then i saw carlos, he was surprised to see me, and then i saw sonya.... haha that was kinda funny. she was staring at me for a few seconds and i was staring back for a few seconds.... confirming we were who we were.... she was surprised. i recognized the shirt she made in 3rd or 4th grade (?) that had her name on it if i was to have any doubts. we played water volleyball, subbing a chair for the net, blamed everything on rosa. poor rosa, ingrid was just a tad competitive, i would continue to say hi to sonya every few minutes who kept looking at me.... that was strange.... at one point she swims over right next to me.... and just kind smiles at me... haha okay so anyway yes i got sunburned cuz i didn't have any type of protective lotion. i showed them my yrbook "wow it's an encyclopedia!" "all in color??". rj made fun of everyone who had a senior page's names.... i admit we do not appear as ethnically diverse as DHS. finally he saw yara zamora and he was like "finally!" lol.

after the party we ( rosa, kat, and i) went to rosa's house. the same as i remembered it except her room was different. we talked about the "job offerings" we got in the mail. LOL. if u got a letter from Vector talking about summer work opportunities DONT TAKE IT!! Door to door hunting knife selling hahaha. it's so funny how only us 2 got it. that was our running joke. we were imagining what the "interview" to "explain" the details would have been like: and this (jab!) is what you're selling! haha. and the sales pitch lol imagine us doing that: "no look it could even cut thru doors! would u like me to demonstrate!" *customer slams door*. "oh great! okay here i go!!" police come..." oh maybe they're interested... do YOU want to buy a knife??" LOL. katrina left after awhile. i watched Ever After for the first time with rosa... yes i know i'm strange... i started doing the thing where i realize i'm falling asleep and open my eyes....@ one point bob calls. rosa told me to start talking to her. "hello rosa?....crystal! i didnt know u were here already!!" "well.... surprise!" i took a shower thanks rosa for telling me how it works! (ahemsonyaahem). then we watched shiloh in spanish in her room. haha. there's this sad part where the kid is like screaming something and i laughed cuz the spanish voiceover sounded funny....haha sorry rosa.... then we watched Friends then went to sleep. actually first this huge spider crawls up my arm and i just flick it off. i told rosa i just flicked off a flicked off.... she was a little freaked that there was a huge spider in her room and sat up. and i'm just like "okay goodnight". i guess living in florida made me used to bugs.i was joking around about how i'd wake up at 3am... i woke up at 3:45 lol. well she said she needed to wake up at 7am, so i was ready! eastern time... made myself stay in bed....5am...6am... finally it's 7am. i thought her THREE alarms would go off at 7:35 but then at 7:31 her radio BLARES out. i was scared lol. breakfast was good, i never really had eggs with ketchup before. then we walked to DHS, it's really changed! rosa said she was able to go to the student store the day before after 9 but when we got there rosalie (sp) said it was "only open from 8-9 and 11-1 for seniors". and it was 9:10! how mean. so we sat in the office to wait until it was 11 haha. then Dr. Martinez the asst. principal comes and helps us out. rosalie comes and he's like "that girl's mad at you! *points at rosa*" "i dont care!" she's so mean lol. rosa was embarrassed haha. but he comes thru and we were able to buy the grad nite tickets. i was actually able to go! we walk back home where we watched what some might call "quality television". that is, Jenny Jones (who's the real father?), Cops ("my cousin threw cake at me!" and that....victim), and Jerry Springer (2 cousins who had a really big age difference....looked more like granddaughter and grandma). When we first tuned into Cops there were setting up a prostitution bust.... in Palm Beach, FL. haha i was like uuhh..... Let me explain the shows a little. the "victim" was some sort of crossdresser...we think... rosa and i thought he was the criminal but apparently someone had stolen his/her/its purse. lol. the grossest part was that the cameraman musta been bored and he ZOOMS into the guys ugly foot. gad dam that was horrible!! and the jerry springer haha this was them fighting " oh yeah?" "yeah!" "YEAH!" "YEAH!!!" not too well with words in that family. we had pizza for lunch which was good. Rosa was so eager to get it lol. all at the door with money in hand when she saw the man pull up the driveway. then after we went out to eat ice cream @ Coldstones with Edwin. it was cool to see him, it was good that he remembered me lol. i thought it would just be a quick get some ice cream and go back home but we ended up sitting at one of the outdoor tables for an hour. it was good being able to sit around and just listen to an everyday conversation, watch the locals pass by.... the locals, i used to be one of those.... then i put on my sunglasses cuz people were feeling uncomfortable that i was just observing them... edwin has a nice car, will be awesome when it's all fixed up....

so then... as i continue to go on and on... i have some church action, finally sonya makes contact after having diskappeared for a day, i go to Taco's house w/Ben too. nice guy, i guess he was a lil shy at first but laughing shows he was alive :-p . was introduced to 2 or 3 of her EIGHT cats, all very individual. sonya apparently had all these letters she never mailed me and a present she didn't send but when she started looking for it all, it was all amongst the clutter. all she could retrieve was a notecard size postcard thing and an envelope. haha. i slept on a mattress on the floor which was actually very comfy. sonya didn't seem as comfy with her many layers of blankets but she assured me that she was comfortable.


i came... i saw... i laughed... i cried... i surprised... i listened... i shared... i caught up...i ate... i slept over... i hugged... i said goodbye... again.

There is SO much I want to reflect upon... but I just simply do not have the *umph* and the moment.


pardon my french in that comment box...

well i'm in Cali right now woohoo! having a great time :) . i guess i need to keep in check once in a while so nuttin wacky happens round here. woohoo Harry Potter!


oh mickey, u're so fine.... u're so fine.... u BLOW my mind.... hey mickey...

we went to walmart today, i drove so i my sis could observe.... i guess she doesn't want to pay attention when my dad drives. the day was very muggy. so as we go, i see lightning in the distance... no biggie. but it was windy... then light drizzle... then POURING rain. what is it with us and pouring rain? it was like a monsoon. nevertheless i continue to drive, wipers on full blast. that has been my first driving experience in monsoon-ish weather. my dad gave me a grand ol "good job". i always feel like i'm doing a driver's test when he's there. possibly cuz he's one of those backseat drivers. i'd say it was worse than the first day i practiced with him... it was snowing.

it's a world of laughter a world of cheer, it's a world of hope and a world of fear...
there's so much that we share, that's it's time we're aware... it's a small world after all...

don't have much time to do the traditional entry, but here's the skinny on what i did saturday night:

molly: hey hey
molly: sup girl?
Turtle Brownie: so full *pats tummy*
molly: me too....where did you go?
Turtle Brownie: t g i Friday's
molly: mhmm...did you have a good celebration?
Turtle Brownie: it was quiet and nice. do you know what they do to people on their birthday there??
molly: Um...was it better or worse than last night?
molly: :-P
Turtle Brownie: lol umm worse haha
molly: oh dear
molly: do tell!
Turtle Brownie: they don't sing happy birthday or a diff variation of it.... each waiter/host/manager comes by with a balloon and attaches it to me. they say happy birthday! i had 3 helium balloons in my hair and 2 on each wrist
molly: lol!
Turtle Brownie: and we didn't bring a camera! haha. my mom said i looked like pipi longstockin
molly: oh man....that sounds hilarious!
molly: mortfying for you, but hilarious for me
Turtle Brownie: hee hee it was! i was keeping on a str8 face the whole time lol and people would give me the scary glares. haha
Turtle Brownie: like they've never seen someone eat with 7 balloons attached to them
molly: hehe
Turtle Brownie: of course i ordered the ribs so i had balloon in my face when i tried to eat
molly: lol!
Turtle Brownie: my mom couldn't keep a straight face everytime she glanced across the table. my sister was wondering why i seemed to enjoy myself, and my dad was embarrassed haha. he was apologizing haha.
Turtle Brownie: the best part is that i picked the place lol

The food was really good tho! : p .


You are the High Heel!!!

Which Tori Amos Shoe are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunset - You are the spark of inspiration, the fuel
of the imagination, and the essence of
destruction. You are one of intense emotion
and passion, a creator and a destroyer.

When are you?
brought to you by Quizilla



i am so tired... but i feel like i NEED to be online. lol that's baaad. do i sound like a sheep? baaa.... lol baby lambs...hahaha. yay i dont have to work tomorrow! actually... i dont think i'm doing anything tomorrow :( . and that's my real birthday! haha oh well. spontaneous house party! lol, just show up at the house before 6pm and we can hang. but who cares i've already had SO MUCH FUN celebrating.

so i did end up going to the Osaka Japanese Steakhouse with Molly... to see Holly... uh oh this could get confusing. i really had a good time! DEELISHcious food! it was SO SO yummy, thanks for selling it to us Holly! haha we are now hooked. it is much better than Kobe's. the tempura sushi was dam good. i just couldn't finish it. haha mini box. the waitress was ticked at molly and i... we wouldn't sit at the end of the table like we were sposed to.... but we finally moved.... the opposite way lol. the other people at the table were cool. we were just being silly and they kept giving us friendly glances like they wanted to conversate. finally they talked amongst each other. oh and just after we got our drink vanessa comes! man if we got lost for a few minutes or they came earlier we coulda been at the same table! zut. oh btw, molly u did a very good job driving today! yaayy.... u're just a lil paranoid haha. i like how u knew how to avoid I-4 : D . that was the plan ALL ALONG.... everyone ate their food so fast. i was barely breakin into the steak and molly goes "oh, u're still eating?" haha when she's filling up her refill i barely cracked below the line my sprite started at "is that still ur first?". boy was I intimidated. no really i was. i'm always rushed haha. FYI : I'm SLOOWWW. hahaha. oh then i see one of the waitresses had a gong, and i'm thinking... hmm... are the chefs coming out? then she started banging it (in tune lol) and behind her is holly with a candle and cheesecake slice coming towards us. aww and they start singing Happy Birthday! with the banging gong. hee hee it was so unexpected , i'm wearing a red shirt so the lady by us were like "look u're the color of ur shirt!". that was SO SWEET of them. thanks holly!!! the cheesecake was magical. tres tres bien. i just couldn't finish it. so everyone clapped and that same lady who commented on my color, hee hee, asked how old i was. i said 18. and , very loudly i must add, she goes "NU UH YOU ARE NOT 18!!" . gee thanks lady... how bout i guess your age?? j/k i wouldn't say that. is it our clothes molly? is that it??? we weren't being that crazy.. were we? hmm. after, molly and i roll back to the car haha. felt compelled to howl at the full moon but constrained ourselves. molly hits poor innocent bats!! lol. i enjoyed hearing about your time in Scotland... and... the wonderful delicacies they eat. beware of police trucks.

we definitely have to go to Osaka's again and this time bring along OTHER people... like 6?

stacy we're after you!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SONYA aka Soggy Taco aka Soggy Beet!!!!!!!!!

What are they talkin about? I am the REAL napster!

okay i knew i forgot to talk about a couple things... first off i would like to mention that i had to pick up THREE people so that they could come to my social. haha. i didn't want them to miss out just because they had transportation problems. but i didn't mind being the chauffeur. oh and second, i am not a bad driver! lol we were late for the movie and u know how 436 is 4 lanes both way. so i gradually got to the left by cutting thru. i just had to get over one more lane (the leftest left lane) and the dude there was being slow to reacting to the green light so i figure oh i can just get ahead of him. suddenly he's speeding rite next to me and i'm like What are you doing?? my friends were freakin out. haha. "SLOW DOWN!!" so i got behind him and turned. he was sposedly some old dude lol. i'm sorry guys. they kept makin fun of me when we were watching the car chase scenes. it was so funny they were seriously freakin out and i was *just* trying to drive! i wouldn't have driven like a "maniac" if we weren't late. darn video games are so fun!

oh yeah subway was a good time. nikki had a headache and couldn't chew but once we got home she was munchin on those snax again! nerd. she said the ride back in the rain soothed her. well i'm glad that she wasn't feeling tense with my driving after that haha. people feel so comfy in the van for some reason. my sis' friend falls asleep when i drive them around.


MUCHOS GRACIAS to those who came today!

Nicole, Nikki, Damita, Kate, Molly, Holly --- i had a really great time. I'm glad you could make it and I hope u enjoyed it too. It makes me happy to know that.

I didn't realize people were fans of pineapple pizza! i woulda made them both that topping... oh well *now* i know.... The UNO game was fun, altho i think molly was really trying to bend the rules... haha thanks for the game molly! i still dont understand why u were laughing so much when i saw that but *smile and nod*. bowling was great too! okay let me explain the incident of the mean lady.... the rack to clean up the knocked down pins was stuck so i told the lady at the counter. well by the time she gets the message, the rack is up. so molly continues to bowl. but despite her blazingly fast hurl of the ball down the alley, suddenly, the rack comes back down and blocks the pins again. haha so the ball hits the bar and bounces all the way up the gutter back to molly. LOL. it was the most hilarious thing. then the lady comes and says "OKAY YOU JUST TOLD ME THAT IT WAS STUCK AND YOU JUST THREW A BALL DOWN, YOU CAN'T *REPEATS HER SELF*" and then i explained it to her. she was so annoyed lol we were staring at her/each other wondering who stuck a bowling pin up *her* butt. okay so none of us said that at the time... but anyway... molly's the bestest bowler ever! well compared to my -9.... despite a lack of skills ( or just genetic luck ahem kate) i think we all had a good time. the air hockey was fun (WINNER!!). oh wait... i'm forgetting somethingl.. the SHOE INCIDENT. lol. games are over, molly was last bowler she playfully kicks out her shoe towards me but it doesn't fly at me. and i'm thinkin haha she's not really gonna try and hit me rite.... well she does that kick AGAIN and this time it flies off her foot, ricochets off me and on to kate. Molly! lol. it was so funny. haha so then after that was the air hockey games and vid games. (ahhh vibrating seats.... nice nicole... lol).

okay so first i said we were gonna see Wrong Turn... a lil to horror... so then i said Bend It Like Beckham... didn't enthuse everyone.... so i guess the "compromise" movie was The Italian Job. actually i thought everyone had seen it already but that was a negatory. it was a pretty good movie actually. the beginning was long and a bit confusing. i want to get a mini cooper now! haha.

thanks again everyone!!!!! oh and i really appreciate the presents! the watch (holly), the gift that i'm sposed to get later (holly again haha), the turtle vase thing (nik and damita), hp uno & FINDING NEMO soundtrack!! (molly), the way cool purse (kate). the improv cake was great also haha.



what the heck, it's not gonna work, i knew it, what could i expect anyway, this sucks, i shouldn't have tried, but why am i worried anyway, that's the way it goes, i thought it would be special, they're not gonna have fun, so i won't, i dont know what i'm trying to do, so disorganized, goshdarnit, procrastination sucks, what a chicken. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just gettin this junk out my mind.

thanks to the FOUR people who voted on my poll. lol. no seriously it's better than looking at 0 results. how long does it take to play two bowling games? if we leave at 2:30... we would prolly have a lot of time left over b4 the movie. we could leave at 3... omigoodness why am i making this so frickin complicated. Bend it Like Beckham starts at 4:50 and it's 112minutes. i dunno how early mollz needs to leave. at this rate i could probably fit everyone who's comin in the van. the blue van... i dont know if my sister is coming yet wit her friend. oh yeah i was explaining the plan to my mom:
"so what are you paying for?"
"yeah it's ur party so u have to treat them for something."
"i... do?"
"well, what was the arrangement?"
"i thought it was more like a 'hangout' not like a party *persay*"
"well you should explain exactly what you mean then."

now how often do i know what i mean? but this is what i'm doing since i'm new at organizing birthday socials... yeah that's what i'll call it!... i am paying for the bowling and shoes, everything in the bowling alley. after cleaning my room i found a bazillion quarters if anyone wants to play in the arcade and whatnot. if u're not doin the movie then hey u lucked out and don't have to spend any money! lol. i think since we're gonna see a matinee we'll have time to find a place to eat. the chuck e cheese party was so much easier where i just had to wear the crown and blow out the candles... i wonder how many people actually read this blog. oh and btw jacq, if ur partay's the 17th or 18th i can't make it cuz i have "commuter school orientation". if more than the certain two that have conversations in the comment box (see right haha), sonya cuz i know she comes sometimes, plus those others who have said hello before, then you should say HI in the comment box! just cuz. ;)



an ALL country city. on the main street called broadway it was all bars and gift shops. what was interesting was each bar had a live country singer. so u could walk down the street and hear different singers back to back. it wasn't uncommon to see someone wearing a country hat. the atmosphere sucked me in so i bought one too. there was some huge event called FanFair goin on when we came so they said 60,000 extra people were there. there was a concert one night, the day i bought my hat, and everyone with hats were GONE. kinda scary. oh the Southern Hospitality was really great. everyone was friendly. except for that mcdonalds cashier in Georgia.... but that's besides the point. we took a 4 hour tour with Tootsie's Tours around nashville and we saw famous people houses. the tour guide's southern accent was SO thick. it made my head hurt for awhile. after 3hours with him i got used to it. (why is my sister watching the wiggles??) there's this place called Millionaire's Way. Those houses were HUMONGOUS. huge yards too. the biggest house/property was Alan Jackson's house. it wasn't in that area, it was in a secluded area. he had a whole farm area plus the house. who actually needs 32+ cars? near our hotel there was a go cart and mini golf place. my sis and i did the go cart thing. that was fun. giving her some driving experience lol.


Memphis is ghetto! almost the whole entire downtown are full of vacant shops. I think it was most likely a lot better when Elvis was alive. we took this trolley for 60cents that went all the way around it. it was kinda freaky at one point because at the end we were the only passengers, and the driver just gets out of the trolley! he doesn't tell us what he's doin. my sister and i are like "uuhh is he gonna leave us here?" we were afraid we would have to walk all the way back. which was faaar. and where he leaves us is like scary ghetto area. (ya u know some ghettos are more friendly...) finally he comes back tho and goes back to beale street. that is where all the entertainment is. it's a lil like downtown pasadena only with live music. there we ate at Elvis Presley's Memphis. the food was good, i had the hawaiian pork chop. oh in memphis i only saw one person wearing a cowboy hat and that was at our hotel. so i got *a lot* or weird looks when i wore mine. lol yes i wore mine, when else am i gonna get to wear it?? oo maybe on thurs... j/k anyway at EP's Memphis there was a live band called Nativeson. reminded me of Dave Matthew's band. their instrumental solos were so long tho kind of annoying. oh there was also this minimall called Peabody Place. there was this one store that had rare gifts. and guess what they had... a real stuffed (or w/e they do to it) turtle! :'( . it was from texas. those darn texans! cost $80 but i wouldn't buy that. poor turtle... *sniff sniff*. that store also claimed to have realy dinosaur fossils and wooly mammoth hair. haha i dunno about that. we also went Glow Golfing at P. Place which is indoor and all blacklight. it was kinda funny cuz the beginning of the course had all of these shrooms and i was thinking... what kinda people actually created this place. but it was cool cuz as we moved on it went to the ocean, then out to space.

next TN vacation entry will be about Graceland and the hotels.


Howdy y'all! i am back from the road trip. it was quite a journey. people are rite, once u're done doing something interesting , u dont wanna talk about it lol. but imma talk about the vacation in sections. i think i'll put the rest of it on my site

The Road Trip
well most importantly, we didn't get lost!! (yay). it was actually very easy. we stopped in adel, GA at a McD. did u know the happy meals have Finding Nemo toys?? i got one of course. i have Dory. hee hee. anyway we originally planned to stop for the night in atlanta, but once we got that far the sun was still up so we're like Yeah keep going! Then we planned on staying in Chattanooga (sp), TN. but then , the sun was *still* up, so we're like woohoo keep on truckin. Tennessee is so beautiful. as soon was we entered the state there were hills! Hills!! actual elevation goin on. sorry but it's exciting after living in IL and FL where there is... flatness. There was an aquarium in Chat and that interested me. but we didn't have time. so anyway, we traveled into central time (oooooooo) and stopped in Nashville.
after nash, we drove about 4 hrs to Memphis. There was so much traffic goin thru nashville's interstate. not cool.

going home we drove the whole day! that was a purty long day. this time we went thru mississippi and alabama to fl. we stopped in Elvis' birthplace called Tupelo, MS. that house is so tiny! we didn't go in it tho cuz it cost $2.50 each. pshh yeah rite we pretty much kno what's in there. they had a museum there too where we bought most of the souvys. elvis has a childhood pic taken with his parents. they look scary in it.... and that pic was all over the place. aah! after that we stopped in other places for gas, went thru birmingham, montgomery, finally back into eastern time into FL! rain rain rain, STORM. we had to stop at a citgo i think it was. ate at the arby's there. we had so much energy, u'd think we'd be tuckered out and bored as heck. oh yeah at that point it was almost 10pm. my dad thought it would take 6 more hours, and i was like nah it only takes 3 or 4 hours. well at his rate it definitely only took 3 haha. 80mph in a storm isn't the brightest idea unless u're an "experienced driver" which is what he called himself. lol. we got home at 1am ish.

stay tuned for the next entry which is about nashville and memphis.


You are the Oracle-
You are The Oracle, from "The Matrix."
Wise, kind, honest- is there anything slightly
negative about you? You are genuinely
supportive of others. Careful not to let people
take advantage of you, though.

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Well here we go again, the Ruruts off on another adventure. This time... a road trip! Oh my goodness, if we don't get lost this time it would be truly amazing. But how can it be our vacation if we don't get lost? The first time we vacationed in FL we got lost.. majorly. The Hertz rental dude said oh just take the toll road blah blah blah.... we were going to Gainesville! all we had to do was take stupid 436. The toll booth people weren't helpful either "uh i dont know i just work here". we didn't get to our place of stay until 4:30am and we got up at 9 to go to Disney. but ANYWAY.... tomorrow morning we are going to drive all the way to Tennessee... wooooow.... to see Graceland. and also maybe this so-called park by Dolly Parton? lol. cheesiness. we are such tourists. I should probably start getting in the mood by finding my twang and listening to some country music.........NAAHH. We're sposed to come back Saturday but i'll probably be conscious on Sunday.... so bye peoples! I'll miss you!!!

Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window
--Steve Wozniak

"I live in my own little world, but it's ok, they know me there."

Duct tape is like the force, it has a light and dark side, and it binds the universe together

I wish I were a little kid again. Skinned Knees are easier to heal than broken hearts!!!

"It's not attention deficit disorder, I'm just not listening to you."

It happens. Sometimes people just explode. Natural causes.
from Repo Man

What if this weren't a hypothetical question?

"Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do." .
--Ronald Reagan

I am nobody... nobody is perfect... I must be perfect then..

"We all get heavier as we get older because there's a lot more information in our heads."
--Vlade Divac, NBA basketball player

"Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight."

"I got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory"

Hee quotes from

Finding Nemo was so great!
i keep saying this, but i have never laughed so hard at a movie (friends is a different story...)
maybe it was just my sister, her friend, and I that thought it was so hilarious cuz the kids and their adult owners did not seem so amused.
and no it is not the bestest movie *just because* of the turtles! the funniest parts actually weren't from the turtle scenes! the babies were *so* cute tho. i loved how there were so many characters. the story seemed kinda jumpy at first cuz it would switch back and forth but i got used to it.
the beginning was so sad!! like Tarzan.... there were a few tearjerking scenes.

aww i wanna see it again! definitely gonna get it on DVD