as the well wishing birthday tradition in this blog goes on....
sounds like u had a great celebration with your new college friends! take care, have fun!
To drop my shell for but a brief moment of the day
'Twas a Sunday just like any other.
i got like 7 mosquito bites from the game last nite! yowza.
well it looks as though sonya has left! although i really don't know where she went. that makes me kind of sad that i don't know. i didn't get to say bye. but i understand that she didn't want to let me know. so anyway, sonya wherever you are, i hope you are doing well and i guess i'll talk to u sometime in the future!
so, i haven't posted a "real" whats-new-in-my-life post in about... 4 days. hey... that's interesting. i think i can as of this moment say that jacq and molly post way more than i do! lol. still refuse to give up my crown for updating my template the most. haha. challenge? challenge? anyway... what's new... this girl from my algebra discussion class talked to me afterwards, trying to recruit me to her church. she was nice. i was nice. not interested tho. but she's nice. i might say hi to her in class sometime. her name's nicole. that tallies up to me knowing 3 nicoles and a nikki. yay. in middle school there were about 3 other crystals. that was interesting. okay i'm gonna stop saying interesting. because it's not really *that* interesting. i'll consult my mental thesaurus and use... fascinating. lol. yes it was FASCINATING. but it gave us an excuse to get to know each other with an icebreaker of "i love your name!". right now i don't communicate with any Crystals. yet i know they exist. which is.... fascinating. quick! you're losing your readers! write about something else!
the song's undeniably catchy, the way they wrote out these lyrics are hilarious, and the video is good funny.
goes to the new MISS AMERICA!!
da da da DAAAAAAAA
well it's 9:34am and i am in the school library. i SHOULD be studying for geography. which i will take in... 5 hours. but i'm not. hmm. he placed an example of the test in the reserves area on monday. they told him it would be ready today. or that's what he thought. i asked the guy he said it takes a week. oh good so i'll be able to see the example test next week! i read over some of my notes. hopefully the test isn't horrible. it's all multiple choice. if it's like his lectures then it won't be. i dont remember if he drops the lowest score. i think i'll start studying at 10. just cuz :). i am definitely studying for my music exam that's tomorrow tho. i'm staying late today. so maybe i'll have another post up lol.
i was rushing to school (speeding? me?) and suddenly all these birds fly off the wires around my car! aaahhh!!! haha it was funny. i didn't start swerving into other lanes or anything. but it's just... funny. :) i woke up late today but i still made it to school. it took like over an hour. i managed to hit every single red light on maitland :S.
hello! been workin hard on my video. i'm gonna try to make it on a dvd if i can figure that out. matchstick men was really interesting. i dont want to give it a way but it absolutely did NOT turn out the way i predicted. nicolas cage was a good actor in it. i haven't seen much of his movies. oh and the way some parts were filmed reminded me of The Ring. *shudder*. no actually not the ring, but the evil memory video in the ring. even worse rite? okay yesterday i didn't go outside at all. wow. just worked on my video aaallll day. watched rerun of south park, real world, and road rules. last week's road rules was amazing! the firewalking episode? wow. i think it's gonna be difficult to top these missions for the next one. driving to and from UCF i always notice these large flocks of birds flyin around and sitting on the telephone wires. they're pigeons. ever see pigeons do that? not me. still kinda freaks me out to see them all flying together like that. stupid hitchcock movie. anyway time for more edting...
okay... so it's now September 12th. my time to formulate my opinion on September 11th is past due.
hey i've actually been busy past few days. cool! :P . silly me, i made this cool spiffy background and finally realized a couple days ago that no one else can see it! the background image source is of my computer so OF COURSE how could anyone else see it if they're not on my computer?
LAGANAS, Greece, Sept. 5 — Disco lights are luring baby turtles to their deaths on the fringes of a Greek marine park in the Mediterranean Sea. Environmentalists say rare loggerhead turtles scramble out at night from eggs in the sand on beaches in the west Greek island of Zakynthos and instinctively head for the brightest horizon — normally the white foam of waves under the stars. But neon lights from discos and cafes along the back of the beach at Laganas, built for tourists who also go for boat trips in the bay to try to spot turtles, are often fatally brighter.
I was wandering through the engineering building when i came across this room: