"The one with the bright eyes laughed her way inside this music box..."
I had a VERY good time last nite!
WARNING: The following is yet another concert review from me. If you dislike my long going-ons about tiny details, observations, and sentence fragments I suggest you call it a day.
I got out of work at 6:05ish and dashed home. The concert started at 8:30 but I still wanted to be there for the doors to open at 7. My sister and I left the house at 6:20 to fillerup then we went to Christine's house to pick her up. And we were off!
Took 441 to I-4 to Downtown Disney. Simple huh? Yes. It was actually. Anyway, we arrived there around 7:45.
Sidenote: Of all days to be cold!! It didn't go above 50 all day. Last nite was around freezing temperature (30s)
I asked if they wanted to go in already or walk around for awhile. Well hmm it was purty darn cold so we decided to go in. I of course was carrying my purse so I went into the line that I thought was the purse check line. NO it was the pay-$2-so-they-can-hold-your-camera line! I didn't figure this out until about 15 minutes of standing there. grr. Finally I go the right spot, get in right away. Nice place the House of Blues is. We walked around to take in the surroundings. Found a picture with a turtle on it! Hee hee. It's on the very left end of the "house" in case you're wondering. Then we looked at the souveniers. I bought a red shirt, and a hat. I thought this one looked cool too but I decided not to buy it.
The concert started at 8 even though the ticket said 8:30! The first opening act was a lady named Tristan Prettyman. She was pretty good... Christine said she looked like a guy. lol. She was up there with her acoustic guitar, jeans, a beanie... The next group was Graham-Colton. Tiff said they reminded her of Something Corporate. Somehow. I'm not sure why. The lead guitarist's name is Turtle! :D Tee hee. His nickname anyway. I have two words for them: tight jeans. LoL. Oh and this place is pretty much standing room only. Gosh! I never had to stand for so long in my entire life! I don't know how some people do it. I guess they're used to it. We were very much not.
Jason Mraz and his band came on around 9:30!! Yay!! His percussion buddy's name's Toca Rivera and he has this gnome that accompanies him. That's kind of strange. If you saw him on Pepsi Smash then you would've seen it too. We couldn't see Toca performing tho because we were on the stage right side and he was on the same side in the back. The first song they performed was Common Pleasure, which is a very Scat-type song. In the middle of it, Mraz and lead guitarist Bill were using their guitars as swords and battling it out. lol. The show had a little bit of a robotic feel. The sound effects and such. Then there was another song and You & I Both. I like that song :). Oh and you know what? Of ALL the places to be in the entire House of Blues, we end up standing next to some AHS grads! I recognized Stacie and 2 other girls she was with. I don't remember Stacie's last name name but she's blonde.... the only other stace i knew at apopka. They kinda ignored us though. That's okay I didn't really know them anyway! Heehee. Mraz is a funny guy! Nice sense of humor. :) No special attire on, he had his signature ghetto hat cocked right. Some girl threw him a hat on stage and he was wearing it for awhile. Cute. Then he actually threw it back to her! He didn't keep it. I didn't know celebrities did that. =-o A lot of the songs, if not all of them, were extended with either a solo or two or some improvising. He does a lot of the "scat stuff". Which I found very different from other acts. I admit some of the songs were SO SLOW. I wouldn't of minded that as much if I was sitting down, but you can't really move around to a song that requires no movement. At one point he brings up Tristan Prettyman and they do an acoustic duet. both guitars involved. It was very pretty, man! Lol. It was a new one so maybe it'll be on his next album. He sounds fantastically great live! I was looking forward to that. The whole Mraz show was 2 whole hours! The "last" song was... I think... No Stopping Us. It's kind of a blur now, he sang so many songs. We thought it would be The Remedy, but they kept going! Maybe it was Sleep All Day... Yeah I think so because they used the disco ball for lighting and when they were "done" the ball was still spinning.
As you can "tell" they were not actually finished. Most people stayed to cheer for an encore! I think 5-10 minutes later he came out again! yay! "Oh I forgot my camera, okay see ya later! *pretends to leave*.... Just kidding!" Then he sang an acoustic solo. Coolness. It seemed like 7 minutes long. The sophomores (tiff and christine) were getting restless. Then the rest of the band shows up! Their final song was Too Much Food. I like that one too! Come to think of it, I like most of his songs. Oh yeah, that's why I went! :P . During that song, he took polaroid pix of the band and threw them out to the crowd. What a good idea!
So that was it! Two guys to our left were particularly annoying though. They must've been drunk really early because they kept saying the same two things. "YOU F-CKING ROCK!!" "YEAH YEAH YEAH!!" Tres annoying! It was particularly bad when Mraz was trying to sing an acoustic solo. Tranquil, quiet. Then "YOU F-CKING ROCK!" man goes and it's just like ARGH! We wanted to smack them. At first we thought it was one guy but then we figured out they were just standing next to each other! We wondered how Mraz could just ignore them the whole time. hee hee.
List of songs I recognized/remembered:
Common Pleasure
You & I Both
I'll Do Anything
Curbside Prophet
Absolutely Zero
No Stopping Us
The Remedy
Sleep All Day
Too Much Food
.... and a bunch more!
We exited the HOB and it was SO COLD! But it was warm inside so it didn't really sink in yet. I think the temperature gave us all energy boosts, and suddenly we were loud and lairy. Christine wanted to do a cartwheel on the pavement. So she did. She didn't land it very well so she was just sitting there, giggly. People were giving us funny looks lol. I told her she looked wasted. She took a liking to that ("I'm Wasted!") and she said she was going to tell her teacher that's what she did over the weekend. Haha great...
Drive home was just fine. No delays/backup/traffic. I-4 is I-Fun! lol.

Mraz said they might be back for the spring! Looking forward to another show.